A King in the Flesh - Part 2
1 Samuel 8:6:7 And the thing was evil in Samuel's eyes when they said, Give to us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed to YAHWEH. And YAHWEH said to Samuel, Listen to the voice of the people, to all that they say to you. For they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from reigning over them.
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A King In The Flesh (Part 2)
Stems from other thought processes, other nations, and we were cast out here because we've refused to get rid of the ones that were in the land that we already came into. But we've adopted him right over again, but he confirmed over and over again, Yeah, I know what you're doing, but you know what? You know so very, very well that you're going to turn to me, and you're going to want me to be your king, and if you want me, you're going to have to receive me into your flesh. Right? You wanted a king in the flesh? Okay.
We must be governed by Torah, which is Yahweh, in this body, in your flesh. Like Brad would say, in my flesh I see Yah. In my flesh I see Yah.
Now, as we will see, Scripture in the New Testament actually does reveal the same prophecy that the Torah and the Prophets do on this topic, and all topics as far as that goes. The Hebrew language truly provides, pun intended, this revelation. Great job.
Now, so let's touch on a few scriptures in the bread. Matthew 21:18-23.
But the birth of Yahweh's redemption, the anointed one, Father, what does Yahweh mean? Or excuse me, what does Yahshua mean? Yahweh's redemption? Okay. Let's check it. The birth.
What Hebrew word is that going to be? The Hebrew word for brought forth. Right? It's going to be the Hebrew word for brought forth. Please understand what this is saying.
But the brought forth Yahweh's redemption, the anointed one, that's how that reads. Mashiach, anointed or anointing, anointed one. Yahshua, Yahweh's redemption.
See, the Hebrew being put back in there actually does reveal what the Hebrew documents in the Old Testament actually said was going to happen. You replace those names and titles and what do you see? Something different. Right? But the birth of Yahshua Messiah was as follows.
After his mother Miriam was engaged to Yosef, before they came together, she was found to be pregnant from the set-apart spirit. And Yosef, her husband, being righteous and not wishing to make a show of her, had in mind to put her away secretly. But while he thought about this, see, a messenger of Yahweh appeared to him in a dream saying, Yosef, son of Dawid, do not be afraid to take Miriam as your wife, for that which is in her was brought forth from the set-apart spirit.
What is the set-apart spirit's name? And she shall give birth. Mary's going to have a son. See, Mary didn't give birth to Yahweh.
She gave birth to the seed of Yahweh. Which is his? What is the seed of Yahweh? His Word. And it took on the title, because it was her son, took on the title son.
And you shall call his name Yahshua, for he shall save his people from their sins. Yah-way-shua, right there, there it is. Because he will what? Save his people from their sins, just like he said he was going to do.
Praise Yah. And all this came to be in order to fill what was spoken by Yahweh through the people, saying, excuse me, to the prophet. That's why I just took us through all the prophet's writings.
We saw exactly what Yahweh said through them. Now we're seeing the result of that being confirmed by a messenger from the Shemayim. He was absolutely, what is the Hebrew words for Yahweh with us? El with us? Hmm.
Well, Father. And all this came to be in order to fulfill what was spoken by Yahweh through the prophets. Saying, see a maiden shall conceive, and shall give birth to a son, and they shall call his name, there it is, Emmanuel.
El. Which translated means, El with us. Not the son of El with us, but it took on the title because it was Mary's son.
There was no entity called the son besides Yah until the word was manifested in the body. Please understand. Was the word manifested in a body of flesh? As in, he was robed in human flesh? Or was he in Marian's flesh? Was there something in the Tanakh in the very beginning that said that Esha, woman, would receive a seed from Yahweh, and it would put enmity between the enemy's seed and hers? Woman doesn't produce a seed, everybody.
The seed is the word. And the word, right, was in the flesh of that woman. And that body that came out was called her son.
She did not give birth to Yahweh, she gave birth to Yahweh's redemption, which was himself robed in a body. It took on a title, son, and therefore he had a new life, a different life. And that life could then be given to redeem his people.
Yohanan, John 14:6-10. Let's move quickly. Yohanan, chapter 14, verses 6-10.
Yahshua said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, who is what? The Spirit. Okay.
No one comes to the Father except through me, that which you see. Huh? What did he tell us in the Hebrew back there? The word anah? Okay, do you understand? Literally, the Hebrew language confirms what was happening here. What they seen was Mary's son.
And he said that you would see me. And he also says that you will see him coming in the clouds when he returns again. Verse 7. If you had known me, you would have known my father too.
From now on, you know him and have seen him. Anah. Behold.
Look upon. I told you I was coming to gather you. And what did Yahshua say? I want you to go out with the word that I have instilled in you.
And I want you to gather my people. He said, I have many that are not of this fold. And then too, I'm going to gather at this time.
Hmm? You have known him and have seen him. Verse 8. Philip said to him, Master, show us the Father and it is enough for us. Yahshua said to him, have I been with you so long? And you have not known me? Philip.
He who has seen me has seen Ab. Ha ha! You're looking at him. And how do you say, show us the Father? Do you not believe that I am in the Father? And the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak from myself.
But the Father who stays in me, he does the works. He said he was coming to work it out. And he worked it out.
Huh? Brother Lath? He said, I and the Father are one. Okay, so we have that word of God. We're going to be going over that in the next series that we do on this subject.
Okay? Great point. Now, John chapter 20. Let's move along so we can get to the Hebrew here.
