Malkitzedek Roots
Revelation 22:16 I, Yahshua, sent My cherub to testify these things to you over the congregations. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.
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"Roots of The Order" ~ Malkitzedek
So, here we are in our Sabbath meeting in Seekers of Yahweh's Ministries. Here in Craigmont, Idaho, and we're going to be recording something that we tried to record during Sukkot, but it did not work out that way. We only recorded seven minutes of it, so we're going to redo it, HalleluYah.
So a few of us in the room have already seen it, and I did the teaching while I was out on the road. So, I want to thank all of you for your support, and to those of you that sent us a pat on the back for this teaching, I want to thank you, but it's not about that. What it is about is presenting this baptismic priesthood to Yahweh's people.
Now, most of you know that the reason that I'm doing this series is to put it together in a DVD series and present it to the elders that I'm close to in the Sacred Name Assemblies. Because these elders, and the elders before them, have worked all their lives and labor in the Messiah, baptizing people into the body of the Messiah. HalleluYah.
But now it's time to understand why. What is the purpose, and what is Yahweh revealing to us within the Sacred Name Assemblies in these last days? It goes much deeper, because I believe that the Sacred Name Assemblies and those who carry the beliefs like them, have been setting people up for the first resurrection for quite a long time, and not even knowing it. We have many resurrection teachings coming out of the Sacred Name Assemblies, and most of them, in my humble opinion, are spot on.
Now it's time to see why. It's because there is an elect being risen up at this time by Yahweh, from which He will take His bride. Amen? Amen.
HalleluYah. So, there are teachers out there that are teaching the Melchizedek Priesthood in a very bad way, saying that there is a Book of the Law and a Book of the Covenant, and there is a dividing point in the Torah that we're no longer bound to, and we all know that that is dangerous. Because if we do not adhere to all of the Torahic instructions in the Torah, we are then excluded from the ability to enter into the resurrection according to the rest of the prophecies and according to Moshe's words.
So what Secrets of Yahweh is doing is putting a series together in order to explain how the priesthood became, what its function is, and what we have been doing in the Sacred Name Assemblies for many, many years. And some of you elders out there have not understood your role, and what Yahweh has had you doing, and the reason behind it, but today we want to begin this series with this DVD to show you the roots of the order. Where did it begin? And in the rest of the series that I'll be sending out, we'll go through combating this book of the law, book of the covenant doctrine, because it is excluding people from the first resurrection.
And this is infiltrating, even now, infiltrating people that have been studying with the Sacred Name Assemblies for a very long time, and if we don't address this, and the elders do not begin to present this to their assemblies and their people, these people might be, or could be, walking away, slowly but surely, from the Sacred Name Assemblies, following these people and saying a warning, because they are misleading people by the thousands. They have thousands of followers, Seekers of Yahweh Ministry has thousands of followers. So what we're going to do is we're going to combat this, praise Yahweh that he's given us the ability, through social media, to combat this, and there are those that are starting to see the truth.
So this will be the first in a series of DVDs that we will be sending out to many Sacred Name elders, Sacred Name Assemblies, and we do pray that you watch the series completely all the way through, and that you share this information with your assemblies. If you wish for me to come and share these things, I will, and if we can have a live Q&A at the end, that's usually what we do here. HalleluYah.
Okay, so here we go with the Roots of the Order. The Arising Royal Priesthood of the Malki Tzedek, where is its roots and what is the order of things? In our English Bibles, what does that mean when we see the order of Malkitzedek.
Tzedek. We're going to show you what that order is today, according to Scripture, and we may even use a little ancient Hebrew here to back it up. Praise Yahweh. So you can catch us on social media, Facebook, Seekers of Yahweh Ministries, Teddy Wilson on YouTube, and our website is We're going to begin in 2 Peter 2:4-5, as we begin to track the priesthood.
How many of us know that the priesthood, there was a priesthood operating prior to the Golden Calf event at Mt. Sinai? Right. HalleluYah.
This is the priesthood we're going to track down and trace back to the very beginning. This is the priesthood that I am presenting to you today, to the glory and honor of our Melchizedek. 2 Peter 2:4-5, For Elohim did not spare the messengers who sinned, but sent them to Tartarus, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be kept for judgment, and did not spare the world of old, but preserved Noah a proclaimer of righteousness.
There it is. There's tzadikah. Tzadik, tzadikah.
