Born Again and Saved.


Romans 10:9 Because if you confess the Master Yahshua with your mouth and believe in your heart that YAHWEH raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


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Born Again and Saved?


Shabbat Shalom everybody. This is Teddy Wilson with another Friday Night Live of Restoring Your Hebrew Mind. I'd like to thank everybody for joining us this evening.


You might want to get your scriptures open. We're going to do a lot of proofreading this evening. And as most of you already know, we're going to be looking over this word saved and born again.


Also, I'm going to be taking all of you to the movies. I figured out how to work the screen sharing. So I'm going to be showing you a short video given by some Christian men who are coming to the realization that what they were taught in seminary school is not leading people to the Messiah.


And the reason why I chose to use that specific video is I've been scrutinized most of the week by people who have been watching some of the Restoring the Hebrew Mind clips. Mostly great feedback and I appreciate all of you commenting and sending me emails and everything else. But every now and then I get these critics and normally it's Christian people.


I'm not talking bad about Christians. What I'm trying to do is present evidence that will prove that the first century assemblies were not Christians in any way, shape or form. They just weren't.


But we have been conditioned over the years by traditional teachings and what we're getting out of seminary school to believe that that was just the case. Just like, for instance, the New Testament, this theory that the New Testament was originally penned in Greek. And we have overwhelming amounts of evidence that say even from Latin and Greek speaking men, historians, that say that it was not.


So as we come out of these falsehoods and the truth is presented to us, we're going to have growing pains. I had them. I still have them today.


But if we're not prepared to accept the truth when it's presented and we're going to reject it, then if I can't deal with those type of people, I'm not going to argue back and forth. The fact of the matter is the facts that are shown. So one thing that I'm not going to do, and I want to make sure everybody knows this, I'm never trying to be haughty.


I love Yahshua and I love our King so much that what His Word is showing, that is what I'm going to execute. I'm not going to feed you a crackerjack message, something that you can get out of a crackerjack box. I'm looking to teach people that they can build a firm foundation with, that they will not be shaken from, moving on from the basic elementary things of we know there's a Savior and that He loved us to actually serving and worshiping Him.


That's the whole point of this live program every week. It's not to exalt me, but it is to give you the same Word, through researching the Hebrew language and the history of it all, to give you that same Word that was spoken and breathed by Elohim through His Nebium, His prophets. If I breathe any other word than that which was breathed by Him and through Him to the rest of the apostles and the prophets, then I make myself a false prophet.


Because if I tell you that you can do this any other way, I'm giving you my way and not Yah's way. So yeah, I'm not going to give you some crackerjack message. This is serious business, everyone.


This is very serious. You know, there are souls at stake here. And when we do this screen sharing here in a little bit, you're going to see a Christian pastor that is starting to realize the dangers of the teachings coming from the church.


So that is totally unbiased. I mean, I could have picked a whole bunch that come from the Sacred Name Assemblies and presented those clips. But I didn't.


I want to produce evidence that's coming even from people in church anarchy that I believe Yahweh is working in this man that you're going to see. He's calling him. And He knows it.


Pray that He receives it. All of them receive it. Come to the knowledge of the truth.


Hallelujah. So before we get started and get prayed in, I've got three openings left for the next Hebrew class that will begin in about three weeks. Those of you who emailed me and said, Hey, you got me on the list already, right? I do.


It automatically goes on to a list in my email account. It automatically gets put on there. So if you've already sent in the required donation for that, you're already automatically put in line.


It's done by computer. So we have you. To the right of the screen, there's going to be some links there that I posted yesterday.


And those links, you can copy and paste them and put them in your search engine. And they are two pretty long teachings of how other Christian men are revealing how the sinner's prayer and altar calls were brought into church anarchy. Once again, it's not even anybody from the Sacred Name Movement, Hebrew Roots, Torah Observing.


These people are beginning to see this on their own. Or they may have been watching teachings like this. And started investigating for themselves and went, wait a minute. They're beginning to see it as well. So there's two different links there. Actually, there's three.


Two in one box and one in the other. You can copy and paste those into your search engines. And gain a lot of information on where an altar call even came from. Because no apostle ever used it. No apostle ever used the sinner's prayer either. Alright? And it's a fact that they were not called Christians in Antioch.


They were either referred to, it's proven by the languages being spoken, Messianites or Nazarene. Not following the guy from Nazareth. Okay, all this Grecian, Latinized stuff, you can believe it if you wish. But they were not called Christians in Antioch. They just weren't. Okay.


And from now on, if you're watching YouTube, underneath the video in the description box, there will always be a link to my Torah teaching for this week. And also in the description for the Google Plus as well. That way after this, you can just click on it if you want.


And watch the teachings for the Torah portions this week. And if you're watching YouTube and you want to leave questions or comments, you'll notice that you can't do it from there. So you can go and click, there's a little box that says join this call on Google.


You can click that box. You can come to the Google viewing. And you can leave in the question and answers. You can say hello, drop a question. I finally figured out how to work all of this stuff. Therefore, it will be a lot more, it will give people an opportunity to get more involved.


The way this works is when I answer your questions or say hello, I put them in the answer box. And then as new people come and say hello, I'll see them pop up. So now that I know how to use that, it will be a lot more effective.


Okay. So before we get started, let's go ahead and pray.


Oh, Father Great King, we exalt you and we give you praise this hour. As we enter into your Shabbat, we just humbly seek your presence. We thank you so much for the blood of your son, for the life that he has given, the example that he has left for us to follow, Father. We ask that everything said and done here this evening would exalt you and your kingdom and your purpose. And we pray that you would just open our minds and our hearts to receive the truth, Father. Help us to be passionate, to share it with others. And we love you. And we praise you and we worship you. You've given us so much. And there's so much more that you have in store for us. We pray for the new Yerushalayim. And we pray for the regathering of Yerushalayim. Be glorified in your male and female servants this hour. And we pray this in the precious name of Yahshua HaMashiach. Hallelujah. Okay.


So once again, we're going to be covering quite a few scriptures. And we're also going to be doing a little bit of a Hebrew word study. But since each of these words, these are the two Hebrew words most commonly used for save or saved.


But what we have been taught about the English word saved by the church is whenever you said this prayer, we're going to go over all of this this evening. This might be a long one. But there's going to be a lot of information because we need it.


We need to know the truth. And let's get to the bottom of this matter. When people tell me I was saved in the church in the name of J-E-S-U-S. Well, actually, it wasn't the church that saved you. And it was not the name of J-E-S-U-S. Remember, salvation, deliverance, is a free gift.


So you can't directly connect what Yahshua did to any name. Even though His name was Yahshua. And all of the fruits and the benefits of the act of love that He gave is connected, as we're going to see, to His true name.


So one thing that we've been taught is that this English word saved and born again means kingdom bound. They've connected those two words to, we're going to the kingdom. And nobody can take you away from that.


Or take it away from you. So let's keep those thoughts in mind. And what I'm going to do is first, I'm going to read you the English definition.


Of save or saved. Now, compare that to what we've received from Church Anity saying born again and saved means. It's connected into we're going to heaven.


The way we believe, well, actually it's going to be here. But the kingdom, the kingdom reign. Saying that prayer, whether you were in the church or at home or wherever, on your deathbed.


That means that you're going into the kingdom. That's the doctrine that we have received. Now, let's do just an English word study to see if that even holds true in English.


So, here's the definition for saved, save, saving, or saves. To rescue from harm, danger, or loss. To prevent from dying.


To set free from the consequence of sin. That's the closest one to that theory we even see, but still. To keep in a safe or healthy condition.


In other words, if somebody was to say save him from that destruction. It can be used in that context as well. But even in the English, you can try every dictionary on the block.


Every dictionary on the internet. And you will never see any of these words connected to Shemaim or the kingdom. Because what happens is, as you can see behind me, we were once on one side of a fence.

We were divided. It is so simple, everyone. It is so simple.

We were divided. And when we see that English word saved, get rid of all that theology you've been taught. And it means you've been put on the right side of the fence.

