Curse of the Law



Galatians 3:13 Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the Torah, having become a curse for us; for it has been written, "Cursed is everyone having been hung on a tree;"

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The Curse of the Law

By Elder Teddy Wilson

Seekers of Yahweh Ministry

Streamed live on March 4, 2023



The basics are written studies on the names the Sabbath and the feast. And from the perspective of both the old and the New Testament and one of the bless his heart one of the brothers in Kenya immediately started getting negative feedback and he said brother every time I hear you teach on this it's so true and I see it. I just don't know how to present it to them whenever they come up with Galatians the curse.


Of the law and cursed is he that doesn't continue at all that the law so the way that they're putting it is that the law is a curse and I first and foremost want to encourage those brothers. Yeah, don't give up. Just continue to reach out to me.


So today is dedicated to all of those brothers. In Uganda, India, and Kenya. They have my undivided attention because they have the ability to reach people that we do not.


And it's time to educate. One another and I want to instill some. Kocma some Kocma upon these brothers some wisdom upon these brethren.


No, the law is not a curse. And yes cursed is he who does not continue to do all that the Commandments tell us to do that's that's a correct statement, but they've joined those two together and what they've done is they're saying that the the law is a curse. So what they're inevitably having us try to believe is that Yahweh's Torah is a curse.


Now, I want you to understand from a Heavenly standpoint what that means. You if you are teaching men, so blessed is the man who teaches them right for great. He shall be in the kingdom of Yah the MalkuYah, but it's not so to him who teaches someone to stray away from the least of the Commandments.


Okay, this is definitely a first resurrection. No, no, you cannot enter into the first resurrection of the dead under the Christian Doctrine as it sits today. Now that doesn't exclude you from the kingdom.


Please don't please don't get me wrong. But how many of us in the room are watching want to be in the first resurrection so that we can be part of the bride of the Mashiach the anointed one of Israel. I mean, this is a no-brainer some of us caught on to this early in life.


We have children in the room that will never have never bowed their knees to Baal and they won't okay, but there's some of us in the room that did okay, then we repented. Oh the gift of repentance. But the kochmah the wisdom that I want to breathe into everybody today.


Is the wisdom of the difference of Torah or law versus kocheh. What is not really related to kochmah? But kocheh they've translated as either precept or Statue or one of these other words, but its root is that we're going to take a look at this. Why is this so important to know these Hebrew words because the translators didn't and that's why people are teaching against the Torah and cursing themselves.


If you teach against one of the mitzvot of Yahweh, you are in big big trouble with him. Not me. I'm saying like this.


I love you brothers that are out there teaching but the majority of you in our in our faith are dead wrong. You're throwing out stuff left and right and all I do when I see it on social media is I grab it and stick it right back in. I'm going to come with a message that keeps the word intact and yet in no way shape or form causes us to lack in the faith that brought us to the belief of Yahshua to begin with.


It's the faith in the blood of Yahshua that give that has given us the stability to remain focused on. Well, this could be true and I could have been taught a lie, but it doesn't change my faith in him. HalleluYah.


It doesn't and so today we're going to break down by because they're going to they took this brother to Galatians. We're going to read the two verses that they brought to him and then I'm going to go. We're not just going to break down Galatians.


We're going to go some years later. Galatians is the first epistle that Shaul wrote. Not okay Romans just because you see it first.


It doesn't mean that that was the first epistle that he wrote that was actually the sixth. So we're going to go back. In time.


And we're going to show that what he was teaching here is a priestly equation. It's not an argument over Torah and non Torah observance in the body of Yahshua and even the majority of teachers in our belief still stick to that customary teaching sad. I'm going to show you today.


We're going to we're going to launch into Hebrew word study right from the very beginning. And then we're going to go to the text and we're going to do some Greek word studies and I'm going to show you where the error is and I'm going to for these brothers out there. They've got the old King Jimmy verbiage.


So I'm going to be bringing this unless we make it to the PowerPoint. I mean, there's a lot of information today. We're going to we're going to connect the dots.


Okay, but I'm going to be reading this out of the same verbiage that they're looking at out of the word of Yahweh. Okay, this is very important that they understand this. We must impart wisdom.


Upon one another whether we like it or not. It is what it is. And it is what always has been and it is what always will be Yahweh changes.


Not so. Why did we so? Why did we your Hanan? Why so? Why did we? Because the false pen of the scribe and the false teachers okay, and I want to listen. I'm not attacking people in the church.


I'm attaching the attacking the dogma. Of the church people are getting kicked out of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Why because they want to keep the feasts and as soon as the pastor finds that out he is under protocol to counsel with them and if they don't straighten it up after that they get dis-fellowshipped.


Am I right? It's because they don't have the knowledge of this Hebrew thing is the law curse. Are there curses in the law and is the man or woman mankind cursed if they do not continue in all that the law tells us to do? Yes. Now, I know there's pastors out there.


We'll listen to what I just said and they'll say see he's teaching legalism. Oh, no. No.


No, I'm teaching lawfulness. Yeah, what is lawful is not illegal. You get caught up in the legalities of the Torah whenever you're disobedient to it.


Then there's a legal matter and Yahweh has the right to prosecute you. Huh? He's not going to persecute. He's going to prosecute and the judgments and the right rulings are already written.


Cursed is the man that does not continue in all that the law and the prophets have said. That's my doctrine and my doctrine is not my own. HalleluYah.


Father, we praise you today and we asked that you would lead us and guide us as we begin to study your word and we pray that you would bless all of the brethren everywhere, especially these two brethren that are there bringing and watching these links at their churches. That they are bringing this stuff to the people in their church that is packed full of people that I know father that you are trying to draw close to you in these last days. Let it be if it be your will.


Let what is spoken here today. Not only touch the associate pastor the son of the associate pastor, but let it touch the pastors of all of the nations of the world in the name of Yahshua. Your kingdom is going to come and your will will be done and there's nothing that nobody can do about it.


Baruch atah Yahweh Eloheinu melech haolam. Blessed is he who is coming in the name of Yahweh. We worship you today and we ask that your Ruach would just move in this place and move in the hearts and minds of everyone who is watching live or will watch this recorded version that you would just cause your breath to be stirred.


I want to stir the breath that is within you. Some of you by the laying on of my hands let the spirit be stirred in this place and our minds and our hearts give us discernment help us to become fruit inspectors. HalleluYah of our own fruits and the fruits that are growing on the same tree.


We know that not all fruit is harvested and put in the basket for the king. Give us discernment. Help us to build something father that will remain standing when your fire comes upon this earth.


And let that building begin within us and everything that will stand that bears your name. How be it that it is being done according to your wish and your will and your ways. It's Yahweh's not our ways.


So we ask that you would lead us and guide us and touch the heart of everyone who will be listening or who will listen later father. And we exalt you and we thank you so much for the blood of the covenant. We worship you.


We pray all of this in the mighty name of your Redemption Yahshua. HalleluYah and I mean you hunt on. Oh, yeah, everybody.


Wait your whistle. Get your highlighters and pens out now. Many of you know, but some of you don't know that we have full teachings on the book of Galatians and Romans and several other books in totality.


If you have not watched them, please I'm sure brother Chris will be pulling up our contact information and just contact me. Send me an email and I'll make sure that you get the link to all those playlists. And one thing that I want to point out before we even get into the study today is that in the past we know that we have proven that at times when it's talking about the law in the book of Romans early on and as well as throughout the book of Galatians sometimes talking about the law of circumcision and other times it's talking about other types of law.


That is not Torah. Those things are in the Torah, but they are not Torah. And so many of you have the scriptures brother Walter.


This is important. We've got some changes to make. Okay, we need to go back and and see where the word cocaine or coca would have been used and leave it law.


We've translated all of those things as Torah. We're in error. It's not right.


The scriptures even though it is a very good translation. It has those errors as well. Only somebody with a Hebrew mind and knows the Hebrew language and knows the right rulings and the judgments well enough can tell you what's being said in Paul's writings.


That's why there's so many different beliefs about Paul's writings because they didn't understand the mind of the author. You have to remember. He was a Pharisee when it came to circumcision.


