Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Yahshua versus Yahusha
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Yahshua vs Yahusha
Shalom, shalom. Here we are, Seekers of Yahweh Ministries, still on top of the mountain. Last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, 2023 on the Gregorian calendar.
And we have saved this one for our exit out of this moed. We're going to be discussing Yahshua versus Yahushua. So, we've already done teachings on Yahshua versus Jesus, Yahshua versus Yeshua, and this one is long awaited to add to that playlist as well, Yahshua versus Yahushua.
Baruch Atah, Yahweh Eloheinu, Melech ha'olam, blessed be Yahweh King, the universe who has sanctified us by his commands, redeemed us by the blood of his son Yahshua, and given us command to hear and respond to the call of the shofar. Spirit and the bride say, come, come and snatch us away out of this rotten world that we are stuck in, Father. We worship you and only you.
Now, we're going to start with a little scripture. This is, for the most part, going to be an educational video. In other words, we're going to look at Hebrew.
We're going to see how the Hebrew works. We're going to see how the name of our Savior, through its de-evolution, has been pulverized by scholars all over the world for many, many, many years. Specifically, we're going to look this evening at this term that, as of recent, became widely accepted in the body of Yahshua.
This pronunciation, Yahushua. Now, what I'm going to be presenting is history. History of the Hebrew language that is documented.
And we're going to run down the possibilities and impossibilities of the transliteration of the Savior's name. In the other two videos, it was more of a direct approach. And it was more of just made up of basic elements.
This evening, we're going to dive deep into the study of Yahshua. You know Yahshua in the Old Testament. Yahshua bin Nun.
Bin Nun. Bain Nun. It's kind of an oxymoron.
The Hebrew letter Nun, meaning seed. There is a direct connection from Yahshua bin Nun to the very word of Yahweh. And that Nun is a picture of a seed.
And the seed is the word of Elohim. And it became manifested in a body. And that body took on the name Joshua.
There was no J in any language in the world until 500 years ago. The J replaced the Yod or the Y in that personal noun. And it's Yahshua or Yahshua.
Many say Yahushua or Yahusha now. So we're going to look at the improbabilities. The incapabilities.
And we're also going to see in the end. We really need to nail this one down to the best of our ability. Are we to think that we should seek out perfection? Oh yeah.
Yahweh made that clear. He said be perfect for I am perfect. Be holy for I am holy.
Be perfect in Hebrew means be complete, whole. And be holy means in Hebrew be set apart and sanctified. See if we can do those things.
Tonight we are going to sanctify the name of our Savior. I want to begin in the book of Mark chapter 16. So everybody can get turned there.
Because a lot of people will say well he knows who I'm talking about. Or I know who I'm praying to. But do we really? And yes absolutely he does know who we're talking about.
The terrible thing of that matter is sometimes we don't know. What we're talking about or who we're talking about. Because of a lot of the philosophy that has entered in over the years.
Into injecting different perspectives into the word of Yahweh. And into the people of Yahweh in Yahshua. Now this teaching is not intended to offend anyone.
I want to make that clear. Love you guys. Love all you brothers.
Sisters. So the teaching is not intended to offend. But to defend.
The teaching is not meant to offend anybody. But to defend the body of Yahshua. Okay.
So let's go ahead and get started. In the book of Mark. Chapter 16.
15 through 18. Now this is after Yahshua. Our Messiah had been resurrected.
From the dead. He's commissioning. The disciples.
To spread the good news. Verse 15 says and he said unto them. Go into all the world.
And proclaim the good news to every creature. He who has believed. And has been baptized.
Shall be saved. But he. Who has not.
Believed. Shall be condemned. And these signs shall accompany.
The ones who believe. In my name. Let's stop a moment.
In the first century. They were speaking Hebrew. It's proven.
That Greek myth. Has been disproved. For decades.
They were calling him. Yahshua. And in the commission.
The savior of the world. Told his disciples. That were sent by him.
To go out into all. Of the nations. And teach.
The good news. In his name. Not a. Transliteration of.
Not a replacement of. Not in some other language. Or whatever you may think.
Has happened over the years. But in my name. You shall teach.
The good news. And in that name. It gives us authority.
Over certain things. Death being the biggest. Again in verse 17.
And these signs. Shall accompany. The ones who believe.
In my name. They shall cast out wicked seed. They shall speak.
With a renewed tongue. Hello Hebrew language. They shall take up snakes.
And if they drink any deadly drink. It shall by no means hurt them. They shall lay.
Hands on the sick. And they shall. Be well.
So. I think it would. Behoove us.
To come to the understanding. Of what the savior's name. Was.
When this was written. By the apostle mark. You're free to call him.