Hallelujah. Now, that comes later. Let's go ahead and cover all this ground.


And see what my new favorite go-to site, which is That's where I gather all my new information, because this guy is very accurate. There is not a question you can ask that there is not an answer for from a Christian standpoint on that website. So, to be saved.

How can I be saved? What do I need to do? Believing in the Lord J.C. and you will be saved. And he cites Acts 16.31. But I submit to you, every one of these verses that he provides, go back and read the context around every one of them. And it doesn't mean what he's saying it means.

He says, G.O.D. has already done all of the work. All you must do is receive in faith the salvation that G.O.D. offers. Ephesians 2, 8 and 9. Fully trust in J.S.U.S. alone as the payment for your sins, which that is true.


Believe in him and you will not perish. John 3, 16. Wow, there's a whole can of worms there.

Go back and read that whole chapter. It has to do with being born of water and spirit. And we're going to cover that this evening, because it has something to do with true repentance.


G.O.D. is offering you salvation as a gift. All you have to do is accept it. J.S.U.S. is the way of salvation.

Okay. And what does it mean to be born again? Now they combine the two here. Watch.

They connect being saved as also born again. And listen to the way this is worded. I mean, it's an answer, but it leaves more questions than it does actually answer anything.


What does it mean to be a born-again Christian? The classic passage, or excuse me, the L.O.R.D. J.C. is talking to Nicodemus. He brings it up again. The whole account in John chapter 3. Nicodemus was a prominent Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin.


Nicodemus had come to the Savior at night with some questions. As J.S.U.S. talked with Nicodemus, he said, I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of G.O.D. unless he is born again. And then Nicodemus, of course, asked, well, how can a man be born again? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born? No.


I tell you the truth. No one can enter the kingdom of G.O.D. unless he is born of water and spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh and spirit gives birth to spirit.

You should not be surprised at me saying you must be born again. So he connects the two. Salvation and born again are a package deal.

But here we see a separation of flesh and blood. And it says be born again. So this has nothing to do with your first birth.

Nothing. Zero. It has nothing to do with the sack of water that you were in in your mother's stomach before you were born.


They try to connect it to that. No, it's talking about being born again. And as we get into this word born, you're going to understand it has something to do with the planting of a seed, begotten, so on and so forth.

The phrase born again literally means born from above. And no, it doesn't. We're going nowhere.

Even in the Greek, that definition never came up. That's this guy's own words, believe me. The phrase born again means literally born from above.

Nicodemus had a real need. He needed to change his heart. A spiritual transformation.


So what he's saying is when you believe in JC and you say this prayer, that you are now a spiritually born being. Born again. A spiritual transformation.

A new birth. Being born again is an act of G.O.D. whereby eternal life is imparted to the person who believes. Okay.

That raises some concerns. Because that means all you have to do is believe in the Savior, confess in his blood. That's what he's referring to here is the sinner's prayer.

And you are a new spiritual being. Really. Okay.

You know, I said that prayer I don't know how many times and I was still stuck in the flesh. Everybody I ever seen say that prayer remained a fleshly being. Okay.


We're going to see that being reborn, a rebirth, has nothing to do with any prayer. It has everything to do with the resurrections. Yahshua is the only one that's been born again.


The firstborn of all creation and the firstborn of the dead. And we will be the firstfruits at his coming. Okay.

So this a spiritual transformation comment that he made here. The assumption made is when you believe you are saved and then born again in the spirit. Now let's go to the scriptures and see if that's even true.

Let's go to Acts chapter 19. And I pray that these couple of brothers that have been emailing me all week about this stuff. I pray that you're watching this because you were making the same exact statements and it's only an assumption that comes from the doctrine of the church.


So they're saying that you're born again when you believe in that of the spirit. That's when you begin a spiritual rebirth they say. Okay.


So let's go to Acts chapter 19 beginning of verse 1. And it came to be while Apollos was at Corinth. That's in chapter 18. You'll see the Corinthians, the church or assembly in Corinth was established at that time.


Now Shaul has moved on over to Ephesus. And he's beginning to minister there. And he runs into some people that have heard about the Messiah.


And it came to be while Apollos was at Corinth. That Shaul having passed through the upper parts came to Ephesus. And having found some taught ones, he said to them.


Listen to this. Now if it's true that you become a born again believer. Spiritually, physically.

If that assumption is true and that doctrine that we have received from the church is true. Then this apostle was confused. And having found some taught ones, he found some believers.

He said to them. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? Wait a minute. I thought right when you believed on the Savior that you became a believer.

Saved, filled with the Spirit. According to Shaul, he came across some believers. And he wanted to know if they had received the Spirit.

And they said to him, no we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. So he said, into what then were you baptized? And they said unto Yohanan's immersion. And Shaul said, Yohanan indeed immersed with an immersion of repentance.


See that's what we've done away with. Every one of these concepts does away with the first order of conversion. Repentance.


Indeed Yohanan immersed with an immersion of repentance. Saying to the people that they should believe on the one who is coming after him. That is on Messiah Yahshua.


And when they heard this, they were all immersed in the name of the Master Yahshua. Okay. So according to this apostle, you don't receive the Spirit when you believe.

You don't become a spiritual being. Or have a spiritual rebirth just when you believe. And as a matter of fact, repentance is brought up first.

And as we're going to see in many different accounts. There's always water involved with your repentance. Which makes me glad.

There's already some people booked coming to Passover. And they said we need to be immersed in the proper name. Hallelujah.

They've repented and they're ready to be immersed. Hallelujah. Okay.


Also, not once do we read being saved or born again has anything to do with repentance. In any of this stuff that I pulled off of Nowhere. They made the repentance right out of it.


That means to turn from your wicked ways and your dead works. And serve the living Elohim. You first must do that.


All right. Hebrews 6. Verses 1 and 2. Therefore, having left the word of the beginning of the Messiah, let us go on to perfection. Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and belief toward Elohim.


Of the teachings of baptism. And of the laying on of hands. And of the resurrection of the dead.


And of everlasting judgment. 98.9% of all churches leave every one of those out of the way and have you approach the altar to say a prayer. And that pastor is going to sit there and lie to you.


He's a liar. And tell you that you are going to heaven. Your name is now written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Nobody can take it away from you. And you are saved, redeemed, heaven bound. Listen to this.

Therefore, having left the word of the beginning of the Messiah. This is what they used to teach to you right when you believed. This is the first thing that the man of Yahweh is supposed to teach you as a converted believer.

About the kingdom of Yahweh. Not laying again the foundation. That's the beginning.

The foundation of what? Repentance. Everybody watching this. If you have not already.

Those of you who will watch it. Later on in it's recorded version. You need to repent.


From breaking Yahweh's commandments. I. Everyone. Must repent.

From dead works and breaking the commandments of Yahweh. And be immersed in the name of His Son. Yahshua HaMashiach.

For the remission of those sins. And then you need to have hands laid on you. And prayed over that you receive.

Ruach HaKodesh. His Holy Spirit. That's the message then.

And that's the message you are going to receive from me. Hallelujah. That's the message that I have received.

Repentance from dead works. And a belief toward Elohim. Of the teachings of baptisms.


And of the laying on of hands. And now. When you go through that process.


This was the basic principles. The beginning elements. Of the good news.

Once you accepted Yahshua. Is that when you go through that process. You now have been elected.

You've been pulled over onto the. You were divided but now you're not. That's saved.

It doesn't mean you're going to the kingdom. But it makes you eligible for what? Resurrection from the dead. Born again.

That's when you are born again. At the resurrection of the dead. If you have been through these basic.

Elementary things. That it makes you eligible. For the resurrection of the dead.

Then you need to be the first resurrection. The first resurrection would be. What you're shooting for.


Because the book of Revelation says. That the second death has no power. Over those in the first resurrection.


Hallelujah. And of everlasting judgment. And I'm saying.


That everlasting judgment. Means every word that he spoke. Against those who broke his commandments.


And would not believe on the messenger. That he sent into the world. To redeem us.

