Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Yahshua versus Jesus
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Yahshua vs Jesus
Halleluyah. Okay, so we gotta man up. Be the men and women that Yahweh called us to be.
Search out these things that leads to truth and expose with Yahweh's light, these hidden agendas and hidden theologies that are actually rooted in darkness. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and pull up this PowerPoint. We're going to go through it and you and I are going to the best of our ability, transliterate Yahshua's name into Greek.
And you will also be looking at everything I'm looking at so that everybody can follow along. And if you want to have a copy of this PowerPoint, I will send it to you. Again, just send me an email or a text message and I'll make sure that it gets to you.
Let me go ahead and get everything pulled up here. So here we go. Yahshua versus Jesus.
And what we're going to be doing is, you guys don't need to see me, I want you to see this notebook that I put together here. Another fancy little thing on my PowerPoint creator. So we're doing this in book form.
Each and every one of us will see the same thing. And you and I will translate the Savior's name at the end of this teaching and compare it to what we see in the Greek. So the importance is rooted in the Hebrew compounds that make up the English word Joshua or the Hebrew Yahshua.
It is a compound name constructed with the Tetragrammaton, which is the name Yahweh and Hosea. It's critical that we understand that everyone. This is telling us that Yahshua or Joshua stems from the combination of two nouns in Hebrew, which is Yahweh and Hosea.
The name Yahshua follows a common practice among the tribes of Yahweh in forming and using compound names, which brought deep meaning to the important role to the important role player in scripture concerning Yahweh's plan. In other words, you have Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Yasiah. And actually, if you go, I know that many of you think that it's Yeshayahu and Yeremiah.
But if you go to your Strong's, you'll see that those are secondary pronunciations. And I'm going to show you why this evening when I pull this information out of the Jewish Encyclopedia, as well as the Encyclopedia Judaica. We're going to see why there are two different forms of those names.
So the Jewish Encyclopedia, volume nine, page 153 says, a distinctive characteristic of Bible onomatology is the frequency of composite names, which form at times even complete sentences, as in the case of Isaiah's son, Shir Yashiv, which means the remnant shall return. In the majority of cases, these composite names are Theophorus referring to or actually mentioning the name of Yah. In other words, Yeshayah, Hezekiah, and the others also would obtain his title like Ezekiel.
So the title Eloah, the short poem of Eloah is there as well. So it's very important for us to understand that the name of Yahweh and Hosea is what makes up our Savior's name, because Joshua ben Nun and Yahshua ben Yahweh have the same exact spelling in Hebrew. That is critical.
So here's the Encyclopedia Judaica, volume 12 on page 1806, excuse me, on page 806. You'll see the highlighted here. It says the first personal name that was definitely constructed with the Tetragrammaton is Yod-Heh-Wah-Shan-Ayn, in the English that has been translated as Joshua.
The name of Moses's mother, there you see it's Hebrew spelling, Joshebed, is more ancient, but it is extremely questionable if it really contains a biblical divine name. As for, here you see Yadah or Yahudah with the Wah pronounced. Yahudah, it says here, now that remember this is the Jewish Encyclopedia Judaica written, compiled by Jewish scholars.
It says it is certain that it does not contain the divine name. So this is where we can look at teachings that are saying if you take Yahudah out and remove the Dalit, that you have the father's name. Even the people that have spoke this language for centuries say that that is not possible.
It is certain that it does not contain the divine name. Just because you see the Yod-Heh, this would be cognate spelling, not literal as in the sacred name, as in these other personal nouns. Again, this is a place and those are persons.
Okay, also in the Encyclopedia Judaica in volume 12, page 807, here's what we see written. The Talmud states only that the majority of Jews in the dispersion have the same names as the Gentiles. Again, the majority of Jews in the dispersion have the same name as Gentiles.
This is critical historical information because a lot of these Hellenized Jews, if you will, came back into covenant and brought these other pronunciations that had been picked up in the dispersion along with them. There you see one tract is Babylonia, only names of idols were avoided. And then the name Tammuzah, there's another tract right there, 75b, those are tracts in the Talmud, is not evidence of adoption of the name of the god Tammuz, which equals Adonis.
And this is why I do not like to use Adon or Adonai, because it is connected to the worship of Tammuz. Anyway, here we see since Tammuz had already become Hebraized as the name of the Hebrew month, they're specifically saying that Tammuz had already been accepted into the Hebrew lifestyle or the Israelites at this point, or at that point, that they had already adopted the word Tammuz. Okay, and it had already been Hebraized as the name of the Hebrew month.