John 20:24-29 chapter 20, verse 24 through 29. You got it on? Chapter 20, verses 24 through 29. But Thomas called the twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Yahshua came.
So the other taught one said to him, we have seen the Master. But he said to them, unless I see his hands, the mark of the nails, and put my finger into the imprint of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I shall by no means believe. And after eight days, his taught ones were again inside, and Thoma, Thomas, with them.
Yahshua came, the doors having been shut. And he stood in the midst, and said, Shalom Aleichem. Shalom Aleichem.
Peace unto you. Oh, Father. Then he said to Thomas, bring your finger here.
See my hands, and bring your hand, and put it into my side. And do not be unbelieving, but believe. And Thomas answered and said to him, my Master, and my Elohim, Emmanuel.
It's confirmed again, who it was, right there, right there. My Master, the one who purchased and redeemed you, and my El, my Elohim, Emmanuel. He said, you are Elohim.
Emmanuel, Yah was with us. He's coming back. Make no mistake about it.
Oh, Father. Titus, Chapter 2. Titus 2:10-15. Not stealing, but showing all good trustworthiness.
So that they adorn the teaching of Elohim, our Savior, in every way. For the saving gift of Elohim has appeared. Do we have to go back to the Hebrew again? You don't need to.
Confirming what was said in the Hebrew, by Yahweh himself, right here. Appeared to all men. Instructing us to renounce wickedness, worldly lusts, to live sensibly, righteously, reverently in the present age.
Looking for the blessed expectation, the hope, and esteemed appearance of the great Elohim and our Savior, Yahshua Messiah. Yahweh's redemption, the anointed one. Who is anointed in Hebrew thought.
Prophets, kings, and priests. And people who are sick and need healing. And He fulfilled every one of those roles, that's Him.
Who gave Himself for us, to redeem us from all lawlessness, and to cleanse us for Himself as a people, His own possession. There's His wife, ardent for good works. Speak these matters, urge and reprove with all authority.
Let no one despise you. That's where we've dropped the ball. There's not too many people in our belief that have this revelation.
Pun intended, revelation. 2 Peter. Close in that department.
2 Kepha, chapter 1, verses 1-3. 2 Peter 1:1-3. Shimon Kepha, a servant and apostle of Yahshua Messiah, to those who have obtained a belief as precious as ours, by the righteousness of our Elohim and Savior, Yahshua Messiah.
Actually, it's everywhere. These apostles were teaching the same thing that was revealed to the prophets. We can't have two separate witnessing going on about the redemptive process.
If we do, it's going to confuse the hearers. The majority of our people in this faith have no idea who the Redeemer is. They know they've been redeemed.
They know the Word very, very well. But, what are we witnessing to? The majority of that responsibility lies on the teachings that we're receiving. Which comes through who? Teachers.
Who will be judged a little bit more strictly. Be careful who you let plant seed in your ears and in the ears of your family. They've got to know this Hebrew text.
You don't have to read Hebrew to be redeemed. But, where you're being educated from, concerning that witnessing of your redemption, needs to be grounded and rooted in going in the right direction. Let me share a little passage.
We'll get off beat here just for a moment. Where do we see something like that happen? In the book of Acts. We see it a couple of different times.
But, in the book of Acts, if you remember right, Who was it? Silas? No, no. Shaul and Barnabas. They healed this guy.
And, I think they were in Lustra or Iconia. Somewhere out there in his evangelism. And so, when he heals this guy, what happens? They start going, hey, bring some sacrifices.
The mighty ones have come down and they thought that they were mighty ones. And, what do they do? Oh, it's okay. You know, let them sacrifice.
It'll come to them later. They said, whoa, whoa, whoa. And, they fell down and said, forgive us.
Forgive them. Wait a minute. We can get this straightened out.
It's a righteous thing that you want. To sacrifice for the great work that has just happened. This man has been healed.
But, first, I want you to know That we're just men. Just like you. But, let it be known That by the name and by the strength and the power of Yahweh's redemption That this man has been made whole.
If you're going to sacrifice to it. If you're going to witness to the healing that has just happened. Please, send your sacrifices in the proper direction.
Not us. We're going to die dead, dead, dead. Just like you.
Someday. But, there's one that lives eternally. And, if you're going to sacrifice.
Please, sacrifice to the one that we tell you done the healing. And, even then. They found it hard to keep the people from doing it.
But, they did, didn't they? It says it was hard. But, they did. They didn't allow the people to sacrifice to other mighty ones.
They said, no, no, no, no. It's Him who did it. And, that's what I'm trying to do.
Is redirect the witnessing of the Savior. Who He is. What He is.
We should be praising and worshipping Him. It's kind of who. Yahshua.
Okay, that's Him. So, we've seen all these verses that we just read. All the way from the Torah.
And, I made the connection with the Esher. The woman, the seed. That was in Bereshit.
Okay. So, now let's connect that. By the witnesses in the New Testament.
And, the witnesses in the Old. What is the origin of what is written in the first chapter of John concerning the Word? What is its origin? Could it be the Torah, the prophets? In Bereshit? Somebody turn there real quick. John 1. And, just read to me verse 1. And, I'll take it from there.
In the beginning was the Word. And, the Word was with Elohim. There's that English word beginning.
The Word was what? With? And, the Word was what? And, the Word was Elohim. Confirms everything that we just went through cover to cover. Okay.