Okay. There's judgment at the end for that. That's what we're seeing here.

Not one place in Where you see any of that. It's all swept away. During an altar call.


Or a prayer. That only has existed for just a few hundred years. Luke chapter 24.

Verses 44 through 47. This is Yahshua speaking. Excuse me.

After his resurrection. After he was born again. And he said to them.

These are the words. Which I spoke to you. While I was still yet with you.

That all have to be filled. That were written in the Torah of Moshe. And the prophets.

And the Psalms concerning me. So here we have. Yahshua using the Old Testament.

To minister himself. To the disciples. Then he opened their minds.


To understand the scriptures. Talking about the Tanakh. That's what he does.


When you receive the Holy Spirit of Yahweh. It's going to reveal. The law.

The prophets. The Psalms. All of that to you.

And it's going to show you. The Mashiach in every last word and letter. That's what the Holy Spirit does.

And he said. Thus it is written. It was necessary for the Messiah to suffer.


And to rise again from the dead. The third day. It was appointed to me to be born again.

I died. And I rose again. It's all over the place.

If we just. Get into the Hebrew mind. And stay out of the Greek and Latin.

And English falsehood. Now listen to what he says. In verse 47.

And that repentance. And that saying the sinner's prayer. And that having anybody lead you in a prayer.


This is out of the words of the Mashiach. Himself. And he had just been born again.

And that repentance. And remission of sin. Should be proclaimed.


In his name. To all nations. Beginning at Yerushalayim.

Repentance and remission of sin. Right? He told him to go to Jerusalem. Right? Let's go to Jerusalem everybody.


Acts chapter 2. He said you're going to go to Jerusalem. And you are going to begin to preach the good news. In my name.

Yahshua. And then to all nations. In the name of Yahshua.

By the word of Messiah himself. His name was taken out to the nations. Every nation didn't have the opportunity.

To give him his. Give him their own name. Yahshua was the name.

That was originally given. To all nations. In the good news.

And that repentance and remission of sin. Would be first preached. In Yerushalayim.

Acts chapter 2. And at verse 38. And Kepha said to them. Repent.


And Kepha said it's an option. You can say this prayer. Or you can repent.


This is of utmost importance everyone. That we understand. Exactly what the doctrine was.

That these men were teaching. In the first century assemblies. Concerning this English word.

That we now see salvation. Kepha said unto them. Repent.

And let some of you. No. Let every one of you.

Be baptized in the name of Yahshua Messiah. For the remission. Of sin.


Folks. That is what the baptism is for. For the remission of sin.


The word never says. That it's an outward sign of an inward cleansing. Nowhere.


Nowhere. It's for repentance and remission. Of sin.

We're going to be coming back to those verses later. Alright. Alright.

Also. In the same section there. The question came up.

Well then was Solomon saved? Because he lived in the Old Testament. And it says. Well of course.


This is the answer. Well of course Solomon lived in the Old Testament. Dispensation.

And thus did not experience. It's being born again. Or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

For that was not yet possible. Before. Christ's ascension.

And the birth of the church. So he says that the Holy Spirit wasn't given to anybody. In the dispensation of time.

In the Old Testament. For the lack of a better word everyone. That is bull.

Lonely. You can go to Exodus. Chapter 31.

And read verses 2-3. Someone was filled with the Holy Spirit right there. You can go to.


Deuteronomy. Chapter 34. Verse 9. And somebody was filled with the Spirit right there.

And these are just a few. And then you can go before Messiah was actually crucified. Into the book of Luke.

Talking about Zachariah. He was filled. It was spoken.

That the baby would be filled. With the Holy Spirit. Even from his mother's womb.

They knew. There was already the concept of being filled with Yahweh's Spirit. It's an Old Testament concept.

Not a dispensation of time. Zachariah didn't question the Malachi. That gave him the message.


And said what do you mean filled with the Spirit? They were already very. Very familiar. With the indwelling of the Spirit of Yahweh.

Once again. I am not going to give you people. A cracker jack message.

You cannot pull this out of. A cracker jack box. All of this stuff.

That we've been taught. Coming from churchanity. Is built on falsehood.

When the waters come. When Yahweh floods this world. With truth.

Every one of those houses. Are not going to stand. Because they've been built on sand.

Being saved. In the law and the prophets. Is what shows us the true meaning.


Of what we are seeing. In the Brit Hadashah. In other words.


If we go to the Hebrew. If we look up those words. Those Hebrew words.


Those Hebrew words are most often used. For saying. Born again.

Was already a concept. And we are going to see. We are going to see that.

Out of the mouths of somebody. That was speaking directly to Yahshua. They already understood.

This thing about being born again. The thing about being born again. Is there is a concept.

Not already alive and prevalent. In the Old Testament. And all of those who were walking with Yahshua.

In the first century. They already had the born again teaching. And we are going to prove that.

But I first want to say. Let's go ahead and prove it. By Yahweh's creation itself.


Elder Jerry Healan. Has been on the show. Several times.

Has an article written. Called. Consider the butterfly.

And if you want the link to that. You can go to the website there. And send me an email.


In the contact form. And I'll make sure you get the link. Consider the butterfly.

Now listen. Yahweh is showing us something in his creation. These are those once again.

Agro-biological linguistics. The way he speaks to us. Spring is a marvelous time of the year.

It is a time of new birth. New growth and regeneration. New things are brought forth.

As seeds germinate and sprout into trees. Flowers, grasses, grains. And yes.

Even weeds. New things. Are born from livestock.


To the wild deer. Sheep, goats, lions, wolves, etc. That which was asleep or dormant.


Awakens to newness of life. You see it even in the letters. Listen to this man of Yahweh.


Who has been teaching this stuff for years. He knows this alphabet as well. But listen to his wisdom.

That Yahweh has given you. In describing what takes place. In the transformation.

From a worm. To this butterfly. And tell me if it does not fit.

All of these characters. That we go over in just a moment. It also brings forth.

Another interesting creature. Beautiful, enchanting. In all its species.


And loved by many. That creature is the butterfly. The amazing thing is.

That this much loved. Beautiful, carefree creature. Was not always such.

And because of this. There is an important lesson. In it for Yahweh's people.

It starts out as a caterpillar. A worm. The caterpillar eventually.


Reaches to a good size. And a biological clock. Tells it that enough is enough.


It finds a suitable place. Spins a cocoon. And goes to sleep.

Scientific research. Has concluded. That there is a mysterious substance.

Called analogen. Inside of the caterpillar. These analogen cells.

Contain the DNA. Which produce. Not other worms.

But butterflies. Does the caterpillar. Slowly change into a butterfly.

The scientists say no. The caterpillar actually dies. I never knew that.

But Yahweh is showing us. What being born again is. Through this creature.

It goes into a resting place. And it dies. And new life.


Comes out of that death. Do you understand the beauty of that? It doesn't. The caterpillar doesn't change.


Into a butterfly. The caterpillar dies. And a butterfly.


Emerges from the death. Of that caterpillar. It's a total new creation.

It's a total new birth. A total different creature. It doesn't happen.

While it's alive. It happens. Once it dies.

Do you understand. How critical this is. This understanding.

We are going to be. Something beautiful. And if we think.


That this body. That we're in right now. Is living.

It's not. It's dead. We're just waiting for that appointed time to come.

When it goes to rest. Something is going to come out of it. A new life.

Something beautiful. See that DNA that they found inside the worm. Is the DNA of Yahweh's word.

That's inside of us. If we possess that cell. That DNA strand.

When we die. That DNA strand. That DNA cell.

Will begin. To produce. Something else.

And that which we were. May be dead. But that which we are going to be.


Is going to be alive. That's why we must be. Saved.

Alright. So. That's very important for us to understand.

He's showing us these things. Even in his creation. Alright.


So. Most pastors have us believing. That we are born again after.

Their form of conversion. Is executed upon us. But at the same time.

Bypassing the repentance. And death to old works. Which just can't be.

It just can't be true. Nor do I believe. Will that type of conversion be accepted.


By Yahweh. Alright. Now the altar call is.