What you want. But you're not free. To call him what you want.
In other words. Me or any pastor or any theologian. Or somebody who's been taught.
In seminary school. Cannot force you. To call him anything.
Other than what you want to. However. When we look at passages like this.
And along with acts 412. It becomes very evident. What name they were using.
In the first century. In both baptism. The casting out of wicked seed.
And bringing healing. To the body of Yahshua. Remember that's what I said when I started.
I'm not here to present this. To offend anyone. But to defend.
The body of Yahshua. If I see a brother. That's caught up.
In some type of problem. I want to be able. To lay hands on him.
And cast out that wicked seed. That's taken root inside of him. I want to be able.
To anoint. Someone with oil. Who's basically been sent home.
Or sent to a. Tried to be sent to a nursing home. Just to rot away. But yet watch her.
Or him. Stand up multiple times. On their own.
I want to be able. To watch. Healing.
In the body of Yahshua. By the name that was ordained. Out of heaven.
That's what I'm here to do. And baptize. All of these believers.
In that majestic. Set apart. Holy name.
Of our majestic. King our mighty one. The most high.
Hallelujah. So let's get right to it. Point of the study.
To understand. How we can best pronounce. Ancient Hebrew names.
We must first find the root word. Or words. Of each personal noun.
Without finding its roots. There can be no proof. Of its original.
Pronunciation. Does everybody get that? Any questions? Those of you online. That are watching.
You can go ahead and. Brother Chris will be putting up our contact information. And.
Or if you're in the live feed. Right now. You can leave a question or a comment.
And I'll see it. After we're done. With the broadcast.
But I want to make sure. Everybody understands this. To understand.
How to best pronounce. Ancient Hebrew names. We must know the roots.
Not the Greek roots. But the Hebrew roots. Of that.
Personal noun. If you cannot. Find a root system.
You have no proof. It remains a theory. After finding its roots.
We must then look. At the personal noun. Through the lens of.
Three different stages everyone. Modern Hebrew. Paleo Hebrew.
The middle form of Hebrew. And then of course. The ancient Hebrew.
Which is the origin. That will give us. The origin.
What's some of the oldest. Manuscripts that we have. To prove the.
Origin. Of some of these personal nouns. Or the roots.
Of. Dead sea scrolls. Got a couple more old ones.
Out there as well. We're going to be addressing that. Here in a moment.
Then we must delve into archaeology. And the history of the Hebrew language. To reconstruct.
Its walls. To the best of our ability. What do I mean by that? We got to reconstruct the walls.
That have been. Torn down over time. By theology.
Replacing the name. Is not. Transliterating the name.
You didn't bring across the name. You replaced it. With a Greek name.
Or even an English name. Whatever you want to call it. Which is a sin.
According to. The scriptures. Do not add to.
Nor take away from. Period. That's it.
What I mean by. We look into the archaeology. And the history of the Hebrew language.
To reconstruct its walls. To the best of our ability. With what Yahweh.
Has given us. We must be investigators. Fruit inspectors.
Spiritual. Forensic. Investigations.
Must take place. He expects us. To give him.
The best. To our abilities. So this is my.
Heartfelt disclaimer. Before we move on. This will by no means.
Change or cause those to. Who adamantly. On holding to the pronunciation of.
Yahushua to stop using it. If this is the pronunciation. You use.
We are in no way meaning to condemn anyone. This is meant for the edification. Of the body of Messiah in truth.
Having said this. There will be evidence produced. That may make some feel unsettled.
There's nothing that we can do about that. Again. I'm merely going to present the evidence.
As I have researched it. But I want to say again. Before we start.
That this is for the sole purpose. Of bringing truth to Yahweh's people. Because I love all.
Of Yah's people. I love all Yah's people. We may not agree.
We may not talk often anymore. But you better bet. I love all Yah.
We're going to now. Produce this. Yahushua.
Examination. The majority of all teachers. Of this pronunciation.
As well of those who follow. And share those teachings. Have been inspired by.
Lou White's teaching on the subject. For the most part. Brother Lou was one of the major role players.
In bringing in this pronunciation. In recent years. However.
Many teachers have jumped on this bandwagon. Adding supported views. On the subject.
But. The majority who support this pronunciation. Will all agree.
With Lou. On his quote. In one of his written teachings.
Here it is. Copy and paste. Off of the Facebook page.
Where Lou. Jumped all over the. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
So this is a direct quote. From. Off of Facebook.
Lou White. To the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Word for word.
Cut and paste. He said the way that we know. His name is Yahushua.
Is that the Greek translation. Shows that the Latinized. Greek form of JC.
Now. Follow along. Listen to what he says.