But, it's not saying in the beginning. As in, it's talking about Bereshit. That's the Hebrew word that would have been in the text.
It is in the text. Bereshit. Hadabar.
Hadabar Elohim. This is exactly what we just studied. If you just put the Hebrew words in there.
Or, hearing the word being taught by somebody. You can put those Hebrew words in there. You go, wow.
This is like crystal clear. Never heard anything like it. I've heard people argue over the deity of Messiah.
Since I was just a little guy. And, once I began to go back. And, research this stuff.
From a Hebrew perspective. I went, every one of them was wrong. All those guys that I was leading me.
Was wrong. I would love to go back to those Pentecostal. Assemblies.
And, say. Will you sit down with me for an hour. I know that you guys have.
Written me off. Can we please talk and pray. For just a moment.
Okay. So, Yehanan chapter 1. Verses 1 through 14. (John 1:1-14) You can read the whole thing yourself.
If you would like. But, we're going to touch on the power. Of silence in what is written there.
Yehanan. Chapter 1 into verse 1. In Bereshit. Hadabar.
Hadabar. Ha Elohim. Hadabar.
Elohim. That's pretty simple. Okay.
That is pretty simple. It's very common, easy. Most of us know those words.
In Hebrew. Who. I'm going to put the Hebrew word in there for you guys.
Just read it. Who. Ayah.
Bereshit. Elohim. Who.
Ayah. Ayah. Twice.
He existed. Or, that which existed. Exists.
Ayah. Okay. So.
The who. Is he or him. That Hebrew word who.
Is going to be translated he or him. Correct? It's calling Dabar a he. In this passage.
But, it actually should be translated it. Okay. He.
She or it. Is the gender, if you will. We don't have a problem here.
Identifying genders. Like the rest of the world does. Okay.
So. If we understand. That in the beginning.
Was the word. It was a thing. It came forth from the father.
It was a thing. It was an object. That doesn't mean it was physical.
But it was an object. It was a thing. And as a matter of fact.
It was called the holy thing. Once it got in the flesh. The holy thing that shall be born unto you.
Shall be called the son of the most high. Okay. Now.
Move on down here to verse 14. (John 1:14) And it says. Hadabar.
Eya. And there is that word. That English word flesh.
Okay. So let's read this in English. And the word became flesh.
And pitched his tent. Or dwelt among us. And we saw.
There's that word again. That's going to be the Hebrew word. That Yahweh's brought forth.
In that prophecy. In verse 35. Chapter 4 of Deuteronomy 4:35.
People can argue against us all they want. But we can. If I had the ability to read.
Verbatim. The Masoretic text. I mean we could just end it all.
But that's not what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do is give you. The little tidbits of information.
That will give you the ability. To say wait a minute. No no no.
The Hebrew reads a little bit differently. It's okay to say that. That doesn't mean that our English Bible is useless.
That's not what it means. If it wasn't for this thing. We couldn't get to the point where we're at now.
We need it. But when you begin to research. How it was translated.
You go oh wait a minute. Man there's some deep stuff in here. That I didn't see before.
Okay now remember. In the beginning was the word. The word was with Elohim.
The word was Elohim. Emmanuel. El with us.
How did that happen? Verse 14. And the word became flesh. And dwelt among us.
And we saw his esteem. The esteem as of it. Only brought forth.
There it is. The word came forth from the spirit. Therefore.
My sons. Came forth from me. But they're separate.
Little people. But we're talking about. An immaculate conception.
We're talking about something supernatural. That happened. We're talking about.
The Ruach HaKodesh. That had nothing.
Beside him. Had this word. That he was speaking to himself.
Or who knows how long. And finally he said. He what? Let there.
You know it's not good. To be alone. All of this goodness and righteousness.
And beautiful things that I have within me. I want to share it with someone. So therefore.
The word came forth. From the spirit. Therefore it was the seed.
That we now call the son. Of Elohim. And once that seed.
That word hit the earth. Life. Then there was life.
When we record this thing. With Brad's book. The principle of the seed.
That's one of the things that will be evident. Without me even saying it. Okay.
These are things that are very very. Simple to understand. If you just have it presented to you.
Correctly. With the right frame of thinking. Without the western.
Christian. Stuff connected to it. This is really simple.
Just erase the chalkboard. And start over. Okay.
We saw his esteem. The esteem as only brought forth. Of a father.
Complete in favor and truth. Now. Go back to Isaiah.
Chapter 55. We're going to see that the witnessing. Right.
You are my witnesses. There is no savior but me. We're going back to that.
Isaiah 55:8-15. Yisaiah chapter 55.
And we're going to be reading verses. Eight through 15. Remember these.
We talk about this one all the time. But look. As we study.
A little beyond it. For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways my ways.
Declares Yahweh. For as the heavens are higher than the earth. So are my ways higher than your ways.
And my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down. In the snow from the Shemayim.
And do not return there. But water the earth. And make it bring forth a bud.
And give seed. To the sower. And bread to the eater.
So is my word. That goes forth from my mouth. It does not return to me empty.
Yahshua said. I return unto my father. That where I am.
You may be there also. I will not leave you as orphans. I'm bringing the kingdom.
To you. The word of Yah went out and created. The word of Yah sustained it.
He spoke himself into our world. Our existence. Our flesh.
And when the word became flesh. And dwelt among us. We got our king in the flesh.
There is no denial. Of this. This is huge.
I love him. With all of my being. And I proclaim this message to the world.