Don't even bother going up there. Okay. I'm not condemning anybody that may have done it.

I've done it myself. But what I'm saying is. It's just not.

The process that Yahweh. Has set forth for us to go through. In order to be born from the dead.

Different. So. We'll go over some facts.

Real quick. And then we're going to get to the screen sharing thing. That I learned how to do.

And we're going to watch these Christian men. Come clean. It is moving.


It is a beautiful 7 or 8 minute clip. But it is beautiful. And it is moving.

Because this pastor. Is up there in front of his whole assembly. Basically telling them.

We have been lied to. And it took courage. For him to do that.

I know. I stand. I've stood before many.

Many many different congregations. And of course every Shabbat. Over here in front of our fellowship.

And it takes courage. To say hey guys. We need to wake up.


This thing that we've been taught is not true. And here's the evidence. So the word born.

And begotten. Is the Strong's Greek number 1080. You can write that down and research it later.

And begotten. Is the Greek number 3439. That 3439.

And 1080. Can also be linked to the Hebrew number. 3205.

And this is the definition. Of that Hebrew word. To beget.

Or show lineage. The fatherhood. Now that puts a little bit different.

Twist on what we're seeing. Whenever we see the word. And so and so beget so and so.


Or. You are my son. Today I have begotten.


I have begotten thee. Look at the difference. Beget or begotten means.

To engender as a father. As to implant. Seed.

In the female species. To be born. Means.

To bring forth. The produce of that. What is produced.

From that which is begotten. And let me explain it to you like this. Born and begot.

The child was begotten. Nine months ago. But was born.

Today. So if we look at those. Definitions.

And use those definitions in our research. In the Brit Hadashah. It takes on a different meaning.

Even just using the correct. English definitions. And it could also play.


Play the same role. In reading the English. In the Old Testament as well.


Alright. So another thing that that shows us. So.

If we haven't actually been. Born from the dead again. We haven't been born from the dead.

Remember. Paul said. You have not resisted yet.


Under bloodshed. That's what caused. Yahshua to be born again.

When they. Crucified him. And he's telling everybody.

You haven't went that far yet. This means. We are only conceived.

In the Messiah. The seed. Will not be produced.

Until the prophecy. In the book of Revelation. Is brought to pass.

The enemy is waiting for the seed to come out. Of the woman. To devour it.

Not wanting us to be born again. He wants you to think that you're already born again. That you don't need that.

I rebuke and come against that. False theology. In the name of Yahshua.

Our Messiah. Our goal is to be born again. And to be born in the image of Elohim.

That which we lost. In the garden east of Eden. That's the whole plan.


So the confusion. Of born again. And saved.

Not only comes from some of the English. But as we've seen even in the English. We get a better picture.

A different picture than what we've been taught. By the doctrine. That's coming from the church.

Okay. That's where the confusion comes in. We have got to lay aside.

These things that are not true. And cling. To what.

Yahweh says. What he has said in the Old Testament. What he still said through the emissaries.

Or apostles. And what he's speaking to us through his pure tongue. We've got to cling to those truths.


Okay. So now. I'm going to take you guys out to the movies.

And I do not in any way shape or form. Agree with the use of the names. Titles and everything in this video.

But. For you brothers that have been questioning me. You listen to your brothers.

You listen to two of your own brethren. Speaking against these falsehoods. Music.

I'm here for another edition. In today's video. I wanted to talk about this sinners prayer.

Because. here in the west we have a. Problem in the church what's happening is. Leaders are instructing you believers.


To simply recite this Magical prayer that is found by the way nowhere in scripture and telling them well because you did that you are assured Salvation this is false So I absolutely wanted to make a video to expose this and warn all of you out there That just because you prayed a simple little prayer one time in your life does not guarantee you salvation That is a lie and a deception from Satan, so that's what we're gonna look at here today now I don't know about you, but me personally when I first got saved This is what they instructed me to do they had a little booklet And they came to me, and it was something like this dear God I admit I am a sinner and need your forgiveness I believe that Jesus Christ died in my place paying the penalty for my sins I'm willing right now to turn from my sins and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord I commit myself to you and ask you to send the Holy Spirit into my life To fill me and take control and to help me become the kind of person you want me to be Thank you father for loving me in Jesus name Amen So it's either going to be in a little booklet or sometimes a pastor will come will sit down and you'll say one sentence and ask you to repeat it and Some churches will go as far as to you know teach that this is all you need to do and you're saved You're good, and then you have church leaders and pastors going out there Just trying to get people to recite the little prayer because if they can recite the little prayer Well, we want someone in the kingdom of God, but again like I said this is not biblical It's not found anywhere in the scriptures So what we need to do is look to the Word of God to see what it is that an individual Must do to be saved and it's not recite a little prayer What I'm going to do here is play this little clip here from brother in Christ and pastor David Platt Dealing with this issue why quote-unquote accepting Jesus in your heart is superstitious and unbiblical Making disciples is the natural or maybe better yet supernatural overflow of being a disciple Proclaiming the love of Christ is the overflow of sharing in the life of Christ and Unconvinced many people in our churches are just Simply missing the life of Christ and a lot of it has to do with what we've sold them as the gospel I you pray this prayer Accept Jesus into your heart invite Christ into your life Should it not concern us that there is no such superstitious prayer in the New Testament Should it not concern us that the Bible Never uses the phrases accept Jesus into your heart or invite Christ into your life It's not the gospel of Sebring preached It's modern evangelism built on sinking sand and it runs the risk of disillusioning millions of souls It's a very dangerous thing To lead people to think that they are a Christian When they have not biblically responded to the gospel We're not careful We will take the gospel the lifeblood out of Christianity and put Kool-Aid in its place that it will taste better to the crowd It's not just dangerous. It's just damning And when we then when we think about making the cycles of thing Well, it's just about going out and getting people to pray the prayer We spread that No, let's give them full picture of the gospel Let's show people the greatness of God Yes, he is a father Who loves us? He's a loving father who will save us, but he is also a wrathful judge who may damn us All right there. You have a fantastic explanation from brother in Christ David Platt Fantastic pastor explaining why it is the sinner's prayer is not biblical What I am really concerned about is false conversion is that individuals would go through their entire lives Believing in this lie that was told to them in these churches here in the West It's gonna be devastating the eternal life of people is at stake What's also important to notice is that a false gospel will produce false converts So if we do not have the gospel correctly, we will not have converts.


It is the gospel itself That is the power of God for salvation. So if the gospel itself doesn't set people Free and transform them and they get preached a false gospel. There's no true authentic conversion taking place Only the real gospel will produce real Converts in the Lord Jesus Christ.


This is as he mentioned nothing more than modern Evangelism they want to have as many hands raised at the end of the sermon when they do their little altar calls and It's a show So don't fall into this trap The Western Church is not following the scripture when it comes to this the Bible in fact tells us what we need to do If we want to inherit life everlasting and that is repent and believe in the Lord Jesus in the good news of the cross Repent as we've looked on in previous videos and on my Bible channel Repent means a change of mind. So you change in disbelief to believing in God you change from Your view of sin your view of God you turn the mind begins to turn Towards God and what will happen is as you begin to turn towards God You will then turn your back to the things of this world because God's done stands in opposition So when we turn we repent towards him The natural thing that occurs is we begin to turn our backs to the world the sin and the things that gripped us in our old nature Okay, so There we have it You know, my heart is touched from that Christian pastor you could see The Sincerity in this man's eyes and in the way he was speaking and I want to lift him up in prayer Because this guy is getting hundreds of thousands of views, so please everybody join me in prayer For this man Heavenly Father Sacred King We lift that man up to you now and We ask that you would continue To place it upon his heart to search deeper into the things That are being preached in falsehood Use him as a tool a vessel of honor Revealed to him who you really are Revealed to him the precepts of your Torah So that he can share it with others Share with him the importance of your great name in the saving name of your son Yahshua that He may in turn and share that with others We're in this whole message this evening father Throughout the scriptures we finish up reading this evening even we see that we are supposed to share The body of believers are supposed to share with these kind deeds and with everything that we possess and So I would pray that you would share with him I'm willing to share my allotment with him and those who he may touch Using father in a mighty way. I pray We pray this in the precious name of Yahshua.


Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah you seen how critical These two Christian men Became in what they were sharing It is it is critical Do we understand? the people that have been Bombarding me the over the past week about Me being too critical with the word. Do you understand that if I am not you will not listen People are not listening and they need to hear the truth. I Cannot itch your ears.


I want what I say To affect somebody like that man if he heard something that I said that did that Praise be to Yahweh if he heard something from one of the men of Yahweh that made him start thinking that way praise Yahweh we must Come in line with the Word of Elohim So that we can truly in the end be born again hallelujah, so Here you can see that even by what what he was presenting is there's a lack of repentance in the teaching Out there today, and I say even within our own faith We speak it We share the word Torah But many of us are picking and choosing when the Torah says you need to show up where Yahweh has placed his name You need to get there when Yahweh said Don't touch this don't eat that you need to quit it Obed him eating a little pork shouldn't get you know, what don't don't come here with it Don't don't come here with it Yahweh has went through great pains In order to cleanse his household and don't you dare try to drag abominations back into it? We need to repent Yisrael We need to repent in a bad way, let's go over some verses that include Repentance connected all of this in the first century first. Let's go to Luke chapter 3 now remember We already covered a set of scriptures in the book of Acts where the immersion of Yohanan was mentioned now, we're going to see Testimony by Yohanan himself recorded by Luke that it was a command Given to Yohanan to baptize the people It's a command. It's not an option hallelujah, I Know I'm gonna take some heat for this But I have got I have got to reveal what the scriptures are saying to everyone bottom line is People may not agree with me And they don't have to But you will Before you go into that millennial reign you will agree with his word you must Agree with that which is written listen to what is what is written here? about immersion Luke chapter 3 beginning at verse 2 through 11 Remember had something to do with sharing sharing this good news Something about that, there's a way to make it effective and we've lost that everyone We've lost it we must be kind and not all of us Because I mean there's brothers and sisters right now, but I'm gonna say hi to Here in a little bit that I know The kindness of their sharing and their generosity.


You know what? Even though a couple of them may have not have been immersed in the name of Yahshua yet They're showing the characteristics of the true disciple It's an action. Oh, yeah beginning at chapter 2. We'll read through to verse 11 Hanan and Caiapha being high priests the Word of Elohim came to your Hanan. So Here's what we're being told it was by the Word of Yahweh and This is what Yahweh spoke to Yahanan the son of Zechariah in the wilderness and He went into all the neighborhood of the Yarden proclaiming and immersed what? Yahweh told him to go into all of the region of the land and to proclaim that they needed to be baptized Yahweh told Yahanan To go into all of the neighborhoods of the Jordan and Proclaimed that they needed to be immersed He's preparing them for the priesthood The Malki ascetic order is being arranged and you know what if you are a priest Before all of this goes down all of the priests must cleanse themselves with water Some at the labor which represented Yahshua.


It's a picture of Yahshua But if you were going into the holy place the Holy of Holies there was full immersion and your garments Hallelujah, and he went into all the neighboring of the Yard and proclaiming an immersion of repentance for the remission of sin you see that That is a command given by the father not an option as it has been written in the book of the words of yes Yes, sir. Yeah, that's Isaiah The prophet saying a voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of who Yahweh the king Make his path straight Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low and the crooked shall become straight and the rough become smooth ways and all flesh shall see the deliverance of Elohim and He's in he said therefore to the crowds that came out to be immersed by him Brute of adders who warned you to flee from the wrath to come So he's out there immersing For the repentance and Remission of sin and this is what he declares Therefore bear fruit worthy of repentance and Do not begin to say in yourselves we have Abraham as our father For I say to you that Elohim is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones and Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire and the crowds asked him saying What then shall we do? So these people that had already been immersed Repented Being immersed and we're and we're actually children of Abraham They say okay. We've done all that.


So now what do we need to do? verse 11 in Answer answer and he said to them let him who has 200 garments Share with him who has none And let him who has food Do likewise? I want you to love one another. I want you to take care of one another once you repent You turn from your dead works and you serve me the living Elohim You've been even baptized for the remission your sins Then I want you to take care of one another to him who has been blessed. You need to bless The body needs to be taken care of the body that's what we're seeing here and And definitely repentance is connected to immersion even before Yahshua had been crucified That is an old Covenant teaching Before it was renewed the repentance and remission of sin was already an operation of Elohim Titus chapter 3 verses 4 through 11 Remember we're looking at repentance being connected to water Yahshua said to Nicodemus in John chapter 3. You must be born of water and spirit.


He's talking about a rebirth Everywhere we read we see water and spirit water and spirit water and spirit Immersion laying on of hands to receive the spirit Everywhere the spirit and the water are connected to what repentance That's true conversion hallelujah now Once again Titus chapter 3 Verses 4 through 11 But when the kindness and the love of Elohim our Savior toward man appeared He saved us now. Remember we've been going over that word saved Remember this doesn't mean you're going into the kingdom And as we go over the words remember this verse and others like it where the word you see the English word saved Because in these Hebrew men mine These are the definitions and these are the things that they would have been meaning to convey to the people when they wrote it Not what the church has conveyed to us He saved us not by works of righteousness, which we have done but according to his compassion through the washing of Regeneration Rebirth and the renewal By the set-apart spirit water and spirit Which he poured out on us richly through Yahshua Messiah our Savior That having been declared right by his favor see that You're brought back that meat. He is stipulating something here.


That doesn't mean that you're going into the kingdom He says that you've now been put in right standing you've been brought on the right side of the fence That's what that word means in context Coming from a Hebrew mind which he poured out on us richly through Messiah Yahshua Messiah our Savior That having been declared right by his favor We should become heirs according to the expectation of everlasting life Trustworthy is the word And in this regard, I wish you to strongly affirm That those who have believed in Elohim should keep their minds on Maintaining good works. You're that those of us who have received the good news need to focus on good works This is good and profitable To all mankind when you repent you're immersed the washing of regeneration you receive the spirit We are supposed to turn from dead works and do what the Torah says to do and don't don't do what it says not to do And these are profitable Unto all men It's got something to do with the message of obedience but keep away from foolish questions and I've Many of you have contacted me over the past. Well, it happens all the time but But Well, this guy told me to watch this or this person sent me this link and this is what you're not like what? Okay, listen Let me lay down some facts here in the first century.


They were definitely watching the Crescent Moon for the feast undeniable fact Okay, that's good enough for me if Yahshua did it I'm gonna do it if you want to believe in the conjunction fine I'm not gonna discard you as a brother brother But when you start creating Division with other people Over it and somebody admonishes you over it and say hey brother. You can go ahead and do it on on that day If you wish that's fine But you keep on and on and on and on Okay, listen to this But keep away from foolish questions and genealogies and strife and quarrels about the Torah It doesn't say stay away from the teachings of the Torah, but it says stay away from Quarreling over the things in the Torah So if you want to fight and argue over things, this is where I'm at. I have made my decision I've been studying this praise Yahweh.


I'm not boasting. I'm just saying I've been studying this stuff since 2004 When it comes to the moon the pronunciation of the name and things like that. I've made my decision and I will produce teachings that uphold that which Yahweh has shown me Till they throw dirt in my face Okay, so that's done and I'm gonna share that with everybody else I'm supposed to share that which was given to me now if you don't agree with it Fine, that's fine But you don't have to get mad at me and other people and you know So what you can't fell I can't fellowship with you then fine It's fine But the word tells us not to quarrel over such things and if a person be keeps being quarrelsome It says it says for they are unprofitable and useless.