Tzadik meaning righteous. Tzadikah meaning righteousness. Okay? So Noah was a righteous man.
Now, what is the high priest's name? Or his title even? If you want to keep those two words split. The Melek Tzadik. Melchizedek in our English Bibles.
Now, he was a proclaimer of righteousness and seven others, bringing in the flood on the world of the wicked. Now I'm using the scriptures, and many people still use a dependable sacred name by it. Which were great words.
HalleluYah. HalleluYah. He got Yahweh's name reestablished.
Proper names and titles. Huge. Praise Yahweh for that.
Now, most versions say 8th person there. He was the 8th person from Adam. However, person is added in most English versions.
So he was the 8th from Adam. What we will now see is that this verse cannot be speaking of generations. Because Noah was the 10th generation from Adam.
So what was he the 8th of? So first of all, let's go back and prove this. That he was not the 8th generation. In Genesis 5, we see the generations.
First generation, Adam. Second, Seth. Third, Enosh.
Fourth, Kynan. Fifth, Mahaliel. Sixth, Jared.
Seventh, Enoch. Eighth, Methuselah. Ninth, Lamech.
And 10th was Noah. So these verses that we just started out with in 2 Peter cannot be talking about a generational order. So this clearly proves that Noah was not the 8th generation.
Generations were being spoken about in Jude chapter 1. Only one chapter in the book. Verse 14. But the verses in Peter were speaking of their calling into the Mount Tizadek order.
Now, let's go to Jude. Verse 14. Yahudah, Jude chapter 1 and then verse 14. (Jude1:14)
And Enoch the 7th from Adam also prophesied of these saying, See Yahweh comes with his myriads of set apart ones. So here we see that Yahudah was speaking of a generational number. As to where Peter or Kepha could not have been speaking about a generational order.
This is very intriguing. So what order? That's the question. What order was he speaking of? Let's find out.
What I'm going to present right now is that Noah was the 8th in the order in the calling of the Mount Tizadek of the righteous king. According to the years of life with these men the Mount Tizadek order is as follows. First was Adam.
Second Seth. Third was Enoch. Fourth was Kynan.
Fifth Baha'u'llah. Sixth was Jared. Enoch never fulfilled his role but was taken up.
So the 7th position was shared and fulfilled by Methuselah. By the time Methuselah died Lamech was already dead. Which makes Noah the 8th in the order in the calling of the righteous king.
They were righteous men. Bringing forth a righteous doctrine. Proclaiming a righteous good news to a sinful world.
Yahweh has always sent a messenger or messengers to the people. Say your name siblings. HalleluYah.
Wake up to your calling. He has called us into righteousness. To proclaim the righteous good news of the Melchizedek.
To bring people into the body of Messiah. By immersion in the name of Yahshua Messiah. So that when he returns he can find faith on the earth.
And draw his bride out of this priesthood. That he is a high priest over. In Hebrews 7. We read the words order of Melchizedek.
This is the order of the righteous king. The king of righteousness. It has been translated in most English scriptures.
This word order. Is Greek number 50 kin taxis. It means an arrangement.
Fixed succession of rank. So the Melchizedek the high priest. The righteous king who is a high priest.
Has an order of successions of ranks throughout time. Official dignity or dignitaries I might add. So where do we fit in here? In the body of Yahshua.
Are we going to proclaim this righteous order? Later on in the series you will see. Where we prove that Yahweh will take his bride. From this priesthood.
She has cleansed herself. Prepared herself. This is where the bride is coming from.
Those in the first resurrection. Now this goes back to the Hebrew word order. Number H1700.
And it's definition is a reason suit or style. So this is a way that Yahweh fashioned it. It was his style.
It was he laid everything out in suit. When I go out on the road I do the same thing. I'm going to wear this at this when I teach here.
It's just a way I lay everything out in order. Now remember. He's going to by his word.
Set things in order. It is an order by the order. Which is two separate words.
It is an order by the order of the king. In the ancient Hebrew lexicon. You see that it's.
And in the ancient Hebrew lexicon. It's number 2093 E on page 320. And there it just simply says order.
Tracing this back to the family root. In that section of the ancient Hebrew lexicon. It goes back to the bar.
The bar being the Hebrew word for word. Dalit Bet Resh. A door the word.
Puts things in order. And opens a door to the house. And the head of the house.
He's drawing everybody back to himself. The word went out. And it did not return unto him void.