Which he was part of that group group not function. Okay, when it came to circumcision priesthood and all of these things that were laws in Yahweh's word concerning those things. So they were laws in the Torah.


Okay, and there are curses for breaking that law. Oh, yeah. Now, so the first thing that I want to do is make sure that they're going to understand the message today again.


That's why I'm going back to the word of Yahweh because I want to impart this kukma upon Yahweh's people of all races, color, and Lashon and languages. I want this to be easy to understand. Okay, what we're going to be looking at.


Okay, I pinned these down this morning. So what we're going to be looking at is the root line of number 2706 and number 2710 which is root. Now all of the other ones in between that 2706 would lead to 2707, 8, 9, and then 10 is the primary or primitive root.


We're going to take a look at that. We're going to look at the Kokei and then we're going to look at the top of the root line in both modern and ancient Hebrew. We're going to look at the ancient Hebrew of the final root of all of these words.


Okay, and I'm going to point out the error of the translators for some 2,000 years now. 1,900 years is what we're dealing with. Many of you have seen me teaching and posting things about the desolation, abomination of desolation that has already happened.


That's not something that's going to happen in the future. It's been happening for 1,900 years. The man of iniquity has already been exposed.


That means Adam, lawlessness, the lawless men have already been exposed. Where do you know who they are? They're the ones teaching against the law. They're anti-gnomian in the Greek.


These things are already there. They're all they've been happening. 1 Thess 2:1 is a thing of the past in which is now building on our future.


Do you understand? It's a thing that happened in the past 1,900 years ago. Let me ask you, is the temple standing? Was the temple rebuilt? Prior to the first century, you got everybody's got it twisted. You've been following those church doctrines way too long.


The abomination that lays waste. All right. Now this fourth beast can only be overcome by the blood of the Lamb.


The Messiah, the anointed one is actually spoken about in the book of Daniel. Okay, so we have our problems with that book. Some of it's written in Hebrew and some of it's written in Aramaic, but I'm pretty sure that Yahweh has revealed to me what has happened.


The very ones that caused the temple to be destroyed in AD 70 have fixed the scripture in order to point to the future instead of already what has been. So what I'm sharing with everybody is we have this mentality in our belief to change everywhere where it says law to Torah. That's a mistake and I'm going to point out why.


Because there are laws in the Torah and that is what the lawless one has hidden that we're breaking the law and we become part of him in disobedience rather than part of Yahshua in obedience. The one who serves sin serves lawlessness. So who's the leader of the law? Who is the lawless one? Come on now this I mean, this is just just just what it is.


That does not mean that all times our heart was not set on serving Yahweh in Yahshua, but there is a deception that is running wild. It has been for 1900 years and now they're throwing Paul out of the picture and calling the heretic. We're going to reestablish that today.


Anybody who has a problem with Paul's teachings you give me a call and we'll put you on live at some point. Oh, yeah, but you better know your Hebrew and you better understand who and what Shomer was. Truth Seekers want to know.


So here is the underlying problem. Behind me is the Hebrew word koch or kocheh depending on how you want to pronounce it. And here you see in the definition something prescribed or owed a statue something prescribed a statute or a do now what I want to point out is that all of these English words statue precept and all of these are merely synonyms.


They are synonyms for the root of this word. Okay, they are synonyms that stem forth from the root of this word. Now, I want you to focus on something prescribed and notice that this is a noun in the masculine.


It's something that Yahweh prescribed. It's an antidote for sin. The law is is an antidote.


It's something prescribed because sin is the sickness of mankind. We can't force it out of our brain. We can't force it out of our heart.


We have to use the word of Yah to chase it all away. It's the implanting and the engrafting of Yah's word from cover to cover that forces sin to leave your body and your mind and your thoughts. When you ingrain the word and the Torah.


All right, the Torah is Yahweh's word. Do you see the problem here? It is not, the Torah is not kochei and the Torah is not kachak. The kochei and the kachak are in Torah.


There is kachak. It's root and the root of not only 2706, but 2707, 2708, 9 and here we are at the primary or primitive root. I want you to look at this what has been prescribed.


Then we're going to take this to the ancient Hebrew and we're going to see what this should see. Why am I pointing this out? Because the translators obviously did not know the difference, especially when they got to the New Testament and we're looking at the Greek text. We're going to start with the Hebrew and I'm going to show you the errors of the English and Greek text.


To cut in, inscribe a decree. Also in the Strong's it calls this a law. What's that? Yeah.


Yeah, I'm just making a statement here. Yep. To cut in, inscribe a decree.


So you'll see that when Yahweh inscribes something and makes a decree that it becomes law. It's the exact same way that all of our stuff works in the United States. We have lawmakers, don't we? We don't get to sit in on the majority of those laws that are being made.


And then when we vote on something else, they sneak some of those laws in with us for a specific other bill. Do you see what I'm talking about? Okay. So here we see that this is something that is inscribed.


It is a decree and you see that it is cut in. In other words, not only is it fabricated into something that already exists, but it's being engraved into something that already existed as well. These are laws being added to Yahweh's instructions, which are Torah.


This is very, very clear. But though it is law, they chose to use these other synonyms in the English language in their translation, such as statue or precept or a decree, which are all synonyms of law. Okay.


Whoops. So in the ancient Hebrew lexicon, that's going to be number 1180 BV on page 129. 1180 BV 1180 BV section B subsection V, which means it's being used as a verb.


Here as a noun, it means a custom, the customs of the people. Yeah, the way things are done by the decree of the king. Okay.


Now when it's being used as a verb, look, it means to inscribe. Now, there are several different ways that you can inscribe. Let's think function here.


Let's get Hebraic and let's lead our minds in the way of the Hebrew thought patterns. There are several different ways that you can inscribe. One would be to listen and be a scribe for someone else by writing down their words, which is the law and the prophets.


So these men on behalf of Yahweh set down and inscribed the laws in the Torah and in the Nebaim, the prophets concerning his people. Those are the customs. That's when it's used as a noun right there.


See this same exact spelling but being used in difference as in a noun or a verb. If you don't understand those things back off of the microphone and back away from your YouTube channel for a while and get educated. Because if you don't you are going to make a mess of Yahweh's people.


So inscribe, look at this to write a decree or custom to write a decree. This means it is a law in something. Do you understand? It says to write a decree or custom.


So this is something that is written as a decree. The customary practices of Yahweh's people. Now look up here at oops, sorry, the two-letter root at the top of the root line.


Now, let's discuss the letters before we look at the two-letter root. It's khet, kuf, kuf, khokak. Okay.


So this what is these decrees that are being inscribed are something that brings people who were once divided onto the right side of the fence or the tent wall. Without these decrees, these laws you cannot be part of the fold inside of the tent door. We have the khet meaning it's a tent wall or or a fence.


And it means to separate or divide and this is what we're at right now in our time frame. He's separating the sheep from the goats. He is.


That is what's happening. If you see some major changes in your world, it might not be a good thing right now. Hold fast.


Stay put because this dividing or this bringing the things that were separated or divided outside of the fence or outside of the tent wall that are now being brought in has to do with the gathering together at a certain time period. You see it? It's got to do with the gathering together of a certain time period or for a certain time period. So you have the here and now and you have the future gathering at Messiah's return.


And if you are not brought on the right side of the fence prior to you going into the dirt, there's going to be an issue with you getting into the first resurrection of the dead when he gathers everybody together that living and have died from all the four corners of the earth. That is the prophecy. Isaiah 65


It doesn't paint a very beautiful picture of the return of Messiah. Again, it's not going to be a manger scene. It's going to be a danger scene.


So at the top of the route line, the action route is to inscribe and there we see abstractly. It's custom. The pictograph head is the picture of a wall representing a separation and the kuf is the picture of the sun horizon representing the idea of coming together.


Combine these means separation and coming together. It's a separating for the coming together of a certain time period. It's directly connected to the resurrection of the dead.


These laws. In the Torah, these cocaine a custom brings a people separated back together when Yahweh threw him out of the land. He had already in his infinite wisdom.