Look. Behold. Your redeemer Yahweh.
Oh father. So is my word that goes forth from my mouth. It does not return to me empty.
But shall do what I please. He said. I do what pleases the father.
That's why I know he hears me. The word was testifying of the word. While the word was manifested in the flesh.
So that that word that was manifested in the flesh. Could be manifested in your flesh. And you could receive your king.
It does not return unto me empty. Many of you are seeing void. Or empty.
Okay here in the scriptures. But shall do what I please. And shall certainly accomplish.
What I sent it for. Back to John. Chapter 16 verse 5. (John 16:5) Remember what we just read in the prophets writings. Yahshua says. But now I go away to him.
Who sent me. And he was the word in the flesh. The word did not return to him void.
You know what's in that word when it returned to him. You. And me.
It did what he sent it out to accomplish. Was to create. Sustain and redeem men.
But now I go away to him who sent me. And not one of you ask me. Where are you going? Verse 28.
I come forth from the father. The word came forth from the spirit. Didn't it? Huh? I came forth from the father.
And he sent me. And have come into the world. Again.
I leave the world. And go to the father. My word will not return.
Unto me empty or void. You better quit it. Plainly.
You speak plainly. That's right. And as Todd would say you just spoke plainly to us now.
Now we understand. You know what? When somebody comes to you and says well it's really hard to understand. But actually in the Old Testament.
If you squeeze this together. And this even word. Out of this text.
And they collaborate. A doctrine out of several passages. They create another deity with the word of Yah.
Please understand that that. Do you know that that's tyranny? It's treason. Against the kingdom of Yah.
To use his language and his word. To form another deity. I mean have you guys ever even thought about that? That someone could actually use the word.
And the language. To create another deity. To squeeze in there with him.
When he said there's no other entity with me. Or beside me. There is no other savior.
You better be careful what you create. On his behalf. Because it just may cost you.
What's been cut in half. Those two pieces. That covenant.
The word returning to the spirit. Not void. It is created and saved as Yahweh said.
He who would do. At sky and moon. Yahshua.
Yahweh's redemption day. He said it was me. Yahweh's word became flesh.
Not the son. It took on the title son. Because it came from a woman.
Who was in her fallen nature. That word which is Yahweh's redemption. That which saves.
Took on the title son. And was called. As spoken in the book of Luke.
Chapter one. He was called the son of the highest. That's why he said.
My father. Is greater than I. Do you understand that? That's why he said. My father is greater than I. Because I came.
The word came from the Ruach. And without the Ruach. There is no word.
My father. The spirit is greater than I. The word. And especially when it was in a body.
Because it was confined. So what did it have to do. In order to survive.
Is. Well the word was in that body. It had to rely on what was already spoken.
So the word relied on. The word of prophecy. What had been prophesied.
It said. This is how I'm going to deal with it. For it is written.
For it is written. For it is written. Reminding himself constantly.
Of his rejection. And pleasing the father. By not falling to temptation.
Or sin. HalleluYah. So.
We've been talking about this. Pun intended. Revelation 1:1-8
Let's read in our English Bible. Revelation 1 through 8. Remember. We have Emmanuel.
Verses 1 through 8. In Revelation. Chapter 1. Everybody say HalleluYah. When you're there.
HalleluYah. Revelation of Yahshua Messiah. What does that say? Jodel.
Revelation 1. The revelation of who? Sure. Revelation. Of Yahshua Messiah.
That's the topic. Of the book of Revelation. Is who he was.
He wanted to make sure that the assemblies. In the first few chapters here. Knew who he was.
If he did not declare. To the assemblies who he was. Then how could the assemblies.
Know. For a fact. That is the one. Who the prophecy said would be the Redeemer. He's going to give the final witness.
To who? The last Apostle standing. Yohannan. So we just went.
From the 14th. Or 13th century. BCE.
All the way down now. To approximately. 100 of the common era.
Or 90ish. And it says the revelation. Of Yahshua Messiah.
Which Elohim gave him. To show his servants. Ye are my servants.
And ye are my witnesses. He's going to witness the same thing. To Yohanan.
To what? Pass on when the last Apostle was gone. He gave to show his servants. What has to take place.
With speed. And he signified it. By sending his messenger.
To his servant Yohanan. Who bore witness. Of the what? One of Elohim.
And the witness. Of Yahweh's redemption. The anointed one.
To what? To all he saw. Guess what Hebrew word would be there? Right? Either by definition. Or by literal root.
It would be the one that we read. Or another word could be used. In the Hebrew text.
It has the same definition. But we just made the connection. Of the Hebrew that we read.
In the very beginning of this. Now. Blessed is he.
Who reads. And those who hear. The words of.
Now there's a problem there. Because that Greek word can be translated. Blessed.
Is he who reads. And those who hear the words of this prophecy. And guard what is written in it.
For the time is near. Now. Let's go down to verse 7 and 8. See.
Who. There's that Hebrew word who. And every eye shall see him.
And they who pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth. Shall mourn because of him.
Yes. Amen. I am the.
Forget about it. Yeah forget about that. It's not in the Hebrew text.
And so. That came into the Greek text. They put that.
Alpha and Omega there. It was just a Greek thing. It's not in the Hebrew text.
But nevertheless. It says. I am the Alpha and the Tau.
The beginning and the end says Yahweh. Says who? What does verse 1 say? The revelation of Yahshua Messiah. Because if when you look at it close enough.
