Outreach Ministries
We have various ministries that aim to show the love and compassion of our Redeemer. From the Messenger Studies Prison Outreach and Seeker's Street Ministry to the various Broadcast and Social Media Outlets, Sacred Name Worship Music and Online Radio Station, our goal is to make sure people know the true, unadulterated, identity of our Messiah and demonstrate the Way in which we are expected to serve Him.
Yahweh’s perspective on caring for the prisoners and captives are as important to Him as the sick and needy. This kindred providence is deeply rooted in compassion, redemption, and restoration. The Scriptures provide clear guidance on this matter:
Take a look:
Psalm 68:4-6:
Sing to Elohim, sing praise to His name; lift up a song for Him who rides in the deserts, by His name Yah; yea, exult in His presence. In His holy dwelling Elohim is a father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows. Elohim causes the lonely to live at home; He brings out those who are bound with chains, while the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
Psalm 69:33:
- “Yahweh hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.”
Isaiah 61:1-3:
The Spirit of Adonai YAHWEH is on Me, because YAHWEH has anointed Me to preach the good news to the meek. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, and complete opening to the bound ones; to proclaim the acceptable year of YAHWEH, and the day of vengeance of our Elohim; to comfort all who mourn; to appoint to those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of the spirit of infirmity, so that one calls them trees of righteousness, the planting of YAHWEH, in order to beautify Himself.
Matthew 25:34-40:
- Yahshua emphasizes the importance of caring for those in need, including prisoners:
- “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’”
- The righteous are surprised and ask when they did these things for Yahshua, and He responds, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
- Yahshua emphasizes the importance of caring for those in need, including prisoners:
Mark 2:17:
- Yahshua declares, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Romans 8:1-3:
There is therefore now no condemnation to those in Yahshua Messiah, who do not walk according to flesh, but according to Spirit. For the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Yahshua Messiah set me free from the law of sin and of death. For the Torah being powerless†, in that it was weak through the flesh, Elohim sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and concerning sin, condemned sin in the flesh,
Romans 12:10-16:
- Encourages believers to be devoted to one another, serving Yahweh with zeal, joy, and compassion.
In summary, Elohim seeks to set prisoners free—not always from their physical prison, but certainly from their imprisonment by sin, ignorance, rebellion, and foolish choices. Yahshua identified Himself as the source of this freedom. As His followers, we are called to extend compassion, hope, and redemption to those behind bars, recognizing their inherent dignity and worth as Yahweh's called.
Prison outreach plays a crucial role in our communities for several reasons:
Restoring Humanity: When individuals are incarcerated, they often face isolation, loss of dignity, and feelings of hopelessness. Prison outreach provides a lifeline, affirming their humanity and worth. We are able to convey a message of hope and compassion to inmates through various means, such as prayer, song, teaching, and even personal connections. We help them to feel remembered and valued, despite being confined behind prison walls.
Character Rebuilding: Effective prison ministry goes beyond rehabilitative services. It focuses on rebuilding character, teaching divine principles, and nurturing the human spirit. By addressing emotional and spiritual needs, it helps inmates develop resilience, empathy, and a sense of purpose beyond anything they could have imagined or realized.
Practical Help: Messenger Studies Prison Ministry extends beyond the chapel or the postal service. It involves practical assistance, such as revealing the greatest love story in His-Story! We also provide mentoring, job training, and re-entry programs. Connecting inmates with sacred name assemblies and providing support during their transition back into society is essential.
In summary, prison outreach programs are not just about re-entry services; it’s about restoring hope, rebuilding lives, and fostering a sense of belonging and community for those who need it most. And how much more can all these things be accomplished than by bringing them into the family of Yah?
When a person sees the conditional love of Almighty Yahweh, it not only changes their perspective on criminality, it gives them a fresh look at reality! They see something much greater than themselves, and One who calls them into this new way of living. A purposeful life is key!
Sometimes it isn't always that simple!
Messenger Studies Prison Outreach faces several challenges. However, our dedicated volunteers and sister organizations work tirelessly to overcome them. Here are some common hurdles:
Access and Security: Gaining access to correctional facilities can be difficult due to security protocols, bureaucratic processes, and limited visitation hours. Volunteers must navigate background checks, training, and strict rules to interact with inmates. All of which, start with a "First-Meet", where these individuals have never met face-to-face.