This is backwards theology. It's not necessarily. The Greek language.
It's the Hellenization. Of the Hebrew. That we need to focus on.
The Greek literally proves. Nothing as we're going to see. By looking at.
Some of the things that we find. In the Masoretic text. And in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
So again. He says the way that we know. That his name is Yahushua.
Is that the Greek translation. Shows that the Latinized. Greek form for JC.
Is the same transliterated. Name for the one. They called Joshua.
Now what I want to point out. Is that's only with modern. Greek statistics.
How many of us know. That Joshua. In the Old Testament.
Would not have. Known Greek. How many of us know.
That Moses. Who surnamed Joshua. Because his original name was.
Hosea. Did not know. Greek.
Greek had no influence. Whatsoever. On the pronunciation.
Of Joshua's name. This is critical. The only true name.
Lou says. Is Hebrew. But if you study the Greek text.
At Hebrews 4 and Acts 7. You'll see the same Greek letters. Are used for JC. And Joshua.
His only name he lists. Greek number 2424. And that's where we're.
That's where we're heading. That's the beginning point. It says.
His only name is Hebrew. And he says. Yahushua.
Look at this. Wow. Yod.
He says. Wow. We're going to investigate this.
Wow. Theory. In just a moment.
And it bears. The name. In the first three letters.
Yod. Hey, wow. Yahoo.
We got him boys. Lou White who pushes. Yahuwah.
And Yahushua. And was one of the forerunners. In the 80s.
To bring this in. Just hung itself. That is some of the worst.
Hebrew theology. That I have ever seen. He's trying to prove.
An ancient pronunciation. With Yahoo. Which is a very recent.
Pronunciation. Continuing in the Yahushua examination. Now that we have examined.
The basic foundation of this pronunciation. We will put this theology. Under the Hebrew microscope.
If the. Proposed pronunciation. At its very foundation.
Pay attention. If the. Proposed pronunciation.
At its very foundation. Has no merit. In the Hebrew language.
Then every. Other single point. Made in support of the.
Use of Yahushua. Is then negated. It means nothing.
If the very. Root. Cannot be proven.
Then all of the rest of the studies. Teachings. And outlooks.
On Yahoo. Or Yahushua or Yahuwah. If the very root.
Of it is wrong. All the rest of the teachings are negated. They mean nothing.
They're pointless. You must prove this stuff. From the roots.
Of ancient Hebrew. Language and proofs. Not to mention.
Jeff Benner has already proved. That this you take. Yehuda.
And take the Dalit out. And you have Yahuwah. Those come from two separate.
Root lines are not even connected. And. It leaves an open.
Ended vowel. Hebrew doesn't work that way. Vowel consonant.
Consonant vowel. You'll never see. Vowel consonant.
Vowel vowel consonant. There'll never be two. Vowels.
Together. In a personal noun. Let me not say never.
But let me say 99.9% of the time. It's almost unheard of. So in every.
Other single point that they make. All of that stuff. Is negated.
If you cannot prove the root. Of the pronunciation itself. This pronunciation tries to force.
The impossible. Into the Hebrew language. From its very roots.
Let us look at the evidence. Through the lens of Hebrew facts. The Wah.
Modernly they call it. Vav. But that's a more recent.
Addition to that letter as well. We're going to look at. The Wah versus this.
Wow. Theory. So the basic doctrine behind.
Yahuwah and Yahushua. Implies that anciently. The Wah was always.
Pronounced as a. U. Sound. Basically saying. That the Wah.
Only had one sound. Especially in personal nouns. And here's the proof.
That that. Is not true. In the ancient Hebrew lexicon.
By Jeff Benner. On page 42 in the preface. We find this.
Under vowels. Four of the Hebrew letters. Double as consonants.
And vowels. Do you hear this? The Aleph. The Hay.
The Wah. And the Yod. All double.
Double. That means how many? No. The one letter.
Each letter doubles. So we got two. At a bare minimum.
I'm not even going to go. Any further. But there's so many other proofs.
We can get into. Linguistical rules. Okay.
That disprove. This theory. We're just going to stick with the two.
Here we see. That every one of these letters. Aleph, Wah, Yod.
Wah and Yod. All double. In pronunciation.
One as a vowel. And one as a consonant. They operate as both.
What does this prove? That. It wasn't always a wow. Or a ooh.
Sound. No. This fact.
Proves that the Wah. Had a minimum. Of two separate.
Pronunciations. The minimum of. Two separate.
Pronunciations. I was talking to Jeff. Not long ago.
He said. How do you plan on. Ask me how I planned on proving.
Something I planned on teaching on. I go. Of course Jeff.
I'm going to. I'm going to go listen to. The text message.