It says, however, the evidence of the widespread use of non-Jewish names also in Eretz Israel, which means the land of Yisrael, is too obvious to be overlooked. Do you see what happened? Widespread use of non-Jewish names also became a common thing in the land of Israel, and that fact should not be overlooked. And we're not going to overlook it tonight.
These are where these other secondary pronunciations, yahoo, and all of these things actually stem from. Supporting the original Yah rather than yahoo. Okay, now we want to get some scriptural support for what we're about to do when we go to transliterate these things for ourself and look at the way they've transliterated them.
And just because these guys are called scholars, we're going to see right now in our study that the scholars are actually wrong. They are dead wrong. But what I first want to do is lay the foundation of how the name Hosea, excuse me, Yahshua, they say Yehoshua, or Yahushua, came about.
Numbers 13:16-17. These are the names. Now this is right out of the Torah, everyone.
These are the names of the men who Moshe sent out to spy out the land. And Moshe called Hosea, son of Nun. And here we see Yehoshua.
That's a modern Hebrew Hellenized pronunciation of Yod-Heh-Wa-Shin-Ayin. Okay, now I want to point out that you will see the O or the U pronounced in these pronunciations. But anciently, the Wah was a connecting letter.
It connected things. So anciently, we would have seen the short form of Yahweh's name, Yah, and then we would have seen the Wah connecting it to Shuah-Shin-Ayin. So it wouldn't have been pronounced and the readers of the ancient language would have known this.
And then further in that passage, it says, and Moshe sent them to spy out the land. So this is whenever Moses sent them out to spy out the land of Canaan and said to them, go up here into the south and go up into the mountains. So right out of the Hebraic tongue restored by Olivet on page 462, it says concerning the Shin-Ayin, it gives us the information concerning the Hebrew word Shuah.
We find that this word comes from the word Yahshua. Now I know that this is where a lot of people will claim that it's Yahushua. But here we see that Shuah stems from Yahshua and it doesn't carry the same pronunciation.
It only carries the cognizance of the letters. It is pronounced differently than Yahshua. And if you look at the, and I don't ever instill too much in modern Hebrew, but if you look at the way they put the vowel points, you'll see that they have carried that cognizance over into a different pronunciation, yet it holds the same definition.
That's the way the language works. So Yahushua or Yahushua is a Hellenized, and I'm not saying it's from Satan. Okay.
What I'm saying is though, it is a Hellenized Hebrew pronunciation of Joshua bin Nun and our savior. It stems from the Hellenized Jews who were out in the diaspora, who later came into covenant and maybe even possibly became modern rabbis. Okay.
So here's the Greek spelling. This is going to be key. Here's the Greek spellings for Jesus in Greek and Hosea.
Now remember our savior's name is made up of the short form Yah and Hosea. Now I want you to take a quick look at this. Here's Isis on the top.
And then we have Hosea down on the bottom in Greek. There is almost no similarity at all in the Greek spelling of these two nouns, personal nouns. There is, it is almost unidentifiable.
Look at the difference in the spelling. All right. Hosea on the bottom, Yesus or Jesus on the top.
No similarities. Now, what I did was, is I had a, in the back of my strongs, I took a picture of the Greek alphabet, the caps and the lowercase. And I believe history shows that in the beginning, the Greek language didn't have upper and lowercase.
And that's significant as well. However, I took a picture of it and you and I are going to transliterate Yod-Heh-Wah-Shin-Ayin right now out of the 24 Greek letters. Now we know that the Savior's name begins with a Yod.
Now the Greek language you'll see here does not have the equivalent in your right hand column as a Y. They don't have a Y. Neither do they have an H. So we have to keep those things in mind, like Elder Heland was talking about earlier. You can't do it perfectly, but I guarantee you what we're about to do is the closest that we can get in transliterating the Savior's name from Hebrew to Greek ourselves. Okay.
So the first letter, they don't have a Y, but they have the I, which is called the Iota. Okay. The second, they don't have an H, so we use the O, right? It's the Omega.
And there's the upper and lowercase. So there's the beginning letter of Hosea's name right there. Here's your uppercase to the left, and right to the right of the uppercase, you see the lower.
The third letter is an S. So they have that, which is the Sigma. Okay. So we have Iota, Omega, Sigma.
And then the fourth letter is the Eta. It's an E as in they. And then the fifth letter is the Epsilon, which is the E as in met.
Okay. So you would have, let's try to pronounce this, Io-a-e, Io-sha-e. That, from all of the letters that you can pick out of this whole alphabet, are the closest to Yod-Heh-Wah-Shin-Ion.
So after transliterating this ourselves, here's the comparison of the way they transliterated it. In Greek, here is the, uh, what we just translated ourselves. There you see the Iota.
