History of the "Church" and Doctrine


Joshua 24:14-16 Now, then, fear YAHWEH, and serve Him in sincerity and truth, and turn away from the gods which your fathers served Beyond the River, and in Egypt; and you serve YAHWEH. And if it seems evil in your eyes to serve YAHWEH, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve, whether the gods whom your fathers served Beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But as for me and my house, we will serve YAHWEH. And the people replied and said, Far be it from us to forsake YAHWEH, to serve other gods.



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What is the History of the "Christian Church"?


The history of the Christian Church is vast and complex, spanning over two millennia. Here’s a brief overview of its development as recorded by Christians:


Origins to 312

  • Christianity began with the ministry of Jesus Christ in the 1st century AD in the Roman province of Judea.
  • After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, his followers spread his teachings, forming the early Christian communities.

Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages (313–600)

  • The Edict of Milan in 313 AD granted religious tolerance for Christianity within the Roman Empire.
  • The First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD established the foundation of Christian doctrine and the Nicene Creed.

Early Middle Ages (600–1100)

  • Christianity spread throughout Europe, often blending with local traditions and cultures.
  • The split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church began to form.

Western High Middle Ages (1100–1300)

  • The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Church in the medieval period, aiming to recover the Holy Land from Islamic rule.
  • Scholasticism, a method of critical thought, became a dominant theological and philosophical school of thought within the Church.

Eastern Christianity (1000–1586)

  • The Great Schism in 1054 formally divided the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) Churches.
  • Eastern Christianity spread into Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe.

Late Middle Ages (1300–1500)

  • The Black Death and other societal challenges led to questioning and criticism of the Church.
  • The Renaissance brought about a renewed interest in humanism and classical knowledge.

Early Modern (1500–1750)

  • The Protestant Reformation, initiated by figures like Martin Luther, led to the creation of Protestant denominations.
  • The Catholic Church responded with the Counter-Reformation to address internal corruption and reaffirm Catholic doctrine.

Revolution and Modernity (1750–1945)

  • The Age of Enlightenment challenged traditional Christian beliefs with a focus on reason and science.
  • Christianity continued to spread globally through missionary work and colonization.

Christianity since 1945

  • Ecumenism and interfaith dialogue have become more prominent in the modern era.
  • The Church faces new challenges and changes in the context of secularization and globalization.


But is there more to it than just this? 

Does the recorded history we have been provided with, speak of the original Way? Or another path entirely?


“The Way” is a term used in the scriptures to refer to the early apostolic movement and followers of Yahweh. It’s a significant concept that encapsulates the teachings, the path of faith, and the assemblies that formed around the message of Yahshua as the One Redeemer of mankind. Here’s a detailed look into the history and significance of “The Way” as described in the Scriptures:


Scriptural Context of ‘The Way’

  • The term “The Way” appears several times in the book of Acts (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 19:23; 22:4; 24:14, 24:22) and is associated with the early followers of Yahshua.
  • It is believed that the early apostles referred to themselves as followers of “The Way” before the term “Christians” was used.
  • This designation likely comes from Yahshua’s own declaration in John 14:6, where He states, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Early Persecution and Growth

  • Saul of Tarsus, who later became the Apostle Paul, initially persecuted those who belonged to “The Way” before his conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:2; 22:4).
  • After his conversion, Paul became a fervent missionary of “The Way,” spreading the teachings of Yahshua across the Roman Empire and abroad.

The Way and Jewish Roots

  • Initially, “The Way” was considered a sect within Judaism. The followers observed Mosaic law, Temple traditions, and dietary customs while also believing in Yahshua as the prophesied Messiah.
  • Over time, as the movement grew and Gentiles, (believers from other nations), joined “The Way”, it had begun to distinguish itself as THE faith tradition.

Teachings and Practices

  • The followers of “The Way” emphasized living a life according to the teachings of Yahshua, which included love, forgiveness, humility, and service to Yahweh.
  • The main purpose was to share the fact that Yahweh Almighty has prepared a way of salvation according to the original instructions handed down throughout the generations via the Torah.
  • They met in homes for worship, shared meals, and partook in the Feasts of Yahweh, encouraging as many as they could.

Spread and Influence

  • “The Way” spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire, despite facing persecution from both Jewish authorities and Roman officials.
  • Its message of hope, salvation, and eternal life attracted many, leading to the establishment of Yahwist assemblies across the Mediterranean region.

Recognition and Transformation

  • By the 4th century, with the Edict of Milan, The Way gained legal status within the Roman Empire, and “The Way” transitioned from a persecuted movement to an established religion. This organized religion became known as the Christian Sect.
  • The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD further solidified Christian doctrine, distancing “The Way” from its Jewish roots and shaping the future of Christian theology.

Legacy from a Christian Perspective

  • Today, “The Way” is remembered as the early phase of Christianity among young Christians. A time of growth, formation, and foundational teachings that have influenced their thought and practices but are no longer valid. 
  • The term continues to resonate with many as a symbol of the journey of faith and the pursuit of a life modeled after the Messiah's example. However, among those who refer to themselves as Christians, the phrase, "The Way" has become synonymous with cultic worship.