I've got from Moses. In other words. We cannot hear.
Moses's recorded. Voice. But Moses.
Merely spoke the words of Yahweh. But the language. That he used.
Anciently speaking. Was not modern Hebrew. And this.
Is just one example. Of how we prove. That the wow.
Theory. Is incorrect. So this fact.
Proves that the Wah. Had a minimum. Of two separate pronunciations.
To teach that it was always a you. Or an ooh. Sound anciently is simply a lie.
It's unproven. And all of the evidence. It's stacked up against that.
Theology the grammatical. Information that we just read. Came from an ancient.
Hebrew lexicon. So let's do a little Hebrew. Investigation here.
As was said by Lou White. And others that have followed. His only.
Name is Hebrew. I agree with that 100%. He says wow.
Wow. Yahoo. Please notice.
That the teaching. Of this pronunciation says. That the name of the son.
Bears the name. Of the father. Did not Yahshua say.
I come in my father's name. Did he bear. The father's name.
Oh yes. So we must remember. We must research the father's name.
Yahshua's name. And the roots of those words. There's the only information.
You can come up with. Anything else that comes outside of that. It's not proven in history.
It's only a theology. It's only. A mysterious theory.
It's the same exact. Mystic approach. At the pronunciation.
Of the savior's name. That is used. By Kabbalism.
Or anybody else. That is full of mystic. Reviews.
I'm not even going to call it a view. It's a review. It's just history repeating itself.
Over and over. And over. This is in fact very true.
But you must know. How the Hebrew language works. To give the proper.
Transliteration. And this is how. We're going to do this.
I'm going to show you. I'm not just going to tell you. I'm going to show you.
We're going to research. This together. He said that the father's name.
Was also made. Or that Yahshua's name. Was also made known.
Through the research. Of JC. Right.
This is where. Lou and others. Like him.
Drop the ball. They don't read far enough. You got to read this whole thing.
So here's the Hebrew origins. He listed 2424. This is Yesus.
Later. Translated as. Jesus.
Jesus. That is not the. Transliteration of Joshua.
And it tells you. So right here. They show you.
That it is a. Replacement. Not a transliteration. In the Greek.
Lexicon. In the strongs. You see it right here.
2424. Yesus. It says.
Of Hebrew origin. Number 3091. Follow me.
It says here. Jesus. I.e. Joshua.
Everybody. Please listen. I want to educate you.
What is. Transliteration. What's the difference between.
Translation. And transliteration. When you translate.
You find the word. In another language. That has the same definition.
And meaning. As the language. You're translating from.
When you transliterate. It's different. You find.
The characters. In your alphabet. That makes the same sound.
As the one. That you're translating from. Of Hebrew origin.
Number 3031. So they just told you. That the Savior's name.
Comes from a Hebrew origin. And it's number 3031. Jesus.
So. Joshua. Or Jehoshua.
Here. Right. So.
Is J-E-S-U-S. The. Transliteration.
Of Joshua. They sound nothing alike. Which means.
That they didn't find the right letters. They replaced. It.
Do not add to. Nor take away from. And they have.
So there is. Where it sends us. To find out.
The Hebrew origin. See it says. It tells you right here.
That it's actually Joshua. Without the J. It's Joshua. 3091.
Strong's Hebrew section. Look at this. They say Yahushua.
Right. But look at this. What's the first.
Spelling. Of the Savior's name. In the Strong's Hebrew lexicon.
Yod. Hay. Wah.
Shin. Wah. Ayin.
It's merely showing you. The two different ways. That that name has been spelled.
From ancient time. To modern time. And we're going to prove that.
We're going to prove that. Yod. Hay.
Wah. Shin. Wah.
Ayin. Is the ancient pronunciation. We've got the Dead Sea Scrolls.
That predate. All of these other uses. By thousands of years.
Okay. So it says. Yahushua.
Because they're pronouncing. The Wah. They're pronouncing the Wah.
But we're going to show. That anciently one of those Wahs. Was merely joining.
Two separate nouns. To make. One single noun.
Because Joshua's name. Was not always Joshua. It was Hosea.
And they added the short form. Of the father's name. To Hosea.
When they surnamed him. It says it comes from. 3068.
Guess what 3068 is. The Tetragrammaton. Yod.
Hay. Wah. Hay.
So. Joshua's name. Is the same as our savior's name.
So. The father's name. Is in the son's name.
Where does. Anyway. It comes from.
3068. And it says here number 3467. But that is not right.
And I'm going to show you. Down here at the bottom. If you just keep going.
3067. Is actually the root. Of this number.
Number 1954. In the Hebrew. Which is the name.
Hosea. It's a compilation. Of Yahweh.