I want to impart this cook ma upon the hearers of this message. Okay, when Yahweh gave us the feasts, it was with the premise in his own mind that we were not going to stay in the kingdom of Israel and it was his only way to command us by law a decree through the through Moses and the prophets to come back together. Seven times a year and and every seven days.


This is how I'm going to hold it all together in sevens. We must seven ourself. There is no gathering without if you're not following the commandments of Yahweh.


There is no regathering for you at the return of Yahshua. This is simple. This is this is Hebrew 101 stuff and even the Greek as we're going to see shows us the same message.


You just got to know how to teach it. You just have to know how to open the ears of the deaf. You have to know the one that has opened the eyes of the blind.


You have to know what he was saying and what his thoughts and what his intentions was from a Hebrew perspective. So is everybody who follows the law cursed? Stick with me brother. Chris, you can dial in on me.


We're going to we're going to go over the scriptures. Now, we're going to this is where we're going to go. We'll have a couple of Greek word studies along the way, but we're going to go where this brother has been taken and we're going to give him the tools that he needs.


All they've got to do is watch this video and if they truly are trying to serve Yahweh, they'll see it. We're talking about laws in the Torah. The Torah is not a law.


The Torah is full of many different things. Blessings, curses, mitzvot. Blessings, curses, all of the above are in the Torah, but the Torah is does not mean law and that's where everybody has made the mistake.


So I'm going to read out of the translation that still uses the word law and I'm going to show you what laws being spoken about. How many of us know that we were under a tutor until Messiah came? A schoolmaster that would bring us to Messiah. They just use that one verse.


But if you look at the whole chapter, it's talking about a blood sacrifice. The Levitical priesthood was a schoolmaster. It was what led us to the blood of Messiah.


And when the blood of Messiah came in, we no longer needed that schoolmaster. The blood sacrifices from the Levitical order led us to Yahshua and then Yahshua gave the pure blood sacrifice and that is what is being spoken about in the third chapter. We're going to prove it.


We're going to use the book of Galatians. Now, so let's then we're going to go to Romans and I'm going to show you it's the same message there. Now, remember there are places where it's talking about the law of circumcision too, but over the years I have gained much more understanding because of my understanding of the Hebrew language and how it works.


So this is the one that they brought him to. Oh brother, you're being deceived. Oh, you shouldn't listen to that guy.


Yeah, he's going to bring you into this legalism and it's going to take you into bondage. I want to ask anybody in the room or anybody watching this was the Torah ever bondage to Yahweh's people? Was his instructions bondage? It's freedom. The law of Liberty spoken about in the book of James.


The law liberates Yahweh's people. It can't contradict itself. So let's read Galatians 3:10-11 chapter 3 verses 10 and 11 which was presented to this brother and this is where they say this passage proves that the law is a curse and no one in the body of Messiah is or can be justified by the law.


They're saying that law means Torah. Let's analyze that for just a minute. I think that every instruction on how to be justified in the eyes of Yahweh is definitely written in the Torah and it's spoken about everywhere in the prophets how we are liberated how we are justified is everywhere in the Torah and the prophets.


So if you know that it's not talking about the Torah here and it's talking about a law in the Torah now we're on to something. This is one of those Oh father so let's read verse 10 11 chapter 3 of the book of Galatians 3:10-11 for as many as are for as many as are out of now remember I'm reading out of the word of Yahweh today are out of meaning apart from the works of the law are under the curse. Wait a minute.


Did that say that the law was a curse? No those who are under the penalty under the law means that you've done something that brings you under judgment that is written in the law. Excuse me in the Torah. It's a law a precept a customary decision on Yahweh's people a decree for it is written curses everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them now that word book simply means Sefer or Megillah in Hebrew.


It means writings. It means writings. It simply means writings in the book of the law to do them now at this time period.


I want you. I want to put you into what they're in the first century what they're going through. So the book of the law concerning priesthood would be in what book? Yeah, but it would be in a specific book.


Leviticus it would be in the Megillah of leeway the book we call that now the book of Leviticus. I'm this is this is Hebrew here. This is not has anything nothing to do with what the church has taught us.


This is going to be a fresh new look at what was going through the mind of the guy who wrote this in verse Gal 3:11. It says but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of Yahweh is evident for the just shall live by faith. So that's the verses that they threw at him.


You're only justified by faith, but that word faith as actually means belief see in Hebrew. If you believe something you do with the books say that's believing it's an action. But you can see what they threw at this brother was for as many who are out of or apart from the works of the law are under the curse for his written curse.


It is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of Elohim. It is evident for the just shall live by faith now. Hmm.


What type of faith? Don't stop there. Okay. So before we go to Romans and we'll see the same exact teaching will come back to Galatians.


I want to go and show you some years later. He had even sharpened the Assembly's understanding concerning these Kachak and the Khochei. He had sharpened them.


Iron had sharpened iron by the time he wrote the book of Romans. Galatians was his first book early on. This is huge.


This is a big one everybody. But I before we jump back into Romans to ship to see the same exact teaching but he elaborated much more on it. Let's jump over here to verse 23. Gal 3:23


But before faith came what? Are you telling me that Abraham didn't have faith? Are you telling me that Noah Noah didn't have faith? Let's break the chains of what the church instilled in us right here and look at this beautiful picture. Look at this. It says but before faith came Enoch had to have had faith.


Adam had to have had faith. Without faith and believing in him we have nothing. So what is it talking about here? It's talking about believing in the sacrifice of Yahshua and his blood and we're going to prove that he sharpens everybody's tool concerning the same subject in the book of Romans.


Look at this. But before faith came we were kept under the law shut up shut up unto the faith which is the law. Which should afterwards be revealed.


So do we have the same type of faith that Abraham had? We better. Are we walking in the same belief system? We better be. Right? So the current doctrine that they're trying to pump down this brother's throat is disproven in the same chapter in the very same chapter but before faith came you take this one Kenya Uganda India you take this to your pastors and your dads and you show them this you show them this error that what they are telling you that verse 10 and 11 means cannot be right.


It can't be if you read the rest of the chapter read the whole chapter. It's not what it's talking about. It's talking about this thing that came 430 years later.


It was a law that came 330 years later. It is the kokach right here that came 430 years later. You see the Torah always existed.


Adam broke the Torah or he could not have been held accountable for sin for sin is transgression of the sin is transgression of what is written in the Bible. In the Torah sin is not transgression of Torah instructions sin is transgression of the laws written in the Torah. This is so simple to understand.


This makes repentance easy. It does how many times in the church. Did you ever feel like you failed yourself and failed somebody else and failed Yahweh in the process wherever you were at and you and you say, you know what it got down you prayed.


Oh take this from me. I'm so sorry. But two days later you felt with the same thing and you felt double convicted over it because the process wouldn't be done.


Right? It was in the heart of of mankind to repent but nobody taught them how without this knowledge. You cannot truly repent. Do you understand that without this knowledge right here? You cannot truly repent.


You can't repent from Torah. Because it in it is the essence and the oracles of life. If you repent from Torah, you've got nothing.


But if you repent from sin against the laws and the commandments in the Torah, did you sustain life? Right? Because I guarantee you there's going to be some of those laws that we break between now and tomorrow maybe prayerfully not. So again, but before faith came we were kept under the law shot up unto the faith which should come afterwards or which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law wherefore the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to the Messiah that we might be justified by faith.


Now again, we have to ask ourselves. Well, wait a minute. Abraham is the father of our faith.


So if he didn't have the same faith I have then we've got a problem and it's in verse 23 starts out but before faith came. Well then tell me Mr. Preacher man exactly when did faith start? After Messiah came and gave the blood sacrifice? Is that when faith came to be? What about all the people that died waiting on the Messiah to come walking according to the law and was found righteous according to the principles and the statutes. There's no sentiment synonyms of the law meaning Torah the commandments in it.


What about them? They weren't walking in faith. I refuse to believe that I'm going to stand fast on there's not many brethren that were walking according to Yahweh's will that is in the instructions in the Torah that were waiting on the Messiah to come to redeem them and are just as important and just as worthy of his blood sacrifice than we are he's even across the board. That's what the blood is all about.