It's unprofitable and useless to argue with people over it first in reject a Divisive man after the first and second warning knowing that such a one has been perverted in sins Being self-condemned That's the word speaking not Teddy Wilson, so In these sets of scriptures we see definitely repentance remission of sin immersion and sharing with one another and repenting from dead works and Turning to what is profitable that is written in the Torah Acts Chapter 2 once again, we're not going to go back over verse 238 it just says to repent everybody repent and be baptized There's the Spirit in the water and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit There's all of it right there But in in that same chapter we see some more critical information and remember this word is going to be used again same And once we go over these definitions you can go back where you see this word save or saved in English and you're gonna go Oh, okay. So which one of the definitions fits there? because these were Hebrew men and Those are Hebrew letters and they were speaking Hebrew All right, where was that Acts chapter 2 once again? Now remember he sits here and he tells them that they need to repent be baptized in the name of Yahshua Messiah for the remission of their sins and they would receive the gift Of the Holy Spirit, but the next verse is critical as well that process That was set forth by Kepha right there. It says For this promise is unto you.


What was the promise that there would be saved for them from their sins? Right. He said in this promise is unto you and to your children and into all of those who are far off as Many as Yahweh our Elohim shall call so that process was never to be broken and now It's so hard to find within an assembly in the United States or in the world of Iraq now What did that process do one might ask Teddy? Same chapter verses 44 through 47 and all those who believed Remember they were telling us that all you got to do is believe and confess and you're saved But here we see that all of those who believed repented him for baptized in the name of Yahshua and received the Spirit That's what took place with people who believed in the first century hallelujah and all those who believed were together and had all in common and sold their possessions and Property and Divided them among all as anyone might have need Where do you see that in the assemblies today verse 46 and day by day? Continuing with one mind in the set-apart place and the breaking of bread that means covenant They were in covenant with one another they're eating at one another's table The breaking of bread and drinking of the cup always a sign that they were in a new covenant together with Yahshua Hanusha Breaking of the bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart Praising Elohim and having favor with all people and the master added to the assembly Those who were being saved and that would be one of these definitions back here Day by day, so these people that had be repented And been immersed and received the Spirit We see that English word saved connected to that Correct.


Now when we go over these definitions back in back of me and Out of the Strong's remember that they weren't going anywhere. He stayed in one accord Yeah So the doctrine we have received from those teaching in the church To be saved is to be born again We just don't see that in anything that we have covered in Scripture And we have two Christian men themselves That have came up against that as well, so Let's get to the Hebrew perspective of this There's two words that are most commonly used or translated into the English word save or save And that's Hebrew number 24 21 and it that's the top one here hi-yah hi-yah and It's also the root of the Hebrew word for life. Hi.


Hi means life So anytime we see that word save There in the English it's gonna have something to do with the definition of either hi-yah or Yahshua Yahshua in Hebrew those two words Because these guys were Hebrew And these are the definitions that they would have been thinking about when they wrote not the English translators But we're talking about in its purity from the mind to the pin Would have been these definitions these words in their mind hi-yah and Yahshua Yahshua And once we look at these hieroglyphics and even in the in the Strong's definitions here You'll never see it connected to the shamayim the heavens Sealing you to a narrow path that goes into the kingdom nothing we must get our theology in line With the words in definition here If we can't force a size a size 10 foot into a size for shoe We must go with the definition of the words in our theology Or we're only lying to ourselves All right, so The first word I said was a hi-yah, which is this one And in your Hebrew, it's number 2429 in this or Strong's Hebrew section And it's a primitive root or primary root to live Or to revive and it's also the root of Number 214 hi, which is life in Hebrew. So whenever you see that word being used In your English you'll be able to tell by the the difference in the definitions here of which word they were using Okay So That word save or saved is either going to have something to do with life living life or To revive the life of one you were over here. This means divide You were divided Okay, but now that you've been brought back on the other side of the fence you've been revived That doesn't mean that you went or are sealed to go into the Shemaim Okay, the other word is Yasha as I was saying and it's a Strong's Hebrew number 3467 which has a little bit deeper meaning but it's also been translated as saved or Saved as well And it's also a primary or primitive root to be safe or free Now the interesting thing about this Hebrew word is That it's the root word for Yeshua, and this is where I'm going to challenge Everybody's thinking Yeshua is not a noun.


It is a verb Yeshua in modern Hebrew is not a noun. It is a feminine and it's used in the sense of a verb It means deliverance something saved in the sense of Delivered its root word there Yasha Means safe or free. Okay, so being set free from sin Brought pressed together that's what he does with his sheep Presses them together now.


We're safe. Why is watching over us? That's Yasha in Ancient hieroglyphics no chin. I am So this Hebrew word Means that he by his arm he has has gathered as a matter of fact That this can also have something to do with bringing near Bringing something near and it has something to do with worship as well.


You'll see that definition in your charts so This word When it's used in the context of being of save or saved The head is something that was divided Okay brought near and then the hay if you look at your charts The hay means you can be receiving a revelation Or something's being given to you from the from the sham. I mean, which is how about he's declaring something He has brought you back on the right side of the fence that which was divided the sheep that were on the other side of the fence have been brought back in Okay delivered and Something is being declared to them Okay, and in the context of everything that we've seen here. What was connected to that the good news and those who heard What was being declared and went through the process of repenting from dead works being immersed in the Yahshua Messiah and Receiving the Holy Spirit They were saved They received that which was declared and they were gathered together in one accord That fits that specific place we see saved then the other yes, yes, ah Or Yeah, yes, ah It has something to do with deliverance and also this word that can have something to do with in English being revived When you were brought from outside the fence you were revived And I'm submitting to you that when this takes place Okay, we've now been pressed together and he's watching over us.


So if we die While he's watching over us when the resurrection comes Those who he was watching over are going to be born again You'll see those things connected throughout Scripture question is Has the man From behind the beamer. They call that a pulpit in the church But I stand behind the beamer in all of the assemblies Is the man behind the beamer? Pulling you into a place where you can be pressed together and watched over by the one who told us to Share the good news or is the doctrine that he is teaching you that you are saved by keeping you outside of the fence That's what that pastor was speaking about deceiving Millions out of the mouth of a Christian their doctrine is deceiving millions Not here not here. We need to repair it.


We need to be baptized in the name of Yahshua We need to have hands laid on us Or you be prayed over I've prayed over groups of people after immersions But you must be prayed over in order that the Holy Spirit come upon you. That's the word and If you don't see these fruits taking place in the home fellowships or in the or the assemblies that you are part of If you don't see immersions being done and you don't see new people coming to Torah. Guess what? What side of the fence you are so we can take all of this information? All right And what I want to do is show you all of this information that we've gathered this evening and I want to show you a beautiful picture of All of it in the New Testament or the Britain Because many people who watch this is gonna say this can't be true.


Is the deception that deep? Revelation 12 9 says that the whole world is being deceived You know the thing about deception everyone if I knew I was being deceived then I wouldn't be deceived. I Would stop it from happening. The thing about deception is is it comes from someone who's crafty Who's got a plan who probably knows the outcome of things a lot better than you do So we're up against an enemy and his cohorts that have already been up there and been part of the priesthood.


Oh Yeah You me and everybody on the face of this planet who has ever lived or ever will live or is living at this time Can be deceived that praise be the hour If we study the Hebrew roots of this stuff It's going to show us something that's entirely different many times diabolically different many times But it's that time to either accept it Or reject it There's no two ways about it So, let's look at a couple of sets of verses to finish up this evening that supports all of this evidence that we Have gone over this evening Let's turn to John chapter 11 remember I said being born again has something to do with resurrection Being actually born from the dead and I also made the statement Many of your probably scratch your head at that point that the people who lived in the Old Testament days already knew about being born again We're gonna prove that in the Brit John chapter 11 many of you Are probably familiar The shortest verse in the scriptures are in this Yahshua wept Yahshua wept over one of his dead brothers Lazar come forth He showed us something there now watch If being born again is a New Testament theology We've got some explaining to do I submit to you that the resurrections Have always given indication of being born again Hallelujah, Joe. Thanks sister. As a matter of fact.


