Events / Baptisms / Feasts

Feast Dates 2025 


 These dates are projected dates only. They will be confirmed by the first crescent moon sighting beginning the month of Abib. Dates below start at evening before, except Yahshua's Memorial Service.


When we gather here at Seekers of Yahweh for Yah's Moedim, we are not gathering to argue over ANY specific doctrine concerning the moon, when a day begins, or books such as Jasher, Enoch, Jubilees etc. We gather to adhere to the command to keep the Feasts, study Torah, and Ancient Hebrew. If you plan on keeping the Feasts with us, please respect that.


If you plan on joining here at the Assembly, call for details (208-553-8393). Or you may email at ... Shalom!


Yahshua's Memorial... April 12th (evening)

Pesach (Passover Day)... April 13th

Chag Ha Matzot ( U.B.)... April 14th - 20th

Shavuot (Pentecost)...  June 8th

Yom Teruah (Trumpets)... Sept. 24th

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)... Oct. 3rd

Sukkot (Tabernacles)... Oct. 8th - 14th

Shimini Atzeret (Last Great Day)... Oct. 15th

Blessings & Shalom!


If you are needing baptized in the correct name of the messiah, Yahshua,

give us a call at 208-553-8393 or email Teddy directly @: 


If you would be interested in having Teddy speak at your assembly, please use the form below.



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