And Hosea. Not Yahweh and Yahshua. Which is number 3467.
3467. Is the root. Of Hosea.
Not Yahshua. It's only. In the root line.
But when you're dealing with personal nouns. You can't. Give the original root pronunciation.
Because it takes away. From the pronunciation. Of Hosea.
Being joined. To Yahweh. Which means deliverance.
By the way. Deliverance is connected to. Yahweh.
That's what the Hebrew. Is trying to bring across here. Oh father.
So if you keep. Reading on. It gives you all these modern Hebrew.
Pronunciation with this. Yeho. It's actually.
Yeho. Or yahoo. I'll give them credit.
We see modern Hebrew pronunciations. With yahuda. But what's.
The original name of Judah. It's yada. Look at this.
Joshua. It's a compilation. Of 1954.
You compare it to. Number 3068. We're going to prove this historically as well.
We're going to prove this. With the research. Of Hebrew.
And it's history. That Yahweh and Hosea. Are the names.
It just told us that right over here. Joshua. Even the Greeks knew.
How this word was compiled. Yah. And Hosea being joined together.
And then some grammatical rules take over. And there's a little alteration. But it is not.
3467. Whereas. And that's where they get their argument.
Of Yahushua. Because it's Yahshua. The root is Yahshua.
They say Yahushua. Terrible. Terrible.
Thought processes. Of Hebrew. We're going to keep a textbook.
View. We're going to prove. By history.
Of the language. How. This Savior's name.
Is pronounced. I'm not going to instill. My Savior's name.
In thoughts. And theologies. I'm going to gather all the evidence.
I can. And that evidence is going to produce something. For me and for you.
So it's. Compared to 1954. 1954 in the Hebrew is Hosea.
You can look it up. On your own time. So it should be from 30.
3068. In 1954. And I'm going to show you that.
In Hebrew literature. Okay. So.
When it says it comes from. 3068. I want.
Everybody to look here. What is the contraction. Of Yod Hay Wah Hay.
In other words. Contraction means. What is the short form.
Of the Father's name. It's not Yahoo. Yahoo.
Came way later. It is not an ancient. Pronunciation it is a hellenized.
Pronunciation. Everything kosher. So.
Number 3050. Is the short form. Of the Father's name.
It is the contraction. Yah. Tells you right there.
Yah. Is the short form of the Father's name. Contraction for 3068.
3068 is the Tetragrammaton. Which is the Father's name. Yod Hay Wah Hay.
Many. Gideon. Bibles and.
Newer King James versions. If you go to. Psalm 68 for.
In Isaiah chapter 12 verse 2. You will see that form. Short form. In the English Bibles.
Which is there was no J. In Hebrew. There still is no J in Hebrew. It's Yah.
The sacred name. Notice this. The sacred name.
Whether you use Yod Hay Wah Hay. Or just Yod Hay. It's still considered in Hebrew.
The sacred name. Let's look at some Hebrew. Spellings here.
I'm just trying to keep it Hebrew. Hebrew is so real. So rich.
How many of us know that. The scriptures were written by Hebrew men. And a few women.
Apparently. Or about a few women. Right.
It was written by Hebrews. So let's look at. Hebrew spellings.
Here. In Hebrew. There are two variant spellings.
Of the Messiah's name. We just. I just pointed them out to you.
The first spelling has six letters. Yod Hay Wah. Shin Wah Ayin.
And the second spelling. Has five letters. Yod Hay Wah.
Shin Ayin. Both spellings are used. In Hebrew text.
Now. What I want to point out here. Is that the Masoretic text.
The vowel point structures. Has caused. Many nouns.
To be altered. They would use a dot. Over under.
In the middle of certain letters. To make a certain pronunciation. I submit to you.
That this. Is the ancient form. That they would see.
Without the Nicodote. Without the vowel point structures. Interfering with the spelling.
Yod Hay Wah. Shin Ayin. Is the result.
Of just that. The Nicodote. Caused modern writers.
To say we don't need to put a wall there. We're going to use this dot. This vowel.
Remember what we were talking about earlier. That it uses. Both a consonant.
And a vowel. Not if you're using the modern. Hebrew vowel points.
You don't need all them letters. That were originally written. I do.
You know what I vote. Take the vowel point structures out. And give me the real deal.
Both spellings are used. In Hebrew text. So here's two examples.
In the Masoretic text. Where the longer spelling. Is used.
And it's in Deuteronomy chapter 3. And at verse 21. And I commanded Joshua. And they spell it there.
Yod Hay Wah Shin Wah Ayin. And I commanded. Joshua.
At that time saying. Your eyes have seen. All that Yahweh your Elohim has done.