Modern Times

  • Today "Yahwists" and Torah observant followers of "The Way" are now considered cultic practices among Christianity.
  • Forbidding the use of Yahweh's name or the original name of the Messiah, in worship and song as well as liturgy.
  • Restricting worship on the original and perpetually commanded seventh day Sabbath, and forcing worship on day one, to pay homage to the cultures and nations that worship the Sun and Pagan deities.
  • Changing or replacing the commanded, and well-established, festivals of Yahweh, with pagan practices syncretized by pagan religions. Celebrating, pagan holidays, initiated and handed down by the other nations. Here is a short article by Christian Website "Christian Guide"


Do we have two distinct paths to Eternity? Or are we seeing something more sacred in one path than we do in the other?


Join us as we stroll through the history of the "Church" and her Doctrines and the contrast between The Way shown to us by the Scriptures, the Apostles, and the Messiah Himself. 


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The Church...What Happened? - Part One

The Church...What happened?


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Shabbat Shalom everyone. This is Teddy Wilson with Seekers of Yahweh Ministries and welcome to another Friday night live of Restoring the Hebrew Mind. Tonight we're going to be broadcasting, of course.

We're not back at the assembly, but I'm in Spokane, Washington and helping take care of one of the brothers who had surgery today. We thank you for all your prayers. Tonight we have a very, very important study set up.

We're going to be resuming our study on the book of Yaakob, or James, next Friday, Yahweh willing, on the program, but we've had several things come up over the past several days concerning the church. Now, before we even get started this evening, I was in the church. I was actually ordained as an elder in the United Pentecostal or a pastor, and I was also a youth minister in the UPC or Apostolic Assemblies, and so I too clung to this title that I used to refer to myself as as Christian.

Now, so what I want to do right away is I want to make a disclaimer. I don't refer to myself as a Christian any longer, and many of the people that are in the true faith don't want to refer to themselves as a Christian either. Now, I found that that was one of the hardest things for me to get over, is when I would read material that spoke against Christianity.

I immediately would put up my defense system as a believer, and it would not allow me to receive the truth if it would have just jumped up and bit me, because I put up that defense system because I read or heard something that somebody said against Christianity, but there came a time when I realized that that was very prideful of me. I even feel more like it was hypocritical at times, because it was coming from people who weren't in the Sacred Name Assemblies or were observant or any of that either. It could have been an atheist or an agnostic or whatever.

So what really seems to stir the pot with people is whenever you bring up the term Christian or Christianity, because immediately that makes somebody feel like we're attacking them, and I want to say this right from the very beginning. I love, and the majority of the men that I work with in this ministry love, Christians. Okay, it's the dogma and the teaching and the roots of Christianity that are problematic, and what we're going to do this evening is we're going to systematically look.

First, we're going to go to Scripture, because that's the most important part. Okay, there is something that YAH has pointed us to throughout time that is very, very critical for us to not only acknowledge, but to even see the truth of YAH's Word, because if we just go to church and we sit down in the pew, sit down and just listen to a sermon and some people sing for a while, actually, that's not what Yahweh had in mind, and that English word church comes from the Greek word Ecclesia, and church has overwhelmingly destroyed even the Greek meaning of church, okay? I am a YAHWISTSt, which means, there's a definition of that in most of your English dictionaries. I believe in Almighty Yahweh.

There has been a discrepancy in understanding the truth about how to pronounce YHWH. Some say Jehovah, Yehovah, Yahuwah, but I would submit that any three-syllable pronunciation anciently is an impossibility, and but that's not what this is about. I just want to share with you my background before we get into this, because I am not out to bash Christians, bash Christians.

What I'm out to do is bring the revelation to Christianity that was also revealed to me. These are the things that we need to focus on, and that's because I know that if you're not watching live right now, we're going to have several people that are Christians. I've received a couple of emails from some of you, and I know you're either going to watch or you're watching now, and I want you to understand something.

I care about you. I care about Yah's creation. I'm very, very focused on Yahweh's people being cleansed, justified, and sanctified, and keeping themselves spotless from sin.

That is why I am so adamant about what I do and so passionate about what I do. I want to see everyone make it to the kingdom of Almighty Yah. Okay, so those of you that will be watching over there in the YouTube chat section, feel free to ask questions, and we'll get back to them as soon as possible, but again, I wanted to find Teddy Wilson and the majority of the people that I am associated with.

We are Yahweh's. Okay, we are those who worship Yahweh, the Mighty One of Yisrael, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I believe in the Messiah coming from the Hebrew word Mashiach. Okay, and what I want to ultimately try to get to this evening is show you that the word Christos or Christ has had nothing to do with the etymological connection, as in transliterating Mashiach into English comes out Messiah.

So when they translate or transliterate Mashiach into the Greek, it does not transliterate to Christos. Okay, so I want to get to the root of these things, but first I want to cover the church. What happened? How did it, where is its origins, and at the same time, if there's something that you want to, if you feel like there's been something missing, that's what I'm trying to say.