In other words, what are you saying Teddy? Until we were able to put our faith in the blood that Yahshua gave. There's always been faith but not everybody was able to put that belief in the blood because the blood had not yet been shed. We're going to get the Hebrew mind into Yahweh's people if it's the last thing I do on this planet.


Now we are we could never be justified. It tells us right there. I believe this part.


We can never be justified by the law the instructions Torah or the laws and precepts and statues. Those are the synonyms within it. We could never be justified by that.


That's why we had to have the priesthood that existed from the garden all the way till they came out of the Exodus. Moses was already sacrificing set apart the people. I'm coming down in three days and then you had a priesthood appointed and then it failed and the Levitical order was erected.


So the Levitical priesthood is the schoolmaster that brought us to the priestly ordinances of the blood of Yahshua. So before breaking this down in the book of Galatians, let's search another source in Scripture where Paul is speaking on the same topic within the same context. Did you hear me? Where Paul finding another source in the Scriptures where Paul is teaching on the same topic within the same context.


This is something that no theology course in the church. No seminary school could ever do for us. So which cocaine is being spoken about here? Let's go to Romans 3 as well.


Now remember down in two as I've taught on in the past is talking about this so within the first five or six chapters Shalom is speaking about two separate laws in the Torah. One is circumcision and the other one is this priestly ordinances go read Leviticus. We just might go there.


This is going to be a good one. Okay now and we look at how it set out first it talks about Aaron and his sons and the sacrifices in chapter 16 17 and then once you get to 18 at the end of 17 and going into 18 we switch gears from all of these sacrificial laws to the laws of infidelity right? And he said you better do all these laws. That's what Joel is talking about in the book of Galatians because they don't go to the verse that says but the man who does these things shall live by them.


They just throw that one completely out didn't they? So in Romans chapter 3 and 4 it's the same context same topic some years later and he's sharpened in these areas the way that he brings it the way that he presents it. It's like me. If you go back and watch the first video you ever I ever recorded and didn't even know they were going on the internet at that time.


I was just recording it and making DVDs and a friend of mine in California was throwing them all on online. I had no idea. You go back and you watch them and what we had then a little desk and a curtain in the background with the Tetragrammaton spray painted on it.


We're seeing what Teddy Wilson had the ability to teach then and fast forward to today when we stand behind this Bema in this place that bears his name and the types of teachings that are coming out of this ministry are not known to the majority of any other assemblies not only in the States, but in the world abroad. That is bringing glory to Yahweh's name. This got nothing to do with me.


This stuff is for him. I'm just a pawn. That's what we are.


We are pawns in this game of life. Are you willing to be moved where he wants you to be? Are you willing to take one for the team? Like Yosei has said, here I am, send me, I'll go. Right? The majority of people today aren't like that.


No, I'm going to stay here. I'm not going. It's just the opposite.


Now, I want to go directly to verse 25 Rom 3:25 and then we're going to build on that. Remember, we just left in Galatians where it said, until faith came. Remember? Until faith came.


Look at this. I bet you that raised a lot of questions in the Assembly of Galatia. They were like, until faith came and actually they would have said until the belief came, they would go.


Well, he just wrote about Abraham. So, I mean, the same question that came to my mind now. Well, so when did this type of faith and belief come into the game? Submit to you that this belief that I present to you today has been since the fall of mankind in the garden when Yahweh sacrificed for them.


It's always been about the shedding of blood ever since the sin, hasn't it? Because without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Do you understand this? That principle doesn't happen just since the golden calf. Sin has reigned since Adam all the way to Moshe.


And then Moshe had the opportunity and his people at Mount Sinai to usher in the planting of the seed and we will be the plantings of Yah. Now that can only happen in the body of Yahshua. Somebody say HalleluYah.


Brother James Brock sings about this planting and we shall be the planting of Yah written in the book of Psalms. And we shall be. We could have been but now we shall be.


We got to wait. Why? Because we were disobedient. We're being punished.


So he said until faith came brethren, follow me. We're going to see the growth of this Apostle. I want to read verse 25 and then we're going to break this down whom Elohim has set forth to be a propitiation through what? Through faith in his blood.


We're talking about a sacrifice here having a faith in a specific in a sacrifice that was already outlined in the law and that law was a schoolmaster until Yahshua came and gave the blood that we could put our redemption in. This is the kokah being spoken about here. This is where we put our faith because Abraham was waiting on it.


You don't believe me. Just ask me. Hold on.


I'm not going to leave myself where somebody could question that. Let's go back to Genesis bear a sheet. Give me just a moment.


Bereshit chapter 15 Genesis 15. Let me show you this. Here's the gospel.


Here's the good news. This is the faith. This is the belief in the book of Genesis.


Oh father anoint your people. Oh great King Malik good doll. Look at this beginning of verse 6 in chapter 15:6-7 of bear sheet.


This is the conversation between Yahweh and Abraham. Look at this verse 6 and he believed in Yahweh and he reckoned it to him for so this is the righteousness apart from the law. Do you understand apart from what law the Levitical law and the Melchizedek law.


This is deeds righteousness and we're going to nail this one down. We're going to look at this word deeds HalleluYah. Watch this verse 7 and he said to him.


I am Yahweh who brought you out of earth of the Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit it. So it's all about an inheritance with father Abraham, right? And we can't be justified by the coca. We can't be justified by the deeds or the works of the coca right? The justification had to be had to come from the shedding of blood.


This is this is a this is a principle throughout the first sin in the garden verse 8 and he said Master Yahweh whereby do I know that I possess it. Look at this. He said this is almost unbelievable.


You called me little old me out of my father's inheritance his father of the world his inheritance, you know, the enemy is trying to give you an inheritance and you can have it all right now, but you can have anything in the end wake up everybody and he said Master how do I know that I will possess this you're telling me that I'm going to possess all of this land me and my people how are these things going to come to pass? And what do you mean? How's it going to happen? And look at what he tells him verse 9 Gen 15:9 and he said unto him sacrifice. Here's the good news. The gospel message right here for the inheritance of Abraham.


This is how you inherit the land that was promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob through a sacrifice if something is sacrificed for Kephas sake there's got to be the shedding of blood. This is something that was known to the Hebrew people. They didn't need Shaul to say he remembered where it says back here in the Torah this no, they all knew this.


They knew how the redemption of Israel was going to come to pass. The church doesn't he said bring me a three-year-old heifer a three-year-old female goat three-year-old ram turtle dove and a pigeon and he took all of these to him and cut them in the middle and placed each half opposite the other but he did not cut the birds. Now, so here we see that yes, this this is exactly what's being spoken about whenever he writes of the things concerning Abraham and the inheritance and where our faith goes our faith is put in the same area that Abraham's was that day.


It was in sacrifice. He shed the blood of those animals and Yahweh said by this you know, we're in covenant bud by the shedding of this blood. We are in covenant.


You brought the sacrifices to me just like we bring the sacrifice of Yahshua to him. It's the same exact process. Verse 25 in Romans whom Yahweh has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sin that are passed through the forbearance of Elohim.


Remember that passage in times past Yahweh has blinked at the sins of man in the book of Acts but has now in these last days commanded all men everywhere all mankind to what repent and what put faith in the blood. It doesn't do away with the Torah. It fulfills the Torah.


That's what the books going to tell us in just a minute. Let's go through the process. He's really sharpened at this point on how to bring this to people his first book.


He was like, how am I going to get these? heathen people to understand what I'm trying to say. He basically kept it as a testimony and a few little teachings in there. But look at by the time he wrote to Rome about the same topic in the context same context.


Look at this verse 1 chapter 3 in Romans 3:1. What advantage what advantage then have to you see the word Jew, but that's not in the Greek. It's Yehudi So what advantage does the people in Judea have? That's what he's saying here.


Well, what profit is there of the circumcision and that's not talking about physical circumcision is talking about a body of people. Who was leading the people in Judea at that time? He says much in every way a there were a bunch of church doctrine right out the window. They're saying that the circumcision the Pharisees the Sadducees and the scribes in the first century after Messiah came still had an advantage.