To these two kings. So will Yahweh do. To the kingdoms through which you pass.
Also in Judges. Chapter 2. And at verse 7. This is in the Masoretic text. The Hebrew Bible.
That they use today. Judges. Chapter 2. And at verse 7. So the people serve Yahweh all the days of Joshua.
And all the days of the elders. Who outlived Joshua. And there it is again.
That's how they spell it. In that text. Yod Hay Wah Shin Wah Ayin.
Who had seen. All the great works of Yahweh. Which he had done.
For Yisrael. Now. That was in the Masoretic text.
In the Dead Sea Scrolls. The longer spelling. Is also found.
In the following verses. Joshua 6. 7. Found in 4. Josh A. Then. Yod Hay Wah Shin Wah Ayin.
Said to the people. Go forward. March around the city.
And let the armed guard. March ahead of the ark of Yahweh. That's in the 4Q documents.
Also Joshua 8. 3. So. Joshua. Yod Hay Wah Shin Wah Ayin.
Once again the long form. Arose. And the whole army rose up.
And marched on high. Joshua chose 30,000 men. Valiant warriors.
And he sent. Them. Out at night.
Again found in 4Q. I want to point out. That the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Predate most modern grammatical rules. I was being facetious. There were no.
Modern Hebrew. Grammatical rules. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were penned.
Modern Hebrew. With the vowel point structures. Did not exist.
This longer form. Is the more. Ancient form.
And then we see it. Degrade even further. To just a Y. And Shua.
In some places. Staying with the Hebrew spellings here. The Hebraic tongue.
Restored. By. On page.
462. On. Gives us.
This information. Concerning the word. Coming from the Hebraic tongue.
Restored. By. I've got the book.
I'm going to show you a picture. Out of the book here in a moment. On the Hebrew word.
Shua. We find that this word comes from the word. What? Comes from.
The word Yasha. There's another nail in the coffin. Shua was being used.
From the root. Yasha. For millennia.
It's a different. Form. Of that root.
That's how Hebrew works. Everyone. We don't have the time to get into.
Adopted roots. And other things like that. That show the.
In my opinion. De-evolution of personal nouns. And words in general.
So here we in the Hebraic tongue. Restored. We find that on page 462.
That there is evidence. Of this Shua. Stemming from Yasha.
Again. Hosea. Is rooted.
In Yasha. But Yasha is not Hosea. Yahoshua.
Or Yahushua. And therefore Yahushua. They are Hellenized.
Hebrew pronunciations of Joshua. Been none. And our Savior.
Which has also been influenced. By the Aramaic language. As well.
Now. Let's look at this. Ancient.
Wah. This letter. Today it's used.
In two separate ways. A convertible. And a conjunctive.
Rule. In grammar. So what does that mean? When it's being used.
As a convertible. Convertible means. Able to be changed.
In form. Function or character. In conjunctive.
Use. Conjunctive means. Serving to join.
You get this. When the Wah. Is used.
And now I'm going to point this out. Anciently speaking. The Wah was used.
To serve in joining. And connecting. Two separate nouns.
And also. Modernly today it is able to be changed. In form function or character.
Meaning. This is also what we see. Whenever we see the Hebrew word.
Or the English word and. Like he and she. But notice.
That's when you're using. Two separate people. Two separate nouns.
He and she. Anciently speaking. When the Wah was brought in to join.
Yah and Hosea. Look at the information. That we have.
In the same book. Written by D'Olivet. Here is a picture.
Not a quote. But a picture out of that book. In the Hebraic tongue restored.
By D'Olivet. On page 112. And 113.
This is what we see. Zoom in there as best you can. Guys.
See if we can't. Oh look at that. Back up one more time.
Nope it's too much. Right there. Okay.
We're going to have to move it back as well. But look at this. On page 112.
This is what we see. Written concerning the. Wah.
There's your conjunctive. Or convertible article. I just gave you the definitions of that.
Correct? This article in uniting nouns. Causes the movement of. Nothingness.
Of which the character Wah. Becomes the sign. As we have seen.
In making actions pass. From one time to another. At one point.
Joshua's name. Was Hosea. When he got surnamed.
By Moshe. Sometime later. Yahweh.
And Hosea. Were joined together. And it was by the Wah.
The connecting letter. In which they used. To do that.
I submit anciently speaking. On page 113. Continuing on concerning.
The conjunctive use or convertible use. Of the Wah. It says.
It exercises upon them. The convertible faculty. Of which this same character.
Is the. Universal emblem. It's conjunctive movement.
Can be rendered by. And also thus then. Everyone.
Modernly speaking. The Wah in the Masoretic text. Is used in a way.