This is by the word of the righteous king. The way that he's bringing us back. Through this order of the priesthood.
To the righteousness that the king created us in. In the very beginning. HalleluYah.
HalleluYah. And in the definition there. You see the action root is order.
And the concrete word is word. An arrangement or placement of something. Creating order.
There is the order of Mount Sinai. Right there in the Hebrew. And it's purpose.
To bring the house back to. What was in the very beginning. That was appointed to the head.
I might add that Adam. Lost. Rule.
As a king over the earth. In the garden. Yahweh by his word brought these men.
Into the order of his will. As a malik. As a king.
As a ruler. He is bringing this order back. By instituting it in his council.
As we will see as we read Ephesians. Chapter 1. You can read verses 4-14 (Ephesians 1:4-14). Even as he chose us in him.
Before the foundation of the world. What is the foundation of the world? Let's clarify that first. It's the prophets and apostles.
It's what he spoke. The foundation. Was laid by the prophets and apostles.
That we should be set apart and blameless. Before him in love. Having previously ordained us.
To adoption. Now let's cover that. So that everybody will follow me.
Let's get out of our Greek English mind. And let me explain this adoption. From a Hebraic perspective.
Where is the first time we see sons adopted? In the scriptures. Jacob with Ephraim and Manasseh. Absolutely.
Ephraim and Manasseh was adopted by Jacob. Before he went to rest with the fathers. The spirit of adoption that we read about.
Was bringing everything into the order. He knew that these children didn't have an inheritance coming. Because they were half breeds.
So he adopted Yosef's children. And brought them into Yisrael. The spirit of adoption.
Was created by Israel. HalleluYah. Now.
As sons through Yahshua Messiah to himself. According to the good pleasure of his what? His desire. See.
Everything that he set in order in the beginning. It was his will and his desire. That it was set in order just the way it was.
But Adam and Hawah lost that order. They lost the rule. So it's his desire and his will.
That that be reestablished. By the order of the righteous king. Malki said.
HalleluYah. Okay. Verse 6. (Eph 1:6) To the praise of the esteem of his favor.
His grace. With which he favored us in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood.
Through whose blood? HalleluYah. He willed this thing. The forgiveness of trespasses according to the riches of his favor.
As he has lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight. Having made known to us the secret.
See. This thing was hidden. And kept a secret.
Until the body of Messiah. Had seed planted in it. Hello assemblies.
We've been planting seed and baptizing these people. Into the body of Messiah for how long? The time is coming that we give birth. Through a righteous priesthood.
To a righteous people. In which Yahweh can take a righteous bride. HalleluYah.
HalleluYah. In the order. From the order.
Verse 9. Let's go ahead and read verse 8. We'll just read all the way through. Which he has lavished on us in all wisdom and insight. See this insight. Eph 4:8-9
And this secret. This mystery is revealed to us. In the body of Messiah.
At a specific time. By what? The foundation that was laid by the prophets and apostles. Verse 9. Having made known to us the secret of his desire.
According to his good pleasure. Which he proposed. In who? Himself.
He proposes things within himself. To set things in order. This is the way he wants it done.
And you better bet. It will be done that way. Our father.
Who are in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done. On earth. As it is in the Shammayim.
HalleluYah. It will be done. His will will be done.
Verse 10. To administer at the completion of time. To gather together in one.
All in the anointed one. The Messiah. Both.
Which are in the heavens. Now. Why? Why? Okay.
Why am I saying this? Because. Messiah means. Or Mashiach means.
The anointed one. Right? Okay. So.
Who gets anointed? Prophets. Kings. And priests.
Both. Which are in the heavens. And which are on.
Earth. In him. In whom also we did obtain an inheritance.
Being previously ordained. According to the. Being what? Previously ordained.
Set in order. According to the purpose of him. Working all matters.
According to the. Counsel of his own will. The counsel of his desire.
For us to be the praise of his esteem. Those having first trusted in Messiah. To the elders out there.
How long have you been. Immersing. Da.
Trina. All of the pioneers. How long.
Have we been immersing people into the body? Some of you. For your whole life. You were raised in the faith.
It's time to understand what we've been doing. What we've been preparing. Is a priesthood of people.
We need to start looking at the way. We have people running around in our assemblies. The way we dress.
The way we act. The way we speak. The way we carry ourselves.