Why? Because they knew about they knew about blood sacrifice. They knew about repentance. They knew all of these things.


Right? Much in every way chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of Elohim. What? The very oracles of life were now handed into the hands of these Hebrew minded men and they weren't using it correctly. Were they? No, but they still have an advantage.


Why? Because they do have the information. They know what they know. They know about these oracles that are laid down all the way from the very beginning.


It didn't no need to explain myself there, right? No. Well, I'll have some ex-convict do it for you guys in the future. So that we can have and understand the Kokhba.


The Kokhba, the wisdom of Yah. You know, it says that a fool is wise in his own understanding. I think he is.


I want to give you the understanding of the scripture. So what if look at this? Look at what he says. So what if some did not believe? Believe in what? It's talking about the circumcision and the people in the land of Judea in the first century here.


What if some of them did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of Elohim without effect? Does that mean that they're no longer going to be children in the future? They had faith, but it wasn't in the blood of Yahshua. It wasn't in the faith of the blood that would come or that had that at that time had came. Does it make the promises that Yahweh gave to those who would believe and follow those commandments of none effect? In other words, can they not get into the kingdom now? No, in the second resurrection, they're going to come in by the droves.


But they're not going to enter in with Yahshua underneath the covering of putting your faith in the blood that he shed to put your sins in remission. See, there's one thing of being justified through the sin sacrifice once a year in the Levitical order. Right? The high priest would go in and give you that atonement, atonement for your sin.


But we're talking about a blood that would put sin in remission like a cancer. It's in remission. It's in remission everybody.


Yeah, it's not just stop there and it's staying the same size. It's shrinking every day. Verse 4, May that never be so.


Yes, let Elohim be true in every man a liar for it is as it is written that doubt might be justified in thy sayings and might overcome when thou are judged. Oh boy, that's those are the words out of the Torah concerning Israel. Oh, they're going to receive their judgment too.


But they're not going to stand before the judgment seat of Mashiach. Theirs is going to come later. And of course it will be but it's not that initial judgment at the return of Messiah because they had not put their faith in that blood.


That's the law we're talking about here. HalleluYah. Let's pick up in verse Rom 3:18.


This is talking about disobedient people talking about people who have gone out of the way in verse 12. There's none that understand. There is none that seeketh after Yahweh in verse 11.


Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. My brethren out of the same mouth cursing and blessings. This should not be that scripture.


It's talking about these types of people. Their feet are swift to shed blood, which is an idiom. Not meaning that they're ready to run up and kill you but their feet are swift to cause the need of bloodshed for the forgiveness of their wrongdoings.


Making sense? Yeah, it's because of people like that that the Day of Atonement had to have that ram as an offering and you had a scapegoat to remind you of the schoolmaster. One that would lead the sins away and it got to live and the other one was killed on the spot and that blood was sprinkled on the people. That's a little bit of order versus the blood of Yahshua in the Melchizedek order.


Now, we are living sacrifices. We get to run and leap and joy have fun and all of these things like a calf from the stall because we are living sacrifices. We bring the sacrifice with us and present it to the father and that blood that we have faith in right? Puts it into remission.


Picking up at verse 18 Romans 3:1-19. There is no fear of Yahweh before their eyes. That is the summary of all of these things that he just spoke about from chapter 3 verse 1 all the way through 17. And now we're going into 19.


Watch what he says. Now, we know that what things soever the law saith it saith to them who are under the law. This is talking about Torah.


Okay, so it's telling you that in the Torah there are things that can take place in your life that puts you under persecution prosecution for your wrongdoing in the Torah. Right? Then you're under the laws. Right? You've got caught up in the legalities of the Torah right there that every mouth may be stopped and here's the reason why it has to be Yahweh's will Yahweh's word Yahweh's ways that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before him.


Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight. It's the same teaching that we just saw in the book of Galatians, isn't it? But he sharpened it here. Now, he's talking about deeds.


Watch this. Therefore by the deeds of the law is talking about the works of a law in the Torah. We just read that.


We just saw him declare that in verse 19. Know you not that what things whoever the law saith is talking about the Torah what the Torah says it says to them who are under the law under one of the curses in the Torah. So he's now he's switched from Torah to laws in it.


Therefore by the deeds of the law there no for the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin. So what laws were instituted for the sins of Israel at Mount Sinai because there was already an institution for Abraham Isaac and Jacob seed ever since he was brought into covenant with Melchizedek in the book of Genesis. They all sacrifice to Yahweh every one of them and built an altar to him.


Are you following me? So it's talking about a different set of principles precepts or statutes concerning these types of law and it's talking about the law of sacrifices for sin and it just told you that for the law for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of Yahweh without the law what is that a contradiction? No, the righteousness of Yahweh apart from the Levitical priesthood has been made known on the men what the faith in the blood of Yahshua it goes down just a few verses later. It tells you now but now the righteousness of Yahweh in verse Rom 3:21 without the law is manifested.


Oh father be with us lead us and guide us being witnessed by the law and the prophets do you see that is saying by the Torah and the prophets are witness to the laws that I am speaking about in your hearing today verse 20. Let's look at this word. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight.


In other words, no being on the planet can be justified as in prepared for the kingdom given the right to the kingdom by this law that they're talking about and we already know that the Torah was never meant to give us redemption. Right? So it's talking about a law in the Torah and that law I present once again is the Levitical priesthood precepts concerning sacrifices. This is the kokach being spoken about right? This is something they would have already known, you know, you guys know the law of sacrifice.


We I mean, yeah, by the time you made a couple of trips even if you were in the nations and started attending synagogue. That's one of their biggest things. They teach you the law and prophets every time you come in there every time you walked in the door.


Somebody was reading the law and the prophets nowadays you walk into the church. You never hear about it. Right? That's what I'm talking about.


They don't have the understanding of the Hebrew mind concerning the passages now therefore by the deeds of this law in the Torah, look at this that word deeds is Greek number 2041. Okay, it's Greek number 2041. It's going to be the Greek word are gone or gone.


That's where we get the English term are gone. It's a Greek word whether you're saying it in English or not. And it comes from the primary source of our go and it means here's its definition out of the Strong's to work toil as an effort or an occupation.


What it's talking about an occupation in the law. It's talking about an occupation. Therefore by the occupation of the law there shall no flesh be justified in the sight of Yahweh.


In other words, the institution in the Torah concerning the Levites they were occupied and put to work by Yahweh to cover us until the schoolmaster came or excuse me. They were the schoolmaster until the sacrifice the seed of Abraham came. Why is that important? Because we just read where Abraham saw the sacrifice the command for sacrifice given this is deep.


So what that is telling us is that there was a job that was talking about a job that was outlined in the Torah specifically if it's got to do with sacrifice. It has to be the priesthood. That's it.


Nobody else had the authority over sacrifices other than Levi. It has to be talking about the occupation of and the institutions and the precepts and principles of the Levitical order, which was a law and we're going to go back and see when that law came into effect. It was 430 years after the children of Israel went in see the seed of Abraham Isaac and then Jacob and Jacob's sons became the tribes of Israel.


They went into bondage in Egypt underneath the order of Malkitsech and when they came out they got caught up in the legalities of sin and was put under the Levitical bondage. The Levitical priesthood was a Yahweh's permissive will and it was a bondage a type of but you have to have this and it has to function correctly or Israel falls apart. You're going to teach my people what they sinned against at Mount Sinai Levi.


Right? You're going to be the schoolmaster that brings the people back to me and my sacrifice you're going to teach them a lesson in all of these rules and regulations and that sin sacrifice that you bring once a year is all going to be a foreshadow of the body that I have prepared to die for you. And then once that body came in that pure blood sacrifice the faith of Abraham came alive again when we put our trust and our faith in the sacrifice that Yahweh showed Abraham in the good news in the book of Genesis. HalleluYah.


The Christian doctrine is so far gone from this. I want to show you that same words definition. Listen to this out of the Thayers Argon number 2041 out of the Thayers.