Even the English does declare. That the revelation was Yahshua Messiah. Which is huge because that's what.
Everything that we've gathered up to here. In the law and the prophets has said. It said exactly that.
So we went from. The 14th and the 13th century BCE. Down to 1021.
And we went down to. 700. Then 500.
Then right on into. The first century of the common era. So that I mean.
That is heavy connections. Historically proven. They all were still waiting on Yahweh.
To be the Redeemer. There was no separate revelation that came. In the days of the apostles.
According to the last apostle. Standing. That's one of the biggest revelations.
That we can get. Is that all the way down to the last apostle. In the first century.
Which there would be more to come. They said. After that.
So is there false prophets? False messiahs. And false. Shepherds.
In our day and age. That's exactly what they warned us. All the way from that time period.
In Zechariah. All the way down. To the very last book that was written.
This is the revelation. Of who Yahshua was. Is and always will be.
It's not going to change. Well it did change. But it was because of the false.
Concepts. Of doctrine. The doctrine and translations.
Changed. Why? Because we came out here and started. Worshipping other mighty ones.
Like he would say. Or like he had said. Okay.
All right. Revelation chapter one. In that verse one.
Revelation. Of Yahshua. Messiah.
Now let me inject some Hebrew here. Revelation. Of Yahweh's.
Redemption. The anointed. Messiah.
Meaning anointed. Yahweh's redemption meaning. Or Yahshua meaning.
Yahweh's redemption. Okay. The revelation.
Of Yahshua Messiah. Which only gave. Him to show his servants.
What was to take place. With speed and he signified it. By sending his messenger.
To his servant. Yohanan. Who bore witness.
All right. Remember we're connecting this back. To ye are my witnesses.
And if there is no. One beside me. And beside me.
There is no. Savior. The revelation.
Of Yahshua. Messiah. We cannot have someone.
In the New Testament concerning. The redemption of Yahweh. Now very witness.
Of a different savior. In the New Testament. That's where we're at.
Because you are my witnesses. Say if Yahweh. Let's go back to that.
Okay. You are my witnesses. Not the Jehovah witnesses.
Let's go back to. I believe it's. Isaiah 43:10
Chapter 43. Beginning in verse 10. Somebody say HalleluYah.
HalleluYah. Listen to this. You are my witnesses declares Yahweh.
And my servant. Whom I have chosen. Was not.
We'll go back and read the words again. Okay it's almost verbatim. This is a beautiful connection.
Even the English. As we get into these Hebrew documents. That it's just going to sow this.
Pun intended. We're going to sow this seed. In Yahweh's witnesses.
We can't witness of a different savior. A different entity. A different deity.
By the time we get to the bread out of shop. Something has went wrong. You are my witnesses declares Yahweh.
And my servant. Whom I have chosen. So that you know and believe me.
And understand that I am he. Before me there was no elf formed. Nor after me there is none.
I. I am Yahweh. Before me and besides me. There is no savior.
You are my witnesses. Declares Yahweh. My servant.
Whom I have chosen. Back to the revelation of who Yahweh is. Back to the revelation.
Of who Yahweh's redemption was. Is. And always will be.
Blessed be the name of Yah. HalleluYah. HalleluYah.
Beginning in verse 1. Does anybody have a hammer and nail handy? Let's put the last nail in the coffin. On these false doctrines. Let's bury them.
Forever. If you want to bury something. Let's bury false doctrine.
Let's put it in the box. And never shut. And I would submit.
Let's use the same nails. That they pulled. From his hands.
And from his feet. Still with the blood. Of Hamashiach the anointed.
Let's bury this stuff. HalleluYah. Revelation of Yahshua Messiah.
Which Yahweh gave. Him to show his servants. What was to take place with speed.
And he signified it by sending. His messenger. To his servant.
Who bore witness. To the word of Elohim. He's telling you.
Yahweh said he was coming. And I bear witness to you today. And I bear witness with the patriarchs.
That there is no one beside him. There's no Elphorn. No one but him.
I bear witness to the what Yahweh said. And the word is true. And I Teddy Wilson.
Bear witness to the same. Statements that was made by the prophets. And the apostles.
I'm going to keep us steadfast. In the apostles doctrine. Because it's the foundation.
Or part of that foundation. That was laid by them. And the prophets.
There is no other foundation. Unless you build it. But if you build on another man's founding.
If you build on another man's theory. Another man's concept. Of how this all went down.
You just built on another man's foundation. And the water is about to rise. And the heat is about to get turned up.
And as the tides of life surround us. We built our house on sand. It will not stand.
It's got to be on that firm foundation. I bear witness. We are his witnesses.
Right here, aren't we? HalleluYah. Who bore witness to the word of Elphorn. The word of Elohim.
To what? The word of Elohim. Was who Yahweh's redemption? Was who Yahweh his Ruach? It's inseparable. There is no separation.
Yahshua simply means the word. That was witnessed to. That he said he was coming by.
There is no entity. There is no deity. There's nothing connected to that.
It was the spoken word. Of Yahweh the Elohim of Israel. That was manifested in that body of Mary.
HalleluYah. And the witness of Yahshua Messiah. To all who what? Saw.
There's our word. They handled it. They handled the word of truth.
Blessed is he who reads. And those who hear the words of the prophecy. Many of your versions say this.
But we already know. It's talking about prophecies already spoken about. And guard what is written in it.
