Reconciling All


Single Release





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Verse 1:

In the beginning, there was One,

The only El'o'ah, Yahweh of hosts,

The light in darkness, He shone,

To guide our paths, from every coast.



Yahshua, El'o'ah in flesh did come,

To redeem us, to make us one,

In His presence, our salvation's here,

Reconciling all to Him, draw near.


Verse 2:

He spoke the world into being,

The Creator, the Word, divine,

In human form, love revealing,

To save His people, yours and mine.



Yahshua, El'o'ah in flesh did come,

To redeem us, to make us one,

In His presence, our salvation's here,

Reconciling all to Him, draw near.



From the throne to the earth, He came,

Yahshua, our El'o'ah, by name,

To dwell with us, our hearts to claim,

In His love, we'll forever remain.


Verse 3:

The Word made flesh, among us here,

Grace and truth, He did declare,

We've seen His glory, face to face,

The fullness of Yahweh's grace.



Yahshua, El'o'ah in flesh did come,

To redeem us, to make us one,

In His presence, our salvation's here,

Reconciling all to Him, draw near.



So we sing of Yahshua's might,

Yahweh of hosts, our guiding light,

One with us, His love to show,

In His name, we'll forever go.