That it would not have been used. In ancient text. And as a matter of fact.
They've removed it. From ancient text. In more modern text.
That's what we just proved. Let's take that back to normal size. All right.
So this is what. Brother Cliff Hodges. Has written.
Concerning. This pronunciation. I believe this was written by him in 2005.
He says. No Shah. Ending in the Messiah's name.
He says. Albeit that Shah. Two of them.
Yod Shin Ayin. Shin Wah Ayin. Are Hebrew roots.
So he's saying. These are three or excuse me. Two three letter Hebrew roots.
Primitive ones. At that. The newer one.
So there's a newer form. Are you following me? These roots expand. With various stems.
With expanded meanings. Sometimes. Not always meaning exactly.
The same thing. And sometimes the opposite. Since we have nearly two.
Millenniums of evidence. That the ending of the Messiah's. Name is Shua.
We know. That that is what it is. There is no historical support.
For it. To be changed. Replaced and Shah.
Ending. It was invented. It was invented.
It's a man's invention. That does not know. How the Hebrew language works.
Nor how to research. The history. And the devolution.
From ancient Hebrew. To modern Hebrew. It's the lack.
Of the zealousness. Of Yahweh's people. And teachers.
For Kepha's sake. For the teachers. To get back.
To these ancient. Articles. And leave behind.
The articles of fallacies. I just want to know the truth. And I want you.
People. To know the truth. There is no other reason.
This information that we just presented. Is damaging. To the pronunciation.
Of Yahushua. There is no. Historical support.
Whatsoever. But we could dig up. Probably 7 or 8 more books.
I have back there. That all support. Anciently speaking.
Or even. Let's forget about Joshua. Even for the past 2000 years.
How the Savior's name was spoken. In modern Hebrew. Or in the Hebrew of his time.
Let me correct myself. In the Hebrew. Of Yahushua's time.
It's recorded. Since we have nearly 2 millennium of evidence. That the ending of the Messiah's name.
Is Shua. We know that is what it is. And there is no historical support.
For it to be changed. Replaced. With an Sha ending.
It was invented. But. At least.
It is not a bad root. In totality. In other words.
He researched the same exact stuff. That we just looked at. And you can research it.
And find the truth. If you really really look. At these definitions.
In these lexicons. If you see the time. That the Nicodote.
Changed the pronunciation. Or the spelling. There's one step.
There's stepping stones. And a popcorn trail. Back to reality.
Back to the ancient forms. If you care. To seek it out.
The new invention of Shua. Of the Shua ending. Does cost a loss.
Of intensity. And diminishes. His name.
And that's just not the way. The Messiah's name ends. It's always been.
With interchangeable names. He's saying. The short form.
Being added to. And now we have things like this. Making matters worse.
Just a Y in Shua. But he's saying at least. We see the Shua there.
We can research it. It's literally. Everywhere.
We have proven our research. And now we're going to. Put the icing on the cake.
By going to the. Encyclopedia Judaica. And looking up.
The name Joshua. Here's more historical proof. Let's see if we can.
Zoom in on that. A little bit. Alright.
So under Joshua. In the Encyclopedia Judaica. Hebrew.
We see that they use the form. But look at the Nicodote down here. Right.
See the vowel points. Hebrew. But look at the vowel points.
Like I was pointing out. Yod-Heh-Wah-Heh is salvation. Son of.
Nun. Of the tribe of Ephraim. And leader.
Of the Israelites. In the conquest. And appointment of the land of Canaan.
His name was originally. Hosea. What did we just.
Piece back together. By properly using. The Strong's Concordance.
The same exact information. His name was originally. Hosea.
You can read that in Numbers 13. And Deuteronomy chapter 32. It goes on to say.
Concerning this name Joshua. In Christianity. The similarity of the names.
Yehoshua. Or Joshua. And then we see the later form they're used.
Yeshua. Well they just got through telling us. It's Joshua.
And then they use. A certain spelling for Joshua here. And a certain name for.
The Savior's name. But they're actually the same. But what happened.
In the church. Is they began to look at these modern. Pronunciations and they went.
Hey wait a minute. There seems to be some connection there. Hallelujah.
Even the people in the church. Are admitting. That Joshua.
Is connected to Yeshua. They say Yeshua. Then why in the world.
Are they. Using Jesus. They know it.
They know it. I'm just saying. Again.
This teaching is not meant to offend. But to defend the name. And the body of Yeshua.
Or might I say of Messiah. And if you. If everybody in the room.
And everybody who's watching. Or will watch this. Is seeking to be.
In the body of Yeshua. Or claims to be in the body of Yeshua. Or says that they are.
In the body of Messiah. Then this teaching. Should be of the utmost importance to you.