For the time is near. Now let's bump down to verses 7 and 8. See he is coming. Rev 1:7-8 With the clouds.
Hmm. I think it says something to the effect. That the clouds are going to.
Peel back like a scroll. Why a scroll? Because that's where the words at. Written on the scroll.
The revelation of the word is going to be coming from the skies. That's why King Dawid said. I look up to the skies to the heavens.
Over the hills from where my help cometh. My aid remember that word aid. That we went over.
They all knew where it was coming from. Except for who? All of us who have received the testimony. Of Yahshua Messiah.
Take note of that. The people who believe in the Savior. Are the ones who have the most deception.
To overcome. Hmm. The ones who were waiting on.
Yahweh's redemption. And went to rest without him. Are in a much better predicament at this time.
Than we will ever be. In the body of Yahshua. If you are alive on the earth today.
We have so many different doctrines. About a Savior. There's two three four.
Nobody teaches one anymore. Except for the small body of witnesses. Yahweh witnesses.
Those who bear the testimony. That Yahshua Messiah. Was Yahweh almighty.
Must be redone. See he is coming with the clouds. And every eye.
Whoa hold on a minute. Let's make an unscheduled pit stop. Isaiah.
No Psalms 68:1-4. 68. In that verse for. HalleluYah.
Thank you father for your revelation. To healing. 68.
In that verse for. Sing to Elohim. Sing praises to his name.
Raise up a highway. For him who rides through the deserts. Many of the versions say.
He who rides on the what? Clouds. For he who rides. On the clouds.
By his name Yah. And exult. Before him.
Back to Revelation 1. See he is coming. With the clouds and every eye shall see him. Even they who pierce him.
And all the tribes of the earth. Shall mourn because of him. Yes.
Amen. I am. The elephant the tall remember that we.
We've already discovered. That that is not in the text. The elephant the tall is not in the Hebrew text.
It's only in the Greek text as. Alpha and Omega. And there are different reasons why that would happen.
But it definitely was not. In the Hebrew text what we did was. Is we took the Greek text.
And put the Hebrew letters there. Instead of the Greek. Remember how we were talking just a little bit ago.
In the dining hall. That. That's why I refuse to get.
Into conversation or help. A couple of these guys. They're trying to push their books of prophecy on me.
Because we're never going to see eye to eye. Never. There's no way.
They're using all English words. It would never work. Beginning.
And end. Says. Yahweh.
Okay. Wait a minute. What is what is the text? Who is the text about here? Oh.
Yeah. Right. And right.
It's about Yahweh. And his redemption. Yahshua.
Yahweh's redemption. So it is about Yahweh. And it is about Yahshua.
Because Yahshua means Yahweh's redemption. And Yahweh's redemption. Was his word manifested in the mind.
We had those two lights. That he lit up. One on the earth that was given.
That life was given. That the world through him. Might be saved.
Must we go back to. You are my witnesses. I am the beginning.
And the end. Says Yahweh. Who is.
Who was. And is to come. The end.
Yahweh almighty. There is the revelation. That Yahshua Messiah.
The life that was given. On this earth. Was indeed.
Yahweh almighty. Yahweh. El Shaddai.
Is that not what Abraham referred to him as? Now to research. And confirm these things in Hebrew. We will be looking at actual.
Photos that I have taken. From the Hebrew revelation. Discovered at Cambridge University.
University library. It includes. In its work.
We are researching a transcript. And a translation of said documents. And as I have said before.
You can tell. When these guys are being biased. In translating those Hebrew documents.
They did the same thing to you. And they translated it. In a dualistic way.
And I have approached them over it. And they are not going to change it. So.
That is why I. Suggest even. The people who have fallen into the. Zadokite.
Calendar. If you don't take it back to Hebrew. You better not swallow the pill.
Because anybody can translate. A Hebrew document. And if they are biased.
And they have an agenda. And they are unwilling to change. That is what you are going to see.
When they translate it for you. We are going to translate it for us today. Unbiasedly.
HalleluYah. Blessed be the name of God. Okay.
So. This is. A transcript.
Of. Verse 1 and 2. Out of. Revelation chapter 1. Okay.
Now. So we have. Elah.
Elah. Elah. Ha-sedot.
Ha-sedot. What is buried right in the middle of that. What is the root word there? So.
Secret. Here is the secret. Here is the mystery.
See. Okay. Here is the revelation.
But it is a mystery. It is a secret that has been hidden. Until this time.
So that is why I have been telling everybody. The book of Revelation. Is not a separate prophecy.
That is why some of the translators. Put this prophecy. Instead of the prophecy.
They did not have that knowledge. It is the prophecy. Concerning everything they have said.
Since Deuteronomy. End of chapter 4. We have been through it. So we have.
Elah. Ha-sedot. Natz.
Yahweh. La-Yeshua. That does not say.
That it is something that was granted. To Yahshua. We have not even reached Elohim yet.
In the text. Have we? As a matter of fact. It is not in the text.
Does anybody see the word Elohim there? So the top line. This is how it reads. Again.
Elah. Ha-sedot. Natz.
Yahweh. La-Yeshua. Ha.
Mim. Shir. Yod.
Chet. Mashiach. Everyone.
The word. Elohim. Is not in the text.
It says in the English. Which Elohim gave you. To him.
To show his servant. Right. Okay.
So we are talking about. According to the Greek text. And the English text.
Elohim should be in that first line. Somewhere in here. We should see the word.