In the body of Messiah. People should look at us and say. That is a righteous.
People. We need to raise the bar. Don't let your guard down.
People need to see the righteousness. Of the righteous king within us. Not only by our words.
But the way we look at the way we act. Towards others. And what we do and do not allow.
Happy is the man that condemns not himself. By that which he allows. The elders out there should not be allowing.
The younger generation to run around. In skin tight clothing and everything. It is my humble opinion.
That we need to raise the bar. And raise up a youth. That is presentable.
In the body of the Messiah. Verse 13. In whom you also.
Having heard. The word of the truth. The good news of your deliverance.
In whom also having believed. You were sealed. With the set apart spirit of promise.
Who is the pledge. Of our inheritance. Until the redemption.
Of the purchased possession. We've only been purchased. Until the.
Pledge of our inheritance. Until the redemption. Excuse me.
Who is the pledge of our inheritance. Until the redemption. Of the purchased possession.
To the praise of his glory. His esteem. By his will.
He's setting things back in order. He's taking counsel with himself. He doesn't need our approval.
We don't go. This is who I am. And you must accept me the way I am.
That is evil and wicked. We must. Be transformed.
Not. Right. Not conformed.
But be transformed. By the renewing of. By the renewing of your mind.
HalleluYah. Praise God. Okay.
So I wanted to. To get together a little. New Testament scripture.
To back what we're seeing here. So the order. Of Melchizedek.
According to the genealogies. That we've seen. Began with Adam.
So Adam was the first. Melchizedek. The first ruler.
The first king appointed. Over everything. On the earth.
Yahweh sets things in order. In the garden. In Genesis 2. The creation of trees.
Grass. Rivers. Creatures.
Man and woman. Takes place. He's setting things in order.
And separating this from that. And that from this. He's putting things in order.
Then the father commissions. Adam and Hawah. His wife Eve.
Many of you know her as. To watch over what was set in order. Making Adam a ruler.
King. Of the order. Now.
Genesis 1. 28. And Elohim blessed them. And Elohim said to them.
Bear fruit and increase. and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule. Some of you are reading that he gave them dominion over the earth.
That word goes back to the Hebrew word rada, resh, dalit, resh, dalit, heim, which is simply telling us that he was given rule and that his job was to point everybody in the direction of the door where the tree, the revelation, was, the garden east in Eden. That's the revelation. Go read the last chapter in the book of Revelation and see what tree we go back to.
That is the revelation, is the tree of life, which is Yahshua, Yahweh, manifested in the flesh that hath redeemed us back to the righteous order. Now, I know some of you out there might not agree totally with what I just said in that time. But just know that he did provide the redemption for his people to get back into this order.
Amen? Amen. HalleluYah. And rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over all creatures moving on the earth.
So now we see that Adam was the first man in that order. Now we're going to see that Adam was the first one in the priesthood. How did that happen? Yahweh put him in the order.
Man messed up the order. He lost rule over the earth to the adversary. So what happened? There had to be a sacrifice by the mawki himself in the garden.
And he was the first one, the Kohen Hagedot, to sacrifice in the garden to cover his creation. Then Adam became the first man in the priesthood of the king. Because now there's blood sacrifices.
That wasn't something that just happened along the way down there at Mount Sinai. Yahweh himself provided redemption for mankind. Yahweshua, I'm sorry, Yahshua right here.
Yahweh's redemption. When he provided the sacrifice and clothed his creation in the garden, tracking the roots, that's all we're doing. In Genesis 3, Yahweh did sacrifices and makes coats of skin to cover mankind, his creation.
This makes Yahweh the first and greatest priest. He is Kohen Hagedol, the first and greatest one that ever sacrificed was Yahweh himself in the garden. Praise Yah.
Praise Yah. This makes Yahweh the first and greatest priest, Kohen Hagedol. Adam and his sons are then appointed into the priesthood.
Was not Aaron and his sons appointed into? Right. Although we have Zadok and his sons, see, that is the blueprint of Yah. He always has a man and his sons, his seed.
That's why Yahshua is the seed, and he's bearing much seed for the father. We are the seeds, the sons of Elohim being created in the body of Messiah here on this earth, and the bride is about to give birth. HalleluYah.
Right. We're conceived in righteousness. Adam and his sons are then appointed into the priesthood.