Listen to this a business employment that with which anyone is occupied. It was Yahweh's business, wasn't it? Please understand what I just said the Levitical order was under in the first century. The Levitical order was underneath the premise of the Pharisees and the Sadducees the circumcision and the Yehudi the people in the land of Judea in the first century, right? Whenever he stayed behind after the feast and his mom and dad came looking for him and found him in the temple.


What did he tell her? His occupation. Yeah. I'm bringing you back into the true occupation which was this one sacrifice that you needed.


That was it. I had to be about my father's business. The thing that he occupied was one sacrifice.


That was his business. That was his ordinance. Prior to Mount Sinai the Thayers number 2041 Argon it says a business employment that which is any that which excuse me business employment that that with which anyone is occupied.


It's a business of an occupation. So Levi had been taken from all of the other tribes and given an occupation a job out of all the other tribes. The priest the sons of their own and the Levites were were occupied by Yahweh to bring this cleansing process month after month week after week day after day millennia after millennia until the promised seed according to the order of Malki Tsedek came and that's what he's explaining is it's all written in the Torah.


Don't you know the laws? This is the same question. HalleluYah. Did Yahshua ask Nicodemus in John chapter 3 Yohanan chapter John:3. He said there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus.


He came to Yahshua by night and said to him teacher. We know that you are a teacher come from Yahweh for no man can do the works that you do unless Yahweh was with him. He said verily verily I say unto you lest a man be brought forth again be born again.


He cannot see the kingdom of Yahweh and that confused Nicodemus and he said how can a man be born or brought forth again when he is when he is old. Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb? What did Yahshua end up telling him after he explained the works of the Ruach? He said are you a ruler over my people Israel and you don't know these things? It's shameful for us to have forgotten these precepts and watch our brothers and sisters cling to these emotion filled these emotion filled types of lifestyles and believe in their heart. Honestly, that is really not going to make a difference in the end.


Oh, yes, it will and that difference will be first or second resurrection. You better bet. That's why he took so long in his writings to explain these things.


But that's why so many people are renouncing Paul's writings today. They don't understand out of these Bibles what was actually being said but with the way that we're presenting this today is a breakdown from the Greek and English to the Hebrew concrete definitions and and views concerning law and Torah. Right? How much more this makes Paul shine and that was Yahweh's purpose.


I'm going to raise him up and he's going to be a messenger for me. Yep. I'm going to raise him up.


He's going to do a great work for me. This guy that wanted to kill everybody guy that gave his vote to even put Yahshua to death. Stephen was blood on his hands.


Yahweh used him taught him a lesson. I receive it too. This man was anointed by he was our brother.


I can't wait to meet him. But in order to do that early on you must understand what we're talking about today. Let's continue on here.


Picking up verse Rom 3:21. We'll go on down. But now the righteousness of Yahweh without the law.


Now, we know that it's talking about a law that was in the Torah, right? That law was the priesthood. We just deeds of the law. We just went over it.


It's talking about a place of occupation. Somebody who was occupied and given a job to do being witnessed by the law and the Prophet. So the deed or the job description of said individuals in the Torah was a law, right? And it specifically says being witnessed by the, where were they instituted? Where were they occupied? Where were they given the job? In the Torah, right? When they came out of Egypt, right? And then whenever they begin to drop the ball, what happens? Yahweh begin to prophesy through the prophets saying, hey, priests, what are you doing? Right? Being witnessed by the law, Torah and the Nebaim, the prophets.


This is what the Bible is talking about people. In verse Rom 3:22, even the righteousness of Yahweh, which is by faith of Yahshua the Messiah. There it is.


The one that was to come spoken about in the law and the prophets. And to all and upon all them that what? Believe. All of those that place their faith and believe in the blood that he shed.


For there is no difference. Verse Rom 3:23, for all have sinned and all come short of the excellence of Yahweh. Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in the Messiah Yahshua, whom Elohim have set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood.


There it is. To declare the righteousness for the remission of sin. It's talking about a blood sacrifice for the remission of sin.


And therefore it is this whole context is speaking about priestly ordinances. Every last one of them for the remission of sin that are passed through the forbearance of Elohim. Verse Rom 3:26, to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Yahshua.


HalleluYah. Rom 3:27, where is the boasting then? See this? That's what it's saying. The Torah is still there and the laws and the precepts are still there.


But those who believe in the blood that Yahshua shed, right? Have received the favor or grace of Yahweh and who can boast about that? It wasn't that you kept the deeds. It wasn't that you followed the law that gave you the justification to enter into the kingdom. It was only by the shedding of the blood.


And you putting your faith in that over the Levitical priesthood that is going to get you in the first resurrection of the dead. HalleluYah. Verse Rom 3:26, to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Yahshua.


Where is the boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? See that? It just proved what I've been teaching you. By what law in the Torah then? Is your boasting taken away? Is your boasting taken away? By what law of works? No, but by the law of what? Your faith, your faith in the blood right there.


It tells you in verse Rom 3:25, the propetition through faith in his blood and Yahweh had said I will come and I will redeem a mankind. If you're being redeemed, you must be purchased. You must be bought with a price.


Corinthians, yes, we were bought with a price. They always knew that there would be a sacrifice that comes along with the redemption of man. Was Yahshua the prophet? Is he Elijah? Or one of the prophets come back because they all spoke about this time period.


Who is he? I am Yahweh, your Redeemer. Besides me, there is no Savior, he said. They already knew.


Boy, this prophet, this man, so to say, this second man, there would be a propetition for our sins. Yahweh said, I am Yahweh. And beside me, there and besides me, there is no Savior.


I'm coming to get you. So they knew in order to be saved, there had to be a pure blood sacrifice for their sin and they knew that the sin sacrifice put in position in the law concerning Levi and Aaron that is written in the Torah could only atone for their sins, not put it in remission. They knew the Hebrew words that were being used there.


They knew it perfectly. We're the ones that lack in that understanding. Verse Rom 3:28, therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.


See that? Now, they want to quote all the verses that just talk about faith and law, but they don't want to quote the ones that tells you what faith they're talking about. The belief in the blood, not a blind hope, faith. That's abstract thinking.


It's the belief in the blood of Yahshua. It's not the deeds or the works or the job that was given to Aaron and Levi that can do that. Look what it says.


Verse Rom 3:29. Is he the Elohim of the Yehudi only? Is he not also of the nations? Yes, of the nations also. Seeing it is one Elohim which shall justify the circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith.


Now, so the circumcision being the religious organization in the first century, the uncircumcision, all the guys that were out in the nations that were only going to be coming and making the feasts, the commanded feasts. They were living outside with the unclean. So the way the circumcision viewed them was they were unclean.


They're living out there with the hoodlums and the heathen. They're defiled. Oh, don't touch me.


That's nowhere in the Torah. However, we do have instruction in the New Testament not to invite such a one that does not receive the testimony of Yahshua into our home. We do.


It's in Jude. Excuse me, 2nd John. Read it.


It's only one chapter. That does not mean that we discard them as brethren, but we do not let them come into our home because you know what they're going to do. Let's go there.


Well, I want, I don't want that to be my words. Let's go to 2nd John, 2nd John, of course, chapter 2 John 1:6. There's only one beginning at verse 6. Yehanan Bet, 2nd John, chapter 1 beginning of verse 6. And this is the love that we walk according to his commands. This is the command that as you have heard from Bereshit from the beginning that you should halak, that you should walk in it.


Because many who are leading astray, now, so what's the topic? What's the context? Leading astray. Right? Because many who are leading astray went out into the world who do not confess Yahshua Messiah as coming in a body. This one is he who is leading astray and the anti-messiah.


Oh, see to yourselves that we do not lose what we work for but that we might receive a complete reward. Everyone who is transgressing and not staying in the teaching of the anointed one of Messiah does not possess Elohim. The one who stays in the teaching of Messiah possesses both the father and son.


Well, I wonder why that is. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house nor greet him for he who greets him shares in his wicked works. So what this is pointing out is that now that Messiah has come Israel is being held in sin if they don't confess the redemption that Yahweh has given them.