Stigma and Skepticism: There’s often a stigma associated with prisoners from the general public as well. Some people view them as irredeemable or dangerous, regardless of whether they have even initiated in violence. Overcoming this skepticism and demonstrating genuine care and compassion is essential for effective outreach. "You will know them by their fruits!
Resource Constraints: Many prison ministries operate on limited budgets. Providing materials, transportation, and support can be challenging. Funding constraints impact the scope and quality of programs. Because we do not charge for the materials and services we provide, it is essential that the Body of Messiah alleviate the financial strain.
Emotional Toll: Engaging with incarcerated individuals can be emotionally draining. Volunteers witness pain, regret, and trauma. Balancing empathy with self-care is crucial. And these are not all success stories. Sometimes it takes some long-term seed cultivation before that seed takes root.
Recidivism: Helping inmates transition successfully back into society is a significant challenge. High rates of recidivism highlight the need for comprehensive reentry programs. We believe there is absolutely NOBODY who cannot show genuine repentance. We have seen the "Worst of the worst" transition successfully, back into society and are serving Yahweh still today!
Despite these challenges, Messenger Studies Prison Outreach remains vital. It offers hope, healing, and transformation to those behind bars, fostering a sense of community and humanity even in challenging circumstances. Thank you to all who assist us in this lifelong endeavor.
(Rom 8:28) But we know that to the ones loving Elohim all things work together for good, to those being called according to purpose;
Street ministries play a vital role in expressing Yah's love and reaching people where they are. Here are some reasons why Street Ministry is significant:
Sharing Faith on the Go: Street evangelism is a powerful way to spread the word of Yahweh and share the message of faith and hope with people in our communities. Street evangelism is a powerful way to share faith and connect with people on a personal level. It entails actively engaging with individuals in public spaces, employing various strategies and techniques to reach those who might not have encountered the Gospel in traditional settings.
Biblical Mandate: Yahshua Himself engaged in what we now call street preaching during His earthly ministry. He walked from town to town, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of Yah. His disciples continued this ministry after His ascension. The early apostles also walked from city to city, spreading the Gospel. Street evangelism aligns with this scriptural mandate to go out and share the message of salvation with all people in all nations.
Creating Awareness: Unlike preaching within assembly walls, street evangelism aims to create awareness. It reaches people who don’t attend church services or may not care about the Gospel. By preaching in public spaces, street ministers emphasize the message of salvation. Even if immediate responses are rare, the mission is successful if people hear the truth between church-insanity and The Way. Street evangelism warms hearts, preparing them for transformation. Planting a seed is the first step!
Reaching the Un-churched: Many passersby on the streets have never stepped into a church more less know the difference between denominations. Street ministries provide an opportunity to reach these individuals. Some are preoccupied with daily life, while others have never encountered the Gospel. Street ministries can bridge this divide by sharing the message of salvation in a culturally relevant way.
Large Outreach with Limited Resources: Street preaching reaches a vast number of people with minimal resources. Even a single street preacher can impact a multitude. The message of salvation reaches those who might never step inside an assemble hall or a building of faith, regardless of the doctrine.
In summary, street ministries embody the spirit of Yahshua’s command to go into the highways and hedges, compelling people to come in. They create awareness, warm hearts, and provide an opportunity for transformation. By reaching the "un-churched" or the atheists and demonstrating Yah's love, street ministries remain a powerful and essential aspect of sharing the Gospel of Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
Do you have any ideas on how we can honor the name in outside ministry? Let us know! We are always excited and more than happy to work alongside new assemblies! If you are looking for some assistance in your assembly and would be interested in an Elder visit, please reach out.
If you are compelled to assist us financially in these efforts, we would be grateful for the support. May Yah bless you. Please contact us.
While every study within this website can be printed and shared in ANY language, we do have booklets that we provide to prisoners and inmates incarcerated around the world that can also be printed and handed out locally. (*English/Spanish)
We praise Yahweh for your desire and willingness to put these truths into the hands of those who do not have the financial means.
Please continue to pray for the outreach ministries as we go forward.
HalleluYah! May Yah bless!
*** Should you require any of these materials in another language or you would like more tools for spreading the message, please let us know. We will do everything, within our control, to get you what you need, regardless of your financial situation. Although we are self-funded and do welcome financial assistance, what we really need are more feet on the ground! We need servants planting seeds. "Hanging signs and making smiles!" May Yahweh bless you for your willing heart!