Elohim. And we do not. Okay.
Now. That is why I was telling everybody. In the Hebrew documents.
There are not words. That we created doctrines over. That are actually not in the text.
And the translators were dualistic. So they said well that has got to mean this. They were unwilling to just bring a word for word translation.
To the body of Yahshua. I am not. This is absolutely saying.
That the revelation is actually. A secret. That had been hidden.
Right. In plain sight. For some centuries.
The Yahweh. Yahshua. Okay.
Yahweh. Yahshua. That is not.
Yahshua here is. Not. A noun.
Yodi wash and I am was. And these guys knew it. Okay.
Yahshua should be deliverer. Deliverer. Here.
Yahweh. Deliverer. How do we know that? Verse 8. We are going to go to this text here in a moment.
What does verse 8 say once again? I am, as we're going to see, Alpha Tau isn't there. The beginning and the end says Yahweh, who is, who was, and is to come, the Almighty. So the text must line up with itself.
We can't have the opening of the passage meaning this, and you get seven verses into it and it means something different. Your focus goes to a different person or object. No way.
How long did Yahweh wait to bring this revelation to the body of Messiah? The assemblies in the first century that bore his name? I've got so much to share with you, he said. Here I am, Messiah is. I told you I was coming.
Here I am. Now we want to take a look at something very, very important. So the Hebrew manuscript uses the abbreviation hay in brackets there for what? Hashem.
Now we know that Adonis and Hashem, Adonai, Adon, all of these things that are linked to pagan deities' names, linked to pagan deities' names, has been used to replace the Tetragrammaton for a few millennia. Right? So what belonged where Hashem, or the hay was? Yahweh. The Tetragrammaton.
Okay? So here's another solidifying factor to it all. So the reason why you see the lines, I'm going to explain that so somebody doesn't think I manipulated the text. It was too big to fit in the frame so I folded the things together to show you the parts that I wanted to be in the frame.
So I just folded it together. Now, again this would be verse 7 and 8. Rev 1:7-8 See he is coming with the clouds. That's also in 1 Thessalonians 4 by the way.
And every eye shall see him, even they who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth. Now remember that's a prophetic part being fulfilled as well, right? They will look upon him whom they pierced. Who was it? It was Yahweh.
But he was in a different life form. Because he gave a separate life that he lived in the body of the one that he anointed or ordained to bring us his deliverance. Even they who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn because of him.
Yea, amen. I am the Alph and the Tau, the beginning and the end, says Yahweh, who is, who was, and is to come, the Almighty. So if you look at this translation that those guys used, they did a pretty good job of showing us what that Hebrew document, how to bring it over.
I agree with it almost fully, but they used Adon there instead of Yahweh's name. Okay? But knowing that it was, that Adon, Adonai, Adonis or whatever, however you want to pronounce that, has replaced the Tetragrammaton, this is key. Look, he will come with the clouds, and those who pierced him, they will see him.
And all the families of the earth will weep. Yes, amen. I am the first, whoa, we're the Aleph and the Taw again.
It's not in the text. It's not in the Hebrew text at all. Now remember, yea, let's get past that.
Let's just stay focused here. I am the first and the last, the beginning, actually the, is that it? It says beginning and the end. Says mighty Yahweh.
Yahweh was replaced by Adonai and Adon, so the Tetragrammaton belongs there. Says the mighty Yahweh. Oh father.
Who was and is and will be a Yah. There is no other beside Him. How much more testimony do we need? Time would fail me to go through all these Hebrew words just to bring over this translation, which again they did very well, so for that right there.
Okay, let's take a look down here at some of the things that they show us by numbering each one of these passages. Look at number two. They said compare this to Zechariah 12:10-14 , 10 through 14.
We went over those prophecies. All those Old Testament prophecies, we went over them. We've been over them here.
Over and over and over and over. So they're referencing things that were said in Zechariah here, chapter 12 verses 10 through 14. Look at this.
Compare Isaiah 44:6, 41:4, 43:10-12. I mean there could be so many more added to this. And look at what they say.
Yeshua, because they call Him Yeshua instead of Yahshua. They say Yeshua is claiming to be Yod-Heh-Wah-Heh. Yod-Heh-Wah-Heh.
Number four, majestic. You can say mighty or majestic. I would submit to you that if we use that word majestic, there's only one that can fit that criteria.
Majesty, the magistrate. Do you understand that? Majesty, kingdom authority. Your kingdom reigns.
Even the Christians got that right. Look at this. The Hebrew word for L-O-R-D or master.
There's another proof that this. How many times did they replace Yod-Heh-Wah-Heh with L-O-R-D? Almost 7,000 times. 6,823 times.
6,824 times in the Jehovah's Witness Bible, they say. Nevertheless, almost 7,000 times they replaced the Tantric Rabbiton that goes right there with L-O-R-D. The beginning and the end says the Almighty Yahweh.
That's the Hebrew text. Okay, let's start bringing this to a close. Let's pull up one more New Testament passage in the Brit.
Mark 12:28, you know it's been said that the Shema is the statement of the faith of the Jews, of the Yehudi, those who formed into a body from the land of Judea, the religion now known as Rabbinical Judaism. And they will tell you that this is not a statement of faith. And I'm going to share with you today that it's not a statement of faith.
It's a mitzvot. It's a command. Yahshua, the Word of Yah, Yahweh providing redemption with the Word manifested in the flesh of Miriam and dwelt in a body that was made without hands.