That doesn't stricken them from the kingdom. It's just saying that at this time without Messiah, they don't possess Elohim because Elohim Yahweh was in Messiah. When Yahweh put himself in Messiah, he was 100% fully on board with that doctrine and relaying it to his people for the bride and the danger of inviting people who don't come with that doctrine into your home is your home could be the breeding place for these wicked things and somebody could say something to somebody that you've been ministering to about Messiah and they just put that one bad seed in there and then somebody else nibbles on it and you got him.


That's why he's saying let your home be righteous and rest in the righteousness of the doctrine of Yahshua. Don't bring poison into your home because our home is supposed to be a place where we breathe the testimony of Yahshua and anything in opposition to that is anti-Messiah. See in verse Rom 3:31.


Do we then make void the law concerning priesthood here? Remember, it's not talking about the Torah. Do we then make void the law through that belief through faith in Yahshua? That's the faith that's being discussed here. May that never be so.


Yes, we establish the law. Why? Because the original law was the one that Yahshua represented. The one concerning the blood sacrifice that whole system existed prior to Levi and Aaron's priesthood.


So we re-establish that what was prior to the building of the golden calf. So we establish the law of priesthood because the Torah has always been. Somebody give me Hosea chapter 6. We want to prove that because I know that there's going to be this brother in I'll just go ahead and read it.


Okay. And I'm going to show you where you really can't find this in most English versions. You can't see this but I'm going to show you verse 6 and 7. For I delight in kindness and not sacrifice and in the knowledge of Elohim more than burnt offerings but like and the majority of English Bibles have man in the scriptures or in the in the translation.


Most of them it says but like man they transgressed the covenant there they acted treacherously against me. Well, that doesn't make any sense. But like man they transgressed the covenant.


Well, we already know that all mankind has transgressed the covenant. If you go to the Hebrew text and you look up this this verse in the Hebrew Bible, you know what it's going to say and like Adam, what's the Hebrew word for man? Adam and like Adam they transgressed the covenant there they acted treacherously against me. So without instructions Torah, there is no covenant.


And without the laws in the Torah then there is no judgment. Yahweh could never pass judgment. That's what that's what all this is telling us.


So wrapping up here and going back and recapping in Galatians. We'll just we just have to read a few verses there. Now, we'll totally understand what he was writing before we go there.


Let's go into chapter Galatians 4:14. I want to read verse 14. Then we're going to back up verse 14 in chapter 4 of Romans says for if they which are of the law be heirs faith is made void and the promise made of none effect for if they which are of the law, okay, so it's talking about a group of people that were of this law this principle if they are heirs then we have a huge problem. That means that all of the testimony about sacrifice and the type of sacrifice that was given to Abraham would now be of no effect.


Please remember that because that's what Galatians is talking about the promise that was made 430 years before they come in underneath the promise that was given to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and they come out build the Golden Calf 430 years later. Another law was instituted. It was the law of Aaron's priesthood and the Levitical Order.


And look what it says is back up to verse Galatians 4:4 in chapter 4 now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace or favor but of debt. You see so while the while the Levitical precept was working while it was in order it's because we were in debt to Yahweh for not keeping the covenant. I mean, this is so so simple but yet mostly unheard of listen to this now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt verse 5 but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the wicked his faith is counted for righteousness and then it tells you what faith that is back here in verse Galatians 3:25 in chapter 3 faith in his blood.


It's talking about putting your faith in the blood of Yahshua rather than the blood of bulls and oxen's and all of these things that the book of Hebrews teaches us about but he that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the wicked his faith is counted for righteousness verse 6 even as Dawid or David also described the blessedness of the man unto whom Elohim imputeth righteousness without works. He was telling you I'm waiting on the righteousness to be reestablished with this blood sacrifice and it didn't happen in his lifetime without the works verse 7 saying blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom Yahweh will not impute iniquity. Those are two separate coverings one for the people prior to Messiah and one for those after Oh father, let's wrap this up and go back to Galatians.


Now, let's read 10 11 12 and 13 together Galatians chapter 3:10-13 you brothers back there in Kenya and Uganda and India now, you've got some weight under your belt go put a notch in your belt out of love you approach these pastors and bring this to them with this type of understanding listen to this this this passage means so much more and so much different after going through what we just saw now that we have the proper understanding Galatians 3 beginning at verse 10 through verse 13 for as many as are out of or apart from the works of the law are under the curse what do you mean? Well, the Levitical priesthood is gone now. Are you guys following me? Did you hear that? Let's read it again for as many as are out of or apart from the works of the law are under the curse now that the Aaron's priesthood is gone there's no more covering for their sin. So you are living underneath the curse of the law, which is meaning you now you need a blood sacrifice and until you confess in him and until you confess in him you shall all likewise perish.


That's what Yahshua said that if you believe not that I am he you shall all likewise perish in your iniquity. That's what he said. He told the Israelites that this is this is this is what is being taught for as many as are out of or apart from the works of the law are under a curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law.


There it is talking about the writings of the Levitical priesthood in the book of Leviticus right there that stuff's gone. So now you're under a curse until you have some blood sacrifice to take away your sins not yearly, but eternally not on a yearly basis. But eternally verse Galatians 3:11, but that no man is justified by that law in the sight of Elohim is evident for the just shall live by faith.


He just brought up the same thing. We just read back there in the Torah. Oh, how do I know these things? Yahweh, how do I know it's going to happen? He laid out the good news to him and that's what it's going to tell us right here.


That's what it's going to tell us right here. He laid out the good news to Abraham first. The gospel was first taught to Abraham.


We just read it right verse Galatians 3:12 and the law is not of belief, but the man that do with them shall live by them see but it's saying but that's the righteousness of your own deeds and works and your belief in that sacrificial system that is now gone has now led you to yearly living a life that is cursed because you have not confessed in the redemption that I gave you but nevertheless if they continue in the works of the Torah, then they're enabling setting up themselves and their seed to be called the seed of Abraham in the second resurrection of the dead. That's what's being taught here. Look at verse Galatians 3:13.


The Messiah that has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Why? Because the priesthood is not functioning. Right? Yahshua had told every one of them that that place is going to come down.


Right? He told them that not one stone was going to be left upon another all of his disciples knew that if you continue to put your faith in what was operating in the temple in the first century, it was already cursed. The one who gave the pure blood sacrifice cursed it. Oh, look Yahshua how beautiful this place is.


He said, yeah, you've turned my father's house into a den of thieves. I'm going to hold to my word until. Notice that the temple came down around 70 AD, right? You know who had finished all of their sojournings and sat down to write their Gospels just before that? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Shaul is now out on the road.


When they sat down and wrote the Gospels and they were secured and being handed around to the assemblies and read before all the assemblies. Down goes the temple. Down goes Aaron's priesthood.


Once the good news had been taught to all nations. Down came the temple. Do you understand? Oh father.


When I'm ready, not one stone will be left upon another the so-called Wailing Wall, the curse to all of Yahshua's followers over there. We could will back the sands of time. And watch them.


Let's talk about good stuff today. Messiah redeemed us in verse 13 from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree. Now in verse 12, it says and the law is not of faith, but the man who does them shall live by them.


Let's go back to Leviticus 18. We're going to put a analog in there. On the coffin here.


So in chapter 16, we get all of the priestly garments. The scapegoat. The washing of the clothes of all of the priests during the sacrifices.


So it's talking about priestly principles. Verse 17 or chapter 17. And in 18, look at this.


Chapter 18 in the verse Leviticus 18:21 and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to mow it. So he's laying down all these institutions. We went from in Leviticus.


We go from all the priestly elements. Down to all of the elements of how we are supposed to take care of our seed. In chapter 18 and at verse Leviticus 18:5, we see where he was quoting ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments which if a man do he shall live by them.


I am Yahweh. So all of the precepts that he just talked about right there is everything that came up before Leviticus 18 and then including what he would add to that which was the sexual immorality laws in chapter 18 of Leviticus. So you still have to live by them.