Here's the lowercase letter of what you see in Hosea. Now look at this. On the bottom is Hosea's name.
The first letter in the bottom there is a capitalized letter. But since the Iota is added, what you do is, is you remove the capital letter, and then it moves to the one you see in Yahshua. Is the lowercase.
Everyone, there is Hosea's name right there in the name of the Savior, with a lowercase instead of an uppercase in the first letter. All, the only thing that, uh, Moshe done whenever he surnamed Hosea was he added the Yah to Hosea's name. When you can bring those two together, we get number H3091 in your Strong's Concordance.
Go look it up. There is Hosea's name right there in the Greek, just like it would be in the Hebrew when you transliterate Yah and Hosea. In other words, let me simplify this.
There is Yesus at the top. It is void of Hosea's name. The second one, Yahshua, in the Greek, Hosea's name is right there.
When Joshua had been known with surname from Hosea to, to Joshua, all, all he did was add the Yod because you have Yah in that. You would not have it, it would not be consistent in the Greek language to have Yod, He, He, Wah, She, and Ion. In other words, in the Greek, translating that over, there'll be one H, and there it is, which it actually is translated as an O. Okay, so all he did was add the Yod, the short form of the father's name, Yah, to Hosea's name.
We do the same thing when we come into the Greek. We get Hosea in the and we add, they don't have a Y, so we add the Iota. The second noun that you see there in Greek is, in my humble opinion, the closest and most accurate transliteration of Yod, He, Wah, She, and Ion into Greek.
So if we've, if they've got it wrong in the Greek, we're definitely going to get it wrong in the English, because most Bibles have Yesus transliterated into Jesus, and they say that it stems from Yehoshua or Yehushua in the modern Hebrew, which we just seen is not true. They did not follow the transliteration process. What they did was replace the name completely.
Yod, He, Wah, She, Ion. Yahweh is salvation. The name of Yesus carries none of those connotations.
It does not bring forth the salvation that is in the name, the only name, as we're going to see, that was given to men whereby we must be saved. So let's go to Scripture before we close this evening. This puts whole new meaning on this passage.
We read it and quote it very often, but let's take a look at Acts 4:10-12. Let's go ahead and start at verse 10. Acts chapter four and at verse 10 through 12.
Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Yod, He, Wah, She, and Ion, Yeshua, Messiah of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom Elohim raised from the dead by this one, by him, this one stands before you healthy. This is a stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone and there is no deliverance, no salvation in anyone else for there is no other name under the Shemayim, or heavens, given amongst men whereby we must be saved. Some of you are seeing need to be saved.
So what the enemy has done is through the error of man and the removal and replacing of the name has taken the key of knowledge from Yahweh's people. There is no other name other than the one that has been uttered from the Shemayim. Forget about the theology courses, the theologians and the church and your pastor and all that.
If they have replaced the name and they are trying to teach the good news and that you are saved in the name of JC, that is a lie. It's not true and it's impossible. It contradicts everything in scripture.
So what we must do because many of us believe that we were saved in the church. We were not. There is salvation in no other name.
That means where there are other names being taught, there's salvation or not there. I mean this is a no-brainer but it doesn't mean that what you believe in is a lie. It's clarifying what you believe.
We must be men and women. We need to man up. We need to be the men and women that Yahweh has called us to be and just say, hey you know what? My heart was right in wanting to serve and acknowledge the redemption that Yahweh has given me and now I'm going to confess that and I'm going to be baptized and repent in the name of Yahshua Messiah because that is the name above all other names that Yahweh has given us to seek out and walk out our salvation.
HalleluYah. So those of you that are on the Seekers group, if you have any questions or comments, go ahead and chime in right now but I'm going to go check and see if somebody's already posted anything there. We had a few earlier that I already answered.
So yes, Constantine, what Elder Edelman was saying is that Constantine had taken two separate nouns and combined them together to form the Isus or Yesus which was later translated into Jesus. Okay, last call for comments or questions in the Live Seekers group. Praise Yahweh.
Okay, well that's it for this evening. I do pray that all of you were enlightened in some way. Again, this is going to be one that you have to go back and watch again.
Take down notes. Get out your pens and pencils, everyone, and keep going over this teaching and test what we put forth. Halleluyah.
Shalom Shalom!
Scripture References:
Numbers 13:16-17
Acts 4:10-12
Strong's references

Psa 91:14 “Because he cleaves to Me in love, Therefore I deliver him; I set him on high, because he has known My Name.
Exo 20:7 “You do not bring the Name of Yahweh your Elohim to naught, for Yahweh does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.