Welcome to Messenger Studies


This site's focus is the delivering of translated sermons and studies of Teddy Wilson from Seekers of Yahweh Ministries.


We follow and teach Yahweh's Ways and lifestyle in the Hebraic Roots of our Faith, which includes Commanded Feasts and the Seventh Day Sabbath. This Ministry has also been called to proclaim the Sacred Names of the Father & Son "Yahweh & Yahshua", and to show their importance to all who Believe. These Messenger Studies of Yahweh and Yahshua, being distributed free of charge, will unlock the scriptures in a whole new light. It really is "All in the Name!"


Seekers of Yahweh Ministries is a non-profit organization, that provides outreach to all believers searching for Scriptural Truth.  Teddy Wilson is the founding Director and Elder of Seekers of Yahweh and the creator of the popular series, "Restoring the Hebrew Mind", which currently contains over 250 sessions.


We send forth the message of the Torah (Yahweh's Instruction) to those who are being called. One of the most important keys in Teddy's teachings is to present the Torah from the standpoint of Ancient Biblical Hebrew (please see "Tools For Study" video). Teddy also focuses on the * Malkitzedek Priesthood from its proper context. It is the hope of this ministry to share this form of research with all serious students of Scripture. In that, proper understanding may be reached by all seeking the truth.


May our Father in heaven bless you in all wisdom and understanding according to, "This Faith Once Delivered To The Saints". Not the faith delivered to us through religious syncretism.



Note: We do not believe in the Bol Boc doctrine, but in that of the Torot being connected to the Priesthood.


Live Sabbath Services

Live Services

Seekers Live Sabbath Services are broadcast at 12:00 PST on Shabbat (Saturday).


What is the Sabbath?


The Commandments of Yahweh

Bible Study Groups

Join one of our engaging study groups to explore the teachings of the Scriptures. Deepen your understanding of the original intent of the authors by placing yourself in the Hebrew Mind and context at the time the writings were penned.


The Torah Scroll


The Torah is the central and most sacred text of a believer's life, and it contains the teachings and laws that guide the Israel people. Studying the Torah is a way of honoring Yahweh, learning from the past, and applying wisdom to the present and future. 

Frequently Asked Questions

NEW RELEASE! "Messengers"

How can I get baptized in the proper name?

We encourage you to reach out to us as our Elders travel year-round speaking at other assemblies and performing baptisms. 

What are the Feast Dates?

Yahshua's Memorial... April 12th (evening)

Pesach (Passover Day)... April 13th

Chag Ha Matzot ( U.B.)... April 14th - 20th

Shavuot (Pentecost)...  June 8th

Yom Teruah (Trumpets)... Sept. 24th

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)... Oct. 3rd

Sukkot (Tabernacles)... Oct. 8th - 14th

Shimini Atzeret (Last Great Day)... Oct. 15th


***The Fall Festivals have a question mark because the dates will be confirmed by the arrival of the new moon on Trumpets. ***

What is the Hebraic Faith?

The Hebraic Faith: A Journey of Covenant and Promise
The Hebraic faith, also known as Judaism, is one of the oldest monotheistic religions, deeply rooted in the covenantal relationship between Elohim and the Hebrew people.
The Covenant with Abraham
The journey of the Hebraic faith begins with Abraham, who is considered the patriarch of the Hebrew people. Yahweh's covenant with Abraham, promising to make his descendants a great nation, sets the foundation for the Hebraic faith.  
The Exodus and Moses
The story of Exodus, where Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egyptian slavery, is a pivotal event in the Hebraic faith. It's here that Moses receives the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, further solidifying the covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrew people.
The Torah and the Talmud
The Torah, the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition, includes the Five Books of Moses and outlines the laws, principles, and ethics of the Hebraic faith. The Talmud, another significant text, contains rabbinical discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs, and history.
The Synagogue and Sabbath
The synagogue serves as the communal center in the Hebraic faith, a place for prayer, study, and fellowship. The Sabbath, observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening, is a day of rest and worship, emphasizing the Hebraic faith's focus on balance between work and rest, communal and individual worship.
The Hebraic faith, with its rich history and profound teachings, continues to guide millions of people worldwide. Its emphasis on covenant, law, and ethical living has left an indelible mark on human civilization.


What are the Sabbath service times?

Seekers Live Sabbath Services are broadcast at 12:00 PST on Shabbat (Saturday).

Do you broadcast other live events?

Yes, every Friday evening at 6 PST Teddy broadcasts "Restoring The Hebrew Mind" where he makes crucial connections and revelations throughout the scriptures, that are just now becoming known. 

There are currently over 260 broadcast studies from this series. 

“Being a part of this ministry has been a transformative experience for me. The supportive community and inspiring teachings of Seekers of Yahweh Ministries have helped me deepen my faith and find a sense of purpose. I am grateful for the positive impact it has had on my life. I praise Yahweh that He has brought Teddy the insight necessary to show those being called, the proper entryway into the Kingdom of Yah”

— DRB.

Contact us

Get in touch with us for any inquiries or to join our assembly. We look forward to connecting with you.

Newsletter is free! Can unsubscribe at any time. 


We'd love to hear from you! If there is anything you would like more clarity on, please reach out.


Messenger Studies

Messenger Studies Radio

Don Butler

Aberdeen, SD. 57401

Click here to Email Us




Elder Teddy Wilson

P.O. Box 432


Phone: 208 - 553 - 8393


Click here to Email Us


No solicitation correspondence will be accepted!

About us

Seekers has a vibrant and welcoming assembly in Craigmont, Idaho. We are dedicated to creating a warm and torah-observant environment where believers can explore and deepen their faith.