That's not what justifies you and redeemed your soul because that took a blood sacrifice. But the man who does these things shall live by them. You still live by the precepts and you work out those things.


But from under the Levitical order, you now have a free gift in a pure blood sacrifice that puts your sin in remission and brings you kingdom bound. That's the message. If you go back and look at verse 6 in chapter 3. Even as Abraham believed Yahweh and it was accounted to him for righteousness.


Verse Leviticus 18:14 here as well that the blessing of Abraham might come to the nations. Through Yahshua the Messiah that we might receive the promise of what was breathed through faith through the belief. Look at this verse Leviticus 18:15 brethren.


I speak after the manner of men. Though it be but a man's covenant. Yet if it be confirmed no man disannulleth it or addeth thereto.


Verse 16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not into seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Messiah. Look at this and this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before by Yahweh in in the Messiah the law which was 430 years after cannot disannull that that it should make the promise of no effect.


And it's talking about the inheritance in verse Leviticus 18:18 for if the inheritance be of the law. It is no more a promise. But Elohim gave it to Abraham as a promise.


You see that? For the law that came 430 years later. It's talking about a coca or a caca right that was put into the Torah 430 years after they went into bondage in Egypt. So let's go to Numbers.


We'll get our passage to wrap all of this up with. All right, so get ready in chapter 3 of Numbers 3 or Bimidbar. And I'm going to read this again and this I say this is out of Galatians chapter 3 verse 17 and this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before of Yahweh in the Messiah the covenant was confirmed by Yahweh with Abraham in the Messiah.


Yep in the anointed one that which he preordained to come. Are you following me? Confirmed of Yahweh in Messiah the law which was 430 years after cannot disannul that it should take away the promise. Or make the promise of none effect Numbers chapter 3. This is after the building of the golden calf.


And this is what Yahweh did. The Melchizedek priesthood is the firstborn priesthood. Yahshua was what we would call the firstborn of all creation and the firstborn of the dead Yahweh's redemption.


Right? They go in to Egypt underneath the precepts that was given to Abraham when he met Melchizedek. Who was who the Messiah but it says that it was Yahweh. Melchizedek was Yahweh right and here is telling us that that was the Messiah.


Watch this. So they go in underneath the order of Melchizedek and they come out and build the golden calf. That was 430 year period.


Right? They went in. It was 400 years. Some say they had 30 years of peace.


I say it doesn't matter. 430 years later. They built that calf.


And Yahweh had to Institute a law for his permissive will because they sinned against the Melchizedek priesthood and defiled that blood sacrifice. And that blood sacrifice and that sacrificial system had existed since they sinned in the garden. And here's what happens after the 430 years after they come out of Egypt 430 years later.


This is what happens according to the word of Yahweh in the book of Numbers chapter three beginning at verse Numbers 3:41. And you shall take the Levites for me. I am Yahweh instead of all of the firstborn instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel and the livestock of the Levites instead of the firstborn among the livestock of the children of Israel.


This is the law see that he had already instituted a law here that the firstborn belong to him after the golden calf. He says well, we're going to have to Institute a new law that doesn't make the old one go away. This one was his permissive will and until the blood sacrifice that was that was promised to Abraham seed meaning the anointed one of Israel the Mashiach then this would take place.


Instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel and the livestock of the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the livestock of the children of Israel verse Numbers 3:42 and Moshe have registered all of the firstborn among the children of Israel as Yahweh had commanded him and all of the firstborn mills by the number of names from one month old and above of their registered ones were 22,000 273 and Yahweh spoke to Moshe saying take the Levites instead of the firstborn among all the children of Israel and the livestock of the Levites instead of their livestock and the Levite shall be mine. I am Yahweh and for the ransom here we go the ransom something's being redeemed and for the ransom of the 273 of the firstborn of the children of Israel who are more than the number of the Levites you shall take five shekels they had to purchase the firstborn with silver Yahshua was the firstborn of all creation Yahweh's redemption Yahshua he always had it in his mind. There's a plan that if something fails I redeem it and here we see silver the shekels and ransom of the 273 and for the ransom of the 273 of the firstborn of the children of Israel who are more than the number of the Levites you shall take five shekels for each one head-by-head take it by the shekel of the set-apart place the shekel of the 20 of 20 geras and you shall take the silver and give the silver the ransom of those who are in excess among among them to Eron and his sons and Moshe took the ransom silver from those who were over and above those who were ransomed by the Levites from the firstborn of the children of Israel.


He took the silver 1365 pieces according to the shekel of the set-apart place and Moshe gave their ransom silver to Eron and to his sons according to the word of Yahweh as Yahweh had commanded Moshe you know what that just showed us that the firstborn priesthood would redeem Levi huh? The silver came from the firstborn and it was gave as a ransom price to Eron's priesthood you go read the book of Ezekiel 44 it also says that the Levites are going to be redeemed by the order of Malki said the sons of Zadok this is the law that was instituted 430 years after they came out or went into Egypt that is the laws being spoken of here and that is the way back to the inheritance when we go look and finish up here in Galatians chapter 3 and at verse 18 that's the law spoken about in verse Numbers 3:17 and here we are in verse Numbers 3:18 it says for if the inheritance be of the law it is of no more it is no more a promise but Yahweh gave it to Abraham by promise why then the law or why the law then it was added because of transgression see this it's talking about a law that was added to the Torah because the children of Israel transgressed against Yahweh at Mount Sinai it was 430 years after they went into Egypt this is not talking about the Torah brethren it's talking about a law in it and then and then look at this in verse Numbers 3:23-25 now we understand it but before faith came it was talking about faith in the blood in Romans we were kept under the law talking about Aaron's priesthood shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Messiah that we might be justified by faith by faith in what in his blood but verse Numbers 3:25 says but after the faith has come we are no longer under that Levitical priesthood that schoolmaster first Numbers 3:29 and if you be the Messiah's then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to promise HalleluYah so I pray that well, it's recorded to it'll come back up on YouTube and all those other places within a couple of minutes but to all you brethren out there all these guys are Christians for right now the gospel message was preached in the Torah not the New Testament if we're going to call it the New Testament it's actually a renewed Testament the testimony of the law and the prophets is true in the Brit Hadashah or New Testament is a witness to that as a matter of fact it lines itself up with being a witness of the law and the prophets it witnesses the things not against it of the law and the prophets the Torah and the Nevi'im HalleluYah so if any of you have questions or comments concerning anything I said today you have any and we have plenty of written studies you guys can get a hold of us and we have so many written studies on the law you know what it means law versus Torah I know that there's many questions in Romans and Galatians and all these other books that are written in the New Testament that cause question and we have written studies on the majority of those so please get a hold of us at the information that's been provided for you at the bottom of your screen throughout this teaching today if you really would like to enjoy going over all of those things but I'm done for now HalleluYah let's go ahead and pray father. We are so thankful for your word your Deborim and we are so thankful for Lashon Kodesh for your holy language. We thank you for your guidance and we just pray that you would continue to continue to give us understanding and help us to fight against all of these teachings that are coming forth from your word that are not of your word help us to understand help us to guide others help us to give information to others and we want to give them the right information father.


So we just pray that you would continue to bless us with divine wisdom and understanding that that whole Kokma this wisdom that comes from you this wisdom that comes from your Malkuyah the kingdom of Yah and so as we depart from our worship today we give you praise and as we sit down to have our meal we ask your blessings upon it and the hands are prepared it we want to pray over all of the people everywhere that are watching or will watch this later on that you would bless them give them eyes to see and ears to hear what the Ruach is breathing to the assemblies in these last days protect us meet the provisions needed for your people father and as we head into a new week we say Shabbat Shalom Yahweh to you and all the heavenly hosts and once again, we thank you for your Sabbath day and we pray all of this in the mighty name of your redemption Yahshua HalleluYah and Amein.






Galatians 3:12-14 But the Torah is not made by faith, but, "The man doing these things shall live in them." Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the Torah, having become a curse for us; for it has been written, "Cursed is everyone having been hung on a tree;"  that the blessing of Abraham might come on the nations through Messiah Yahshua, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.