After what we read. In the book of Mark. And after you go read Acts.
Chapter 4. And verse 12. Let's read that. In closing.
Acts chapter 4 and verse 12. Let's read 10 through 12. This is Peter.
After he was filled. With the spirit. Stand up and give testimony.
Let it be known to all of you. And to all the people of Israel. That in the name of.
Yeshua Messiah of Nazareth. Whom you crucified. Who Elohim raised.
From the dead by him. This one stands before you healthy. Wait a minute.
What did we read in the book of Mark. It said that they would. Cast out wicked seed.
And that they would lay hands on people. And they would be healed in the name of Yeshua. Verse 11.
This is the stone. Which was rejected by you builders. Which has become the chief cornerstone.
Is the builder of your congregation. Your pastor. Doing away with the name of Yeshua.
Is he replacing. The name. Of Yeshua.
Is it right? That's my question. Once you come to the knowledge. Of the name that was breathed from the heavens.
And has been recorded. In Hebrew speaking circles. Books and history.
Concerning Hebrew people. Once we come to the revelation. That the true name.
Was replaced. What are we going to do? What are you going to do. With that information? Verse 12.
And there is no salvation. In anyone else. For there is no other name.
Under the heaven given amongst men. Whereby you must be saved. They say here.
In Christianity. That. Joshua is a type.
Or prefiguration. Of the Messiah. The typology is first mentioned.
In the epistle to the Hebrews. Chapter 4. Verses 8 and 9. Where Joshua. Who brought the children of Israel.
To an imperfect rest. Is contrasted. With the Savior.
Who brought his believers. To the true. And perfect rest.
I believe that. The evidence. Is preponderance.
The. Use of Yahushua. Is not proven.
With the Hebrew language. It doesn't have any roots. They say that.
Yahushua's root. Is Yahshua. And we just proved.
That Yahshua. Is not the root. Of Yahweh's name.
Being connected to Hosea. You don't replace Hosea. With Yahshua.
That's only the root of Hosea. So the root. And the very foundation.
Of that teaching. Is false. It is not true.
It is a lie. Yahshua is not the root. Of the Savior's name.
Hosea is. Hallelujah. We did not join together.
Yahshua. And Yahweh. We joined together.
Yahweh. And Hosea. In personal nouns.
You do not replace the noun. With its root. That is wrong.
It's bad Hebrew. And it causes you. To chance.
Your. Deliverance. It said there is no other name.
Given amongst men. Whereby you must be saved. You see the whole world has been redeemed.
And that was a free gift. When Yahshua spilled his blood. The blood like water.
That blood was a free gift. To mankind. In its fallen nature.
But there is much more. To getting into the kingdom. There is much more to it.
It is not a free ride. The redemption. That the blood.
Has provided. Only means that. You have been saved from your sins.
But that is not connected. To going into the kingdom. Who are you going to follow.
Into the kingdom of Yahweh. At the return. Of his redemption father.
We praise you. We thank you. And we worship you.
And great king father. I pray that. The words that I have spoken.
And the way that I have presented this. Has not. Caused someone.
To feel attacked. Or to feel condemned. I do pray father.
That it represents you. In a way that your redemption. In its truth.
In the very foundation. Of the way that you presented it. Or gave it to mankind.
That that can be reestablished. And accepted by everybody. That will view this teaching.
So that you. Can be honored. Because it is what you said.
It is a name you gave us. We honor that tonight. We appreciate that tonight.
Oh great king. And as we come out of this. This feast.
Of unleavened bread. We are so thankful. For all of your Moedim.
For all of your set of art gatherings. That you have given us. We thank you for giving us the ability.
To stay strong through it all. And we thank you so much. For your healings.
And your anointing. And the direction that you have us going in. We pray that you would.
Keep us upright before you. If we shall fall. That you would raise us up.
Dust us off. And fill us. With the desire.
To continue on. And not only to. Continue on.
But to be better. Children. Husbands.
Wives. Brothers. Sisters.
Teachers. Servants. In your sight.
We ask and pray this all. In the mighty name of your redemption Yahshua. Hallelujah and Amen.
Praise Yah. So everybody thank you for joining us. May Yahweh bless and keep each and every one of you.
If you have any questions or comments. You have seen the information. Our contact information at the bottom of your screen.
May Yahweh bless and keep you. And until we see each other again. Shalom Shalom.
Scripture References:
Numbers 13:16-17
Acts 4:10-12
Strong's references

Psa 91:14 “Because he cleaves to Me in love, Therefore I deliver him; I set him on high, because he has known My Name.
Exo 20:7 “You do not bring the Name of Yahweh your Elohim to naught, for Yahweh does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.