He gets questioned about this. Mark 12:27, and one of the scribes coming near, hearing them reasoning together, knowing that he had, speaking of Yahshua, knowing that he had answered them well, he asked him, Which is the greatest command? What is the first? The Gedol. What is the greatest command of all? Yahshua answered him, the first of all the commands, wait a minute, the first of our statement of faith.
What's the greatest mitzvot? What's the greatest instruction? It's not a statement of faith. It's a commandment. Which is the greatest command of all? And Yahshua answered him, the first of all the commands is, hear O Yisrael, Yahweh our Elohim, Yahweh is one.
Or you could actually say, is the one. Ha'akad Yahweh. Ha'akad Yahweh.
Yahweh is the one. And you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all of your heart, with all of your being, and with all of your mind, and with all of your strength. With all of your stuff, people.
You've got to love him with everything you've got. This type of love that he is commanding us to have, for him to not be shared with another. Do you understand this? Am I going to fall down and worship Yahshua? Yes.
Am I falling down to a different entity? Absolutely not. I'm going to bow down on my knees before Yahweh's redemption, at it's return, and I'm going to give him praise. I'm going to give him praise, and say HalleluYah to the highest.
Because he has redeemed us. He's given us life, just as he said he would. He's going to drag your stinky, filthy butt out of the nations.
And he's going to bring you back to where he said he was going to put you. I will not worship another entity. It's idolatry.
It's spiritual adultery, if we can use that terminology. No. I will worship my king.
There's not two kings of Israel. And if you believe there is, I dare you to say that they're both the Savior. I dare you to make that comment in front of me.
Because we will take this stuff to the Hebrew manuscripts, and without a doubt, prove that theory wrong. We have today, or in its two parts, I should say. Now, if you shall love Yahweh your only with all of your heart, with all of your being, with all of your mind, with all of your strength, this is the greatest, the first commandment.
And the second, like it, is this. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.
And the scribe said to him, well said, teacher. You have spoken the truth. What? It's a command.
He spoke the truth. It's a commandment to believe that Yahweh is one. Not two.
Not three. It's a mitzvot. It's a basic instruction of the people of Israel.
He has spoken the truth, for there is one Elohim, and there is no other beside Him. And what? There is no other beside Him. Is this a direct quote or is it not from the Tanakh? And is this or is this not a direct quote of Yahweh Himself? There is none beside Me.
I know not one. Well the son wasn't very popular up there, was he? I don't know of any mighty ones up here. Yeah, it's just me.
I'm the mighty one. Yeah. So which one of the sons that were roaming around up there, he knew he had, but I guess he didn't meet with him often or something.
I don't know. I just wasn't recollected to him. And there is no other beside Him.
And to love Him with all of your heart, with all of your understanding, and with all of the being, and with all of the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself is more than all the burnt offerings and offerings. I'm going to point something out. It's more than any ascending offering.
You better grab that. What was Yahshua? He was an ascending offering. So He was not beside Yahweh ever.
Even the fallen ones believe and tremble while they're shackled up in chains in Tartaru, trembling the return of Yahshua because their judgment is drawing nigh. Do you understand why the devil himself, it doesn't say that he is chained in Tartaru? Because he entered mankind. He actually entered mankind through Hawah and Nadav.
He's Indian. So what is Yahweh going to do? He's going to condemn this carcass where he's at, but he's going to give life to the original seed that he's sowing tears amongst. Within you.
He's going to deceive this flesh. Yahweh is. Right? How do we know that? Shalom gives his testimony.
He says, therefore, the law which I found to give life actually produced death. Is therefore the law wicked? No, it's doing exactly what it's supposed to do. It's going to kill that flesh in which the enemy has the right over.
But now, if the seed is in you and you believe that Yahweh is the one who formed you, sustained you and redeemed you, you have a shot at life eternal for the law that I found to give me life created death in me. Oh, wretched man that I am, who can save me from this body of death? I praise Yahweh through Yahshua HaMashiach, through him, his redemption. Blessed be the name of God.
HalleluYah. So what do we see? From the 14th and the 13th century BCE down through 1021 at the request for a king of the flesh BCE to 999 BCE. Then down to the 700s BCE, the 500s BCE, all the way down to the first century of the common era.
And I would submit to you today all the way down. Behold, your king and savior in 2022 CE. Yahweh is not some trendy new denomination.
He's our savior. He said it. He meant it.
Do you suppose, brethren, that Yahweh could have meant what he said? Can we get an amen? HalleluYah. Blessed be the name of God. So we want to thank and praise Yahweh for all the things that he's been revealing to us through this moed during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
We are so thankful that you are our majesty, O majestic one. We lift up our mind, our being, the breath that you have put in us. We lift it up to you, for it belongs to you.
And ask that you would protect us from falsehood and that you would instill in us passion and determination to carry on in your truth regardless of what other people say. Because we're worried about what you taught, not what man has taught. We give you the praise and the honor and the glory this evening in the mighty name of your redemption Yahshua.
HalleluYah and amen. HalleluYah and amen. We praise you and we thank you, Yahweh.
Continue Series: Malkitzedek Unveiled

Acts 2:46:47 And continuing steadfastly with one mind day by day in the sanctuary†, and breaking bread from house to house, they shared food in gladness and simplicity of heart, they were praising YAHWEH while finding favor before all the people. And everyday our Master would add to those who lived among the congregation.