Yeah, Joe knew these concepts. All right, so We'll begin in John 11 Yohanan chapter 11 at verse 20 Martha then When she heard that Yahshua was coming met him, but Miriam was sitting in the house and Martha Then said to Yahshua master if you had been here, my brother would have not died But Even now I know that whatever you might ask of Elohim Elohim shall give you woman of faith she knew Another thing is she knew the word watch Yahshua said to her Your brother shall rise again. He'll be born again.


You see what I'm saying? Your brother shall rise again. He's going to be born again Martha said to him. I Know that he shall rise again.


I know that he's going to live again I know he's going to be born again, but listen what she says in the resurrection See at this point. They were only familiar with the resurrection that was spoken about by the prophet Ezekiel Which is a resurrection in the flesh The second resurrection But they didn't know it what Yahshua was about to reveal to them is that there was more than one resurrection more than one rebirth That some people would be born again Before those who had fallen asleep prior to him getting there praise be to Yahweh They all knew that they were going to be born again She says in the resurrection at the last day You're taught we're talking about the second Resurrection that happens towards the end of the thousand years when everything said and done But Yahshua was about to show her that there will be others that believe in him that will be born again first The first resurrection are those who are already in Messiah Who have believed on him and in that believing has something to do with? immersion repentance and receiving the Spirit of Elohim and He shows us by raising this man from the dead because this man had already Believed on Yahshua Yahshua said to her I am the resurrection and the life He who believes in me though he dies he shall live So he said what he's telling her here is those who believe in me are going to live again before that resurrection and everyone That is living and believing in me shall never die at all Do you believe this do you believe it I Do I believe it? They knew what being born again entailed and they knew when it was going to happen She knew he was going to rise again to be born again At the end of the thousand years at the end of the resurrect or the end of the millennial reign But Yahshua showing his disciples that there was going to be another Resurrection and everyone that is living and believing in me shall never die at all. Do you believe this? She said to him.


Yes master. I believe that you are the Messiah the Son of Elohim Who is coming into the world and having said this she went away and called her sister Miriam secretly saying the teacher Hallelujah The teacher is here and calls you when she heard she rose up quickly and came to him verse 33 Yahshua therefore when he saw her weeping and the yahudim who came with her weeping he groaned in the spirit and he was troubled Yahshua wept, you know Yahshua wept over Those who loved The one who died believing in him, you know that it says In the Old Testament the Yahweh considers the death of his servants Great price here. We see it while he was here in the flesh He wept the yahudim therefore said See how he loved him and some of them said Was this one who opened the eyes of the blind not also able to prevent this one from dying Yahshua therefore again groaning in himself came to the tomb and now was a cave and a stone lay against it Yahshua said take away the stone Martha said Martha the sister of him who had died said to him master already.


He smells where it has been four days Yahshua said to her did I not say to you that if you believe You shall see the esteem of Elohim remember They had already had the knowledge of Of the of a resurrection of being born again But what he was showing them was there's going to be another resurrection before that To those who believe in me so they took away the stone where the dead man was laid and Yahshua lifted up his eyes and said Father I thank you that you have heard me And I know that you always hear me Because of the crowd standing by I said this in order that they may believe that you sent me And when he said this he cried out with a loud voice Eleazar Come out and he who had died Came out bound feet and hands with wrappings and his face was wrapped with a cloth Yahshua said to them lose him and let him go This man was born again He was showing us that all of these people knew what being born again consisted of and that is an Old Testament teaching But at the same time he was showing us that those who believe in him will rise before Those who are prophesied in the book of Ezekiel How does the born-again doctrine grab you now that's not a New Testament Teaching that came after the Messiah They all knew as Yahweh's people they were going to be born again That after their death they awaited that to be born again to rise in the resurrection and to live again with him first Corinthians chapter 15 Hallelujah Blessed be his name in this chapter. Let's read verses 19 and 20 to lay the foundation because this Whole chapter is talking about resurrection and he gives a specific time at the last Trump That's that's that's the trumpet blast in the book of Revelation. He's not coming back before then That he will come back at the last Trump All right.


So verse 19 and 20 in first Corinthians 15 In this life only now remember he's he's writing to the to the assembly in Corinth and They were all believers Who had received the Spirit and been immersed if you go back to the 18th chapter of Acts where this assembly? Was being set up we spoke about that earlier. They all believed in were immersed and in this book It says that they've been washed cleansed sanctified in the name of Yahshua Messiah So he's writing this to a group of believers Who had already entered the body of Messiah know somebody says Show who this concept If in this life only we have the expectation in Messiah We are of all men the most wretched, but now Messiah has been raised from the dead and Has become the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep No one has reawoken yet no one has been born again yet Only Yahshua. He is the firstborn of all creation first chapter of Colossians and the firstborn of the dead He has been born again mmm We sleep we are conceived in the Messiah hidden in him scripture says mmm now Let's take that knowledge and go into verses 45 through 55 Mmm, and so it has been written the first man Adam Became a living being the last Adam a life-giving spirit the spiritual however was not first, but the natural and afterward the spiritual The first man was of the earth earthly The second man is the master from the sham.


I mean as is the earthy so also are those who are earthly and As is the heavenly so also are those who are heavenly and as we have born the likeness of the earthy we shall Also bear the likeness of the heavenly He's saying that Yahshua Is that heavenly? being Right, and it says that we shall be like him take us back to Genesis 126 Let us create man in our image Word in the spirit done at all We shall also bear the likeness of the heavenly He's being very clear here go back to 19 and 20 But Messiah Has been raised from the dead and has become the first fruit of all those having fallen asleep He's not done talking We shall those who have fallen asleep in the Messiah also bear the likeness of the heavenly and This I say brothers that flesh and blood is unable to inherit the reign of Elohim Go back and read about the first or second resurrection in the prophecy of Ezekiel and everyone that raises in that resurrection Has a body of flesh put upon them the dead bones exactly Okay And this I say brothers that flesh and blood shall not inherit the the reign of Elohim Neither does corruption inherit corruption Or neither does corruption inherit incorruption see I speak a secret a mystery To you we shall not all sleep. There's going to be some of us that are alive when he comes what he's saying But we shall all be changed In a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed We will be born again Just like he has been risen from the dead and lives again We shall rise and live again those who are in Messiah Prior to those who will be raised in the flesh That is what being born again and saved is all about everyone 53 For this corruptible has to put on incorruption and this mortal to put on immortality so what is that saying those who are resurrected in the second resurrection are going to be resurrected into a Fleshly body why because they have not yet came into Messiah But all of those people died waiting on him. So whenever they rise they're going to know what to do They're going to receive him and they too shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye But there's two separate resurrections For this corruptible has to put on incorruption and this mortal to put on immortality and when this corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then Shall come to be the word that has been written Oh Death swallowed up in victory.


Oh death. Where is your sting? Oh Grave Where is your overcoming that is when we're going to be born again the scripture and the language? And the proper understanding from a Hebraic perspective paints a whole different picture of being saved and born again Don't you be deceived take that Christian pastors advice Don't you fall into that trap? Oh, I was saved in the church in the name of Jesus If you went through those processes, it's time to act To pull our line selves in the line With the Word of Elohim do it like he said to do it Like he told his ministers to minister it to us And I'm not gonna give you any other I'm not gonna administer any other way either. Oh, it's okay that you did that.


You're not gonna get that here I'm not gonna do it those names titles and falsehoods. I mean nothing to me if it's not Yahweh and Yahshua Coming by proof we just used Old Testament precepts about the resurrection to prove what born-again actually is the dictionary of what you call the New Testament Is not Modern theology and seminary school the dictionary of the New Testament is the Old Testament Everything that you find in the New Testament will be defined somewhere In the first covenant, okay, so Before we sign off this evening Had a good turnout Hallelujah, I'm glad to see everybody here. Let me go through here and say hi to everybody and then we'll start answering questions Whoa Shabbat Shalom to the hoovans sister Mary Sister Gina and all of those who are watching via YouTube Shabbat Shalom to you as well Sister Kim.


Yeah, good to see you. Hallelujah Anna Marie Shabbat Shalom Laurie Hallelujah and Sister crystal sister Susie y'all's daughter. Okay.