Genesis 3:21. And Yahweh Elohim made coats of skin for the man and his wife and dressed him. I'm going to cover you temporarily till I show up on the scene and remove sin completely from earth.
Genesis 4 3-7. Bearer sheet 4, 3 through 7. And it came to be in the course of time that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. Here we have a fat offering all the way back. And the fat is whose? Yahweh's.
Yahweh's. HalleluYah. HalleluYah.
And Yahweh looked to Hebel and his offering, but he did not look to Cain and his offering. And Cain was very wroth, and his face filled. His countenance wasn't able to look at Yahweh.
He was ashamed because his heart wasn't in bringing this sacrifice to the king. He was just going through the motions, huh? Where are we at in the assemblies? Are we just starting to go through the motions now? There's a lot more to what we've been called to do within the sacred name assemblies other than just show up on Shabbat and bring a message. No.
We need to teach righteousness. We need to build up a people that is worthy of the calling of the Messiah. People that are in order.
In the order. In the order. HalleluYah.
That's awesome. And Yahweh said to Cain, why are you wroth, and why has your face fallen? Why can't you look at me? What's wrong with our relationship? Why can't you approach me correctly? If you do well, is there not acceptance? That's all he asked, is that you bring this sacrifice to him with all of your heart in this priesthood. If you do well, is there not acceptance? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door and its desire is for you, but you should master it.
You should rule over it. These verses show us that the way we approach Yahweh in this priesthood has an effect on our ability to fight against sin because it's crouching at the door ready to take you down. You cannot come further into the temple.
Unless that sacrifice is brought with a contrite heart. Shem and Abraham. Shem would have succeeded Noah, for Shem had nothing to do with the Tower of Babel.
That's a proven historical point. Shem also would preserve Yahweh's language as well as the priesthood. History shows Abraham was born in approximately 1945-1948 BC and was 140 years old when Shem died.
Now, there are some other views about and dates about Shem's life. Nevertheless, Yahweh himself hands down the baton from Shem to Abraham. That is the point.
It goes from Shem to Abraham. Well, let me rephrase that. Shem, I believe, was still alive at the time of Abraham.
Even though there were others in the Order of the Mount he said Abraham would carry the baton on to who would become Israel. Let me put it to you like that. Because Abraham was called a Hebrew and from Abraham came who? Isaac and Jacob.
So, most history shows that he was 150 years old when Shem died. Some time frames show that Shem had died prior to that. Either way, we see this go to Abraham.
The baton is passed to Abraham in the Mount Kizzadik Order. An account of identity. And I might add before we move on.
Notice that there was usually more than one Malki operating at a time. These men lived for a lot of years and they knew each other. They knew each other.
They were in each other's presence. So, it was a Malki Order. It was a group of people.
Let's gather. Let's get together Malki. HalleluYah.
An account of identity. Shem was born in 2448 B.C. and lived for 602 years. He was 100 years old at the time of the great flood.
Abraham was born in 1948 B.C. and was 140 years old when Shem died. That's one timeline that I've dug up in the past. The genealogy.
We know Shem's line and descendants. Why do I bring this up? Because it says that the Mount Kizzadik had neither beginning or end nor any genealogy. No mother nor father.
Right. No mother nor father. There's only one that has ever been created that I knew that didn't have a mother or a father.
It's our father. Lord in heaven. We know Shem's line and descendants.
Abraham's father was Terah. Or Terah. Who was in the line of Shem.
We do not know, however, Mount Kizzadik's or Yahweh. Yahweh's genealogy. For he was without father or mother.
Go figure. So, more evidence. Continue here.
Mount Kizzadik in the Bible. Genesis 14:18-20. Genesis 14, 18 through 20.
Now this is where we... As I've stated in the past, I have a problem with some of the Greek translations the way they have things worded in the book of Hebrews. I'm not discrediting the New Testament at all. I'm just saying over the years because of what we've been led to believe about this passage that it's led us to translate things in maybe not a very accurate way.
Once again, Beresheet, Genesis 14, 18 through 20. And Mount Kizzadik, Sovereign of Shalom. Now many of you are seeing Mount Kizzadik, King of Salem.
Scratch that out. In the Hebrew, it says the Righteous King, Sovereign King of Shalom. It wasn't some guy named Mount Kizzadik who lived in a place called Salem.
I'm going to show you that here in a moment. What I would like to bring to your attention is that area in that day and age was inhabited by all kinds of pagan priests. And Mount Kizzadik, Sovereign of Shalom brought out bread and wine after the victory over these kings of the world.