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The Church...What Happened? - Part Two

The "Church"...What Happened? - Part Two


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Shabbat Shalom everyone. This is Teddy Wilson with Seekers of Yahweh Ministries and welcome to another Seekers Sabbath live. We won't be covering any Torah portions or anything today.

After the teaching last night and the response we had, we had a huge crowd. For us at least, when you're pitching hard ball and teaching righteousness, your numbers go down. We had a huge turnout and today I had more than a half a dozen comments and several questions.

There was really nothing bad, no attacks or anything, so I think that the teaching last night was well received. If you have not seen last night's teaching and you don't know what this one's going to be all about, please get a hold of us, send me an email and I'll send you last night's teaching. Shabbat Shalom everyone, Hallelujah.

Thank you guys. Send me an email right there and I'll make sure to forward you the link. So at any time, if you have any questions or comments, that is the email to contact us at.

There is our phone number for the ministry as well. As you can see, I'm still in Spokane, Washington. We're still gathering news on the brother that had surgery on his leg yesterday morning, but it does look like I'll be returning home Sunday morning back to the assembly in Craigmont.

I want to thank you for your prayers for that brother. I'm sure Brother Jodell is over there probably watching in his room. They have him kind of isolated because he wouldn't do any of the COVID stuff.

So they're just treating him like he had COVID and just isolating him. But we do pray and thank Yahweh that he was able to do all this without any of the COVID hassle. Great job.

So, today we're going to be going over a few questions that were raised. Go ahead and read the questions to you prior to us launching into this. One was basically a comment with an added question.

This brother said, actually this was one of the Christian people, both of these came from Christians that watched the video. So the evidence produced was very thorough. But I personally need more scripture proving the church was a totally separate group of people that from the church you pointed out in the history presented.

Okay, so I guess what he's saying is he's seeing some things, the evidence produced was very thorough, but he wants more scripture that would prove that the church that we found in history that was erected in the second century of the common era, that that is a separate assembly proven in scripture from the one that I see we actually are supposed to be belonging to that stems from the first century teachings of the apostles. So he wants to see scripture where there is two separate, oh, I need to go to a couple of passages there. We're going to present this information just so.

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Religious Syncretism

Join us as we delve into the various types of religious syncretism that has crept into the Assemblies of Yahweh over time. From days of old to modern times, the True faith has seen it's share of syncretizations!


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Israel vs The Church

Israel vs The Church - Replacement Theology?


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This is an older teaching that we've revamped and renamed Israel versus the church because there has been a great level of misunderstanding over the years about what we were really trying to convey. And I've had many questions come in over the years about this teaching. And so, I added to it and we brought up the key responses from people that were bringing or wasn't bringing or conveying the truth that I wanted it to impact wasn't there is what I'm trying to say.


And so, yes, it is Israel versus the church because what the doctrine is in the church assemblies across the world, not just in the United States, but it's infected almost every organization in Christianity, is this, that the church replaced Israel. That the church replaced Israel. And what we're going to see is that is absolutely not what the scriptures say.


Now, when I say scriptures, I'm talking from what people would call the Old Testament. It's got to line up with the prophecies. The one who said he was coming to redeem, it must be that redeemer.


And at the same time, how it was supposed to happen must be the way it happened. Or we have an issue. The group of people that Yahweh said that he was coming to deliver from their sins has always been Israel and Judah all throughout the prophecies.


We're going to be going over some of those today. Now, does that cast away the people that have been brought into the belief of a savior? How many religions have the belief in a savior? There's quite a few out there. So which savior is it is very, very important to understand.


The true savior comes by the word of Yah. And the true salvation or redemption that was said to come of Yah is now rejected. And we have the savior in the Hindu religion, in the church, and everybody kind of compiles all of that into what they're all talking about the same entity, the same deliverance.


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Curse of The Law

Curse of The Law?


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Is the wisdom of the difference of Torah or law versus kocheh. What is not really related to kochmah? But kocheh they've translated as either precept or Statue or one of these other words, but its root is that we're going to take a look at this. Why is this so important to know these Hebrew words because the translators didn't and that's why people are teaching against the Torah and cursing themselves.


If you teach against one of the mitzvot of Yahweh, you are in big big trouble with him. Not me. I'm saying like this.


I love you brothers that are out there teaching but the majority of you in our in our faith are dead wrong. You're throwing out stuff left and right and all I do when I see it on social media is I grab it and stick it right back in. I'm going to come with a message that keeps the word intact and yet in no way shape or form causes us to lack in the faith that brought us to the belief of Yahshua to begin with.


It's the faith in the blood of Yahshua that give that has given us the stability to remain focused on. Well, this could be true and I could have been taught a lie, but it doesn't change my faith in him. HalleluYah.


It doesn't and so today we're going to break down by because they're going to they took this brother to Galatians. We're going to read the two verses that they brought to him and then I'm going to go. We're not just going to break down Galatians.



Born Again?

What does the phrase mean, "Born Again"?


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