Once again everyone. Oh and BMSK hallelujah. Okay before what I'm going to do is I see a couple of questions here To everybody I said hello to I'm going to be good begin to select you and put you in the answered Section let's see what this comment was because y'all's daughter actually said I think the confusion with the church is the definition of believe Actually, that's another thing that that needs to be covered Belief was an action in Hebrew.


It's it's an action. It's it's something you do actually You'll hear many people use this. Well in their belief system.


Guess what? Yahweh does have a belief system It's it's it's things that you do in the belief But they've replaced that word with faith and in the in the English mind and the Greek and Latin mind. This is a emotional hope type thing But actually the Hebrew word for belief is in at all words are action-based Okay, it's it's an action it's something you do like the Hebrew word for love it means to deeply care for and to expound on that by the words that make up the By the letters that make up that Hebrew word. It means to deeply care for to nurture to protect it to shade to feed all of those things Yeah, so it does mean things a lot different than what we're used to seeing Okay We'll see what the original question was there Thank You sister Gina.


The truth is not criticism. I Agree with that 100% Hallelujah. I'm gonna leave the links that I put there up in the question section If any of you have a problem getting to those Let me know go to the website and send me a phone message and I'll send you the links But you should be able to cut and paste those and put them into a Word document Thanks for the encouragement sister Mary and the yahoo bin family.


You're right. They need to hear it before it's too late You know, what was really just beautiful was the passion that that Christian minister used When he was confronting his assembly, I mean that was touching to me. Okay Yeah, good point y'all's daughter on the John 3 16 if you keep reading yeah Expounds on obedience and At the end in the water and spirit earlier on in the chapter sister Don Shabbat shalom Sister Don you say you have a burden.


Whoops. I lost you. Let's see.


You have a burden to be baptized in the name of Yahushua Please send me an email if you have my email address, you know send it that way or just go to the Website there go to the form message at the side and let me know where you're at Any of you that some of you are planning to come here. I'm already putting I'm getting the baptismal together And of course, we got the river if you want it that way It's gonna be a little bit cold, but I'll go if you will And I'll try to see about and I'm also going to go out on the road Sometime after Passover if everything works out well Now we'll be going to California, Southern, Northern, California Arizona and maybe even Michigan so we'll get all that sister Susie Hallelujah good to see you and another thing about that word flesh Always remember if you look it up in the Hebrew, it can mean flesh, but it also symbolizes the the Hebrew word for body Okay, so many times in the Hebrew could be talking about an actual body like the like expounding upon the body of Messiah right had a lot of Comments This evening I like that hallelujah But I was looking Hallelujah, I want to thank all of you for your Support, you know that whatever I can do for you guys. I'll do it Hallelujah, let's see Sister Lori again.


Yeah. All right. So oh here it is.


Hmm. I Think the confusion this is by wait. No, it's before that.


We just read that Anna Marie Are you going to discuss Romans 10 8 through 10 as a matter of fact, let's cover that real quick That's another verse that they try to use Let's go to Romans chapter 10 hallelujah, thanks for bringing that up Anna Marie We also need to to get with as many verses as they use We need to shed the light of the truth on it and that's what Yahshua does and that's what the Holy Spirit of Yahweh does Is it manifests light on? Falsehood it makes things manifest it it exposes it. That's what light does So let's look at the dark teaching here that if you confess with your mouth You're in Nothing you can do to lose it. Let's go back and take a look at that Romans chapter 10 Many people once I've showed this to a Couple of different Christian ministers who I know Over the years and they said I never looked at that that way I never really seen it like that All right, so let's read verses 8 through 10 But what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart That is the word of belief Which we are proclaiming that if you confess with your mouth the master Yahshua and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised him from the dead Does that say you are saved No, it says you shall be see there's a future tense in the scripture Because we know that when he said you believe on him that consisted of repentance from dead works Immersion and the laying on of the hands and receiving the spirit Right.


So then you shall be saved you're you're in the hat You know, they're drawing names out of the hat down at the river Look at the next verse for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and one confesses with the mouth and so is Brought on the right side of the fence See when they believe on Messiah When that revelation is declared to them they've been brought on one side of the fence and to the other once again, the doctrine in the church is saying well, that's when your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life in your kingdom bound Right sister Jackie says won't want to them and take their salvation lightly. That's another Another good point, but let's go back to the beginning of the chapter Because this verse Chapter or verse 10 is not meant for just any old buddy that was being converted as a matter of fact These words that were pinned by Shaul were meant for a specific group of people who he loved But they would not confess that Yahshua was the Messiah Go back to verse 1 Truly brothers my heart's desire and prayer to Elohim for all mankind for the Greeks out in the nations No No Truly brothers my heart's desire and prayer to Elohim for Yisrael is that they may be saved For I bear them witness that they have an ad or for Elohim, but not according to knowledge knowledge of what Yahshua So then he goes on to tell you why they can't Be saved they can't be this they can't be brought on the right side of the fence Then he goes on to tell you why they can't He's telling that that the word is right there near them. They read in every Shabbat It's even in their mouth But unless you confess Yahshua Hamashiach And do you know good? So what he's doing here in chapter 10 is he's crying out and making a plea in a statement for and Giving a reason for why the Israelites Could not that would not believe on him could not be saved redeemed Because they wouldn't confess that Yahshua was truly the Messiah And what we've done is pulled that out and said, oh I play that to my own life hallelujah I said that prayer I'm good when actually he was actually Putting this in into words for his brethren according to the flesh Now we know that there were many Israelites that believed on him even Pharisees But that is not The reason that he wrote that well so that we can make a prayer out of it We use John 3 16 and this verse right here put it together You pretty much see that prayer that that Christian minister was using showed us When we were looking at that video Yes, sister Kim.


Yeah, she says Would the raising of Lazarus be an example of Matthew 27 51 through 53 when the Messiah? Raised others from the dead when it right as a matter of fact I've heard people go at it saying that was actually the first resurrection There's no record of those men had to die again They're not still here with us They were used to give testimony Unto the resurrection of the firstborn of the dead See, we're still seeing those words all over the Brit saying that he was the firstborn of the dead Even though Lazarus had risen and those people Came out of their graves when Yahshua was crucified. It doesn't say that they were born reborn only Yahshua so We have to we have to take what scripture says that he was the firstborn of the dead and say that those guys were had To die again, but yeah, that's a that's another good a good picture there Kim. Yeah Hallelujah All right Um those of you wanting the the butterfly link Please send me an email because what I do is I get all of your emails and I send it out in the email blast It makes it a lot easier than doing it one at a time hallelujah Sister Melanie Segura Shabbat Shalom to you and your husband out there Sister Bonnie, I hope I didn't miss anyone and once again sister Donna Once again, if I've missed anybody, I apologize.


I know that there are many people watching on the YouTube as well but that's all we have for this evening and I do pray that it is enlightened everybody and it's giving you the tools to Successfully minister these things to others as well So share the link the YouTube link with everybody that you would like to Like if you would like for them to see this it's recorded So just share one of the links to them and send it to them and I do encourage that and if you're not If you haven't subscribed on the YouTube channel, please do that And so let's go ahead and pray out father. We thank you so much for your word We have so much to be Thankful for your graciousness your kind acts towards us Thanking you for the blood that was shed Thanking you for the giving of your Ruach Thanking you for meeting our daily needs We pray for all of the Mishpachah all over the world Just ask that you would deliver us from evil father protect us Pray healings upon all of those in the body of Messiah guard his father Keep a passion and a zeal In our hearts and on our minds to cling to you To draw near unto you By way of your word in your spirit that you have graciously given us. I Pray over everybody that is viewing this father who will do it and ask that you would bless them lead them guide them and protect We pray this in the precious name of Yahshua May Yahweh bless you and keep you May Yahweh lift up his face upon you and show favor to you May Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you his shalom.


So next week everybody Yahweh bless you and Baruch Hashem







Romans 10:13 For everyone, "whoever may call on the name of YAHWEH will be saved."