Now he was the priest of the Most High El. And I submit to you that this is where Abraham is brought into the priesthood. He, Abraham, was made a priest of the Most High El because Mount Kizzadik, the Righteous King was the high priest, Kohen Haggadol.
And he just had a covenant confirming meal with someone he was bringing into the priesthood. And then later on in the same book, Abraham says, let's bring a little water and wash your feet. That's why we do what we do the night before Pesach.
Yahshua was bringing these people into a priesthood. That's why he washed their feet, broke bread, and they all drank of the cup. It wasn't an early Seder.
He was doing what he did with Abraham because we are becoming Abraham's seed. And he blessed him and said, bless the Abraham of the Most High El, possessor of the heavens and earth. El Elyon.
HalleluYah. And bless the Most High El who has delivered, and blessed be the Most High El who has delivered your enemies into your hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.
HalleluYah. I think that's as far as we need to go. Now.
The Bible doesn't tell us much about Melchizedek beyond what he was, beyond that he was a high priest of the Most High El, as we see in Hebrews 3:1-3. Let's go ahead and read that. Therefore, set apart brothers, partakers of the what? Heavenly calling.
There it is. It's this, we're putting you back in order. The heavenly calling.
The way that it was in the beginning. The way that it's being established now. Look at by who it is taking place.
Remember, we just had scriptural testimony that proved that Yahweh was the first one to ever sacrifice. That makes him the first Cohen. The Cohen Haggadol.
Therefore, set apart brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, closely consider the apostle, the emissary, and high priest of our confession, the anointed one, Yahweh's deliverance. That's the way that reads in Hebrew. HalleluYah? HalleluYah.
The apostle and high priest of our faith, Messiah Yahshua. That's what many of you are reading. In the Hebrew, it would be of our belief, the anointed one, Yahweh's redemption, Yahweh's rescue.
That's the way it reads in Hebrew. HalleluYah. The Hebrew language is so critical for us to understand what is being presented.
Who was trustworthy to him who appointed him as also Moshe in all of his house, for this one has been deemed worthy of more esteem than Moshe. How about the one who built the house, overseeing the one who was given rule over the house? Who gave the house to Adam? Yahweh. As much as he who built the house enjoys more respect than the house.
Praise Yahweh. HalleluYah? HalleluYah. Now, in that land where we just read in that account, where it says, Melchizedek, king of Salem, in most of your versions, I want to point something out about that part of the land back then.
It's not saying, only in English it says he was the king of Salem. No, no, no. No, he was the righteous king of peace.
It wasn't a guy from Salem. If you look at the Hebrew text, it does not say that. You're going to see Melchizedek, right? Sovereign of Shalom, or Shalem in some texts, which goes back to Shalom, my whole point.
Now, in that area though, there was Canaanite priests. So, if indeed it's talking about Shem, then Shem would have been a Canaanite priest if he lived in Salem that was in that part of the land at that time period. We can't have that.
No way. Canaanite priests? That's my question. Are we going to worship through a Canaanite priest? Oh no.
Oh no. I'm going to worship Yahweh through the righteous king of peace. Jebusites were in that land.
Descendants of Ham were in that land. Boo! These became adversaries of Yahweh's people. Read your Torah or the instructions in the first five books.
They were idolaters who worshipped Canaanite mighty ones. Melchizedek would not have worshipped a heathen mighty one because of the titles used for Yah. He was the only one that preserved the language.
He was the only one that stayed away from the descendants of Japheth and Ham. He would have never had a pagan name come out of his mouth nor had anything to do with a pagan priesthood. Wouldn't have done it.
He preserved. Archeological records reveal that the Jebusites were preceded by that of a Shemite group. See? That means that Shemites came in after them and started to rule that land at a later date.
HalleluYah. Noah foretold that Canaan would serve under Shem. Genesis 9.26 Question.
In our evidence continuing I have a question. If most scholars and most Melchizedek priesthood teachers claim that Shem was a high priest in the order then was Shem also Yahshua? Go read 1 Timothy 3.16. Makes no sense. Now.
Here's New Testament proof that this genealogy that we just set up and everything that we just presented is indeed scriptural and in line with the order of the righteous king. If you go to Luke 3.23-28 you see the genealogy there presented by Luke. Now let's read the first couple here.
In verse 31 it says of Mele, of Mina, of Metaiah, of Nathan, of Dawi, of Yeshay, of Jesse. So we have Jesse and David in the genealogy and it goes all the way up to Yahshua. Let's start at the bottom everybody.
Look at verse 38. Of Enosh, of Shem, of Adam, and of Elohim. So let's look at this genealogy.
Here's the same exact order. Elohim created Adam. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kynan, Mahaliel, Jared, Hanak, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.
HalleluYah. Shem, of Parchashad, Kynan, Shadok, Eber. There's what we get Hebrew from.
That's why I was saying that this baton was passed to a descendant of Eber which was the Hebrew named Abraham. Peleh, Rehu, Surah, Nahor, Terah, Abraham, Yitzhak, Yadok, Yehuda. Look at this.
This is a genealogy of a righteous king's order going all the way to Dawid, his father Jesse. They were handing the baton of the Melchizedek order all the way to the Melchizedek high priest, Yahshua Messiah. HalleluYah.
Establish some scriptural proof for what Teddy Wilson just said. Let's first look at 1 Samuel chapter 16. Let's look at verses 1 and verse 4. 1 Sam 16:1-4 And Yahweh said to Samuel, How long are you going to mourn for Shaul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go.
I am sending you to who? Yishai. Notice that we do not see Saul's name in the genealogy of the Melchizedek order. He said we're going to get this straightened out right now.
We're going to bring a Malki into the picture. I'm sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite for I have seen among his sons a sovereign for myself, a ruler, somebody who has a heart to bring a sacrifice to me. Someone who has the right and the desire to bring lawfully beautiful things to my throne.
It's in his heart to serve me the way I want to be served. We need a Malki order. Someone in the Malki order to do this to direct the steps of the people.
Verse 4 And Samuel did what Yahweh said and went to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said Do you come in peace? See the authority of a prophet who laid the foundations of the things that we read. HalleluYah.
HalleluYah. Now we're going to be taking a look at verses 10 through 13. 1 Sam 16:10-13 This is where Yahweh has all of these men starting to pass before him.
All of Jesse's sons. Verse 10 And Yashai made seven of his sons pass before Shemuel. And Shemuel said to Jesse Yahweh has not chosen these.
And Shemuel said to Yashai Are these all the young men? And he said there remains yet the youngest. Oh he revealed these things to the mouths of babes. And see he is tending the sheep.
And Shemuel said to Yashai Send and bring him for we do not turn around till he comes here. And he sent and brought him and he was ruddy with bright eyes and good looking. And Yahweh said arise.
Come. Come the Hebrew word come. Arise anoint him for he is the one.
And Shemuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the spirit of Yahweh came upon Dawid from that day onwards. And Shemuel arose and went to Ramah.
Guess what? He was the eighth. Seven of the sons passed before him. These aren't there.
Bring me the eighth. Noah was eighth in the order. We see this consecutively staying tight knit down throughout even the sons of Yashai.
It's the order. Makes me want to find out which son Saul was because he must not have been the eighth. And on the eighth great day that's when we're going to be what? Handing the kingdom over eternally to the king.
Our work is done here father. How do you wish for us to serve you from here on out? HalleluYah. Now let's look at 1 Kings 2:1-4. Malak Aleph.
Verses 1 through 4. And the days of Dawid were near to die and he commanded Shalma his son saying I am going the way of all the earth and you shall be strong and be a man and guard the charge of Yahweh your Elohim to walk in His ways to guard His laws, His commands. Go back and read this testimony that Yahweh gave Isaac in Bereshit or Genesis chapter 26 and you see the same exact qualifications to being anointed into the order that Malki said. I am going the way of all the earth and you shall be a strong shall be strong and a man and be a man and guard the charge of Yahweh your Elohim to walk in His ways to guard His laws, His commands His right rulings and His witness as it is written in the Torah of Moshe.
See this is where we get into this danger zone with some of these Malkisanic teachers that are saying that from Exodus 24:17 I believe it's verse 17 and on is now we're not bound to that because it was given to the Levite brain only. That contradicts everything that we see as the seed of Abraham. As it is written in the Torah of Moshe so that you do wisely all that you do and wherever you turn so that Yahweh does establish His word which He spoke concerning me saying if your sons guard their way to walk before Me in truth with all of their heart and with all of their being saying there is not to cease a man of yours on the throne of Yisrael.
Do we see how that works? Then Yahshua the seed that was promised to Abraham shows up at the top of the genealogy in the book of Luke. So we are the righteous seed that are coming to Elohim through Yahshua Messiah the High Priest. HalleluYah.
Now we're going to get a little New Testament for this. John, Yohanan chapter 7 verses 40 and 42 40 through 42 Yohanan chapter 7 verses 40 through 42 (John 7:40-42) Many from the crowd when they heard the word then said this truly is the prophet. What does the prophet do? He puts a seed in the house.
That's the Hebrew word Nabiya or Nabaim in modern Hebrew. It begins with the noon and the bed. It's the placing of the seed in the hearts of the household or those in the house.
The seed going back into the house. Knowing that look at what this verse says. This truly is the one that's putting the seed back in the house.
This is the prophet. Others said this is the Mashiach the anointed one. But others said does the Mashiach then come out of Galilee? Did not the scripture say that the Messiah comes from the seed of Dawid? And from the village of Bethlehem where David was? See they didn't know his origin.
They only knew that he came from Galilee. They didn't know that he was born in Bethlehem the house of bread. We do.
HalleluYah. We do. Alright.
As we see by looking at the genealogy of Yahshua that there were clearly Malki rumors raised up all the way from Adam to Yahshua. Let's look at Luke 6:1-5 And it came to be on a Sabbath that he went through the grain fields and his taught ones were plucking the heads of grain and were eating, rubbing them in the hands. And some of the Pharisees said to them why are you doing what it is not right to do on the Shabbat? And Yahshua answering them said have you not read what Dawid did when he was hungry? He and those who were with him how he went to the house of Elohim took and ate the show bread and also gave some to those with him which is not right for any but the priests to eat and he said to them the son of Adam is the master of the Shabbat.
King David what is speaking about is a time when a Levitical priest had taken the show bread off of the table and put the fresh show bread on it and by law it's only lawful for a priest of Galilee to eat that bread after it's taken off of the altar. This is why it's so significant for us to understand that we are kings and priests in the order of Mount Kisenet. We have the right to eat live off that bread of life.
Coming to the tree of life. It was lawful for David to eat because he was a Mount Kisenet priest. He was not a Levitical priest.
He had the right to eat that bread and to share it with those who were following him. HalleluYah. Clearly what Yahshua was teaching was that Melek David, King David as well as himself were not bound to the Levitical order.
He also made it very clear that he was not bound to any of their oral Torah for he alone made the right rulings or judgments concerning what was lawful on the Sabbath. Yahshua said I know what I had Moshe right. I'm very familiar with what it is.
HalleluYah. He's the guy there from the seventh day that created it all. HalleluYah.
The Mount Kisenet priesthood proves to be the first and final authority. Take a good look at this. The knowledge of the Mount Kisenet priesthood is the DNA strand to our eternity.
And I'm talking first resurrection material. And with that I submit this root of the order that we are in some of you even unknowingly. But let it be made known to you today who we are joined to, what we are joined to and what our job is to do is to present righteousness to the assemblies of Yahweh.
The way we look, dress, eat, present ourselves, speak. We should be condemning sin not letting it run rampant. We should be speaking and teaching against sin.
If we do not speak and teach against sin, what's so righteous about us? You're going to put up with sin in your assemblies? We're not. Let's raise the bar. HalleluYah.
Let's raise the bar. Somebody's got to do it. And should it not be the assemblies that were established by the pioneers of the sacred name assemblies in which Yahweh's great name has been made known to the United States of America, then let's redeem them.
Let's help Yahshua bring them into this covenant by the teaching of righteousness and condemning sin before it condemns everyone else. HalleluYah. Father, we thank you so very much for this Sabbath day and we thank you for your word.
We thank you for your beautiful language and we thank you for one another. We pray that this message would touch those who you are calling and we pray that you would heal the minds and hearts of each and every person that will see it. It was made for your glory and your purpose and your kingdom reign.
We pray this in the name of Yahshua. HalleluYah.

Heb 7:1-3 For this "Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High Elohim," the one meeting Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, "and blessing him;" to whom also Abraham "divided a tenth from all," first being interpreted, king of righteousness; and then also king of Salem, which is, king of peace, without father, without mother, without genealogy, nor beginning of days, nor having end of life, but like the Son of Elohim, His